Chapter 1886 Super Soldier Wang Qiao President Extra Episode 2
In the brightly lit palace, except for the candlelight, there is a lonely atmosphere!

Next to a crib, a beautiful woman gently rocked the crib, her face was full of kindness!

"Yan'er, it has been 30 years since your father went out to fight in the dragon world!"

"In the past 30 years, there have been news from him from time to time, but they are all good news, but in the past two years, there has been less and less news about him. Mother is really worried about your father!"

"Yan'er, when will you grow up? After you grow up and can take care of yourself, mother can visit your father!"

Inside the crib, a baby was lying quietly on it. Between the baby's eyebrows, there was a Mitsubishi Peugeot, but the colors of the three corners were different, one corner was gold, the other was dark, and the other corner was blooming with blue light.

The little guy seemed to have heard his mother's words, and at this moment, he grinned.

Seeing the little guy smiling like this, the woman also smiled lovingly.

At this time, another woman opened the door and came in from the outside, wearing a purple robe. After seeing the woman beside the crib, she said, "Wei Wei..."

"Sister Yuqing!" The beautiful woman looked back at the woman in purple, smiled, and then rushed over: "Why are you back? Didn't you go out to fight with your husband? Now that you are back, your husband must be back too! "

The purple woman was Xia Yuqing, without any expression on her face at the moment, she whispered: "Brother Tang...he didn't come back, this time only I will come back!"

Jiang Weiwei was a little disappointed, but quickly continued: "Did Brother Tang ask you to bring me the news?"

"Bring it!" Xia Yuqing said.

"Then tell me quickly!" Jiang Wei smiled.

"Brother Tang said... immediately send Xiaoyan out of the the earth!" Xia Yuqing said.

"Why?" Jiang Weiwei asked with a difficult face.

"Because...if Xiaoyan is not sent away, Xiaoyan's situation will be very bad, Wei Wei...all this is for Xiaoyan's sake!" Xia Yuqing said.

She knew that it would be a very painful thing to take away her infant child from next to someone, but this matter was Brother Tang, and she had to convey it!

"What happened? Tell me!" Jiang Weiwei said unwillingly.

"The catastrophe in the Dragon Realm... is getting worse and worse. Brother Tang is the person the enemy hates the most. If the enemies know that Brother Tang has a child, those enemies will definitely try to attack Xiao Yan. By then... Xiao Yan's situation is too serious. It's dangerous, sending him to Earth is for his protection!" Xia Qingxue said.

"Send it to the earth, then can I still see him often?" Jiang Weiwei is not the kind of woman who doesn't know how to behave, she really misses her child too much!

"I can't... because you and I are the targets of those enemies..." Xia Yuqing said.

"Don't I, as a mother, have no right to look after my own child?" Jiang Weiwei asked unwillingly.

"That's right... there's no other way, but don't worry, Bao'er can watch it for you. Those enemies don't know about her existence!" Xia Yuqing said.

At this time, a little girl came out from Xia Yuqing's side, she was wearing a pink dress, it was Tang Baoer, looked at Jiang Weiwei and said, "Er Niang, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Yan'er!"

Then she glanced at the boy in the crib, his little eyes were blinking!

Jiang Weiwei wanted to talk now, but now she didn't know what to say, she could only look back at the beautiful baby lovingly, her eyes began to moisten, and finally burst into tears.


"Don't blame mother!"

Then she picked up the baby and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. After a long time, she said, "How to get to Earth!"

"Time and space gate..." Xia Yuqing: "I'm ready!"

"Then go!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Holding the baby, she walked out of the room until she reached a high platform.

Ahead is a vast void.

Above the void, there is a gate of time and space, and at this moment there is a vortex spinning there!

Time and space gate!
You can travel through time and space to reach specific time and space nodes!
"Is the current Earth still exactly the same as our original Earth?" Jiang Weiwei asked.

"It's exactly the same... It's still a world above martial arts, without leaving any traces of Brother Tang and others, they have all been wiped out!" Xia Yuqing said.

"That's good..." Jiang Weiwei said.

Then looking at the child in her arms, Jiang Weiwei burst into tears in just a second. When she saw her child, her heart ached. See, that feeling is really uncomfortable!
But, she had to do that!
"Wei Wei, time is running out!" Xia Yuqing said next to him.

"I see!" Jiang Weiwei nodded.

Then she looked at Tang Bao'er: "Bao'er, listen to Erniang!"

"Er Niang, tell me!" Tang Baoer said obediently.

"If in the future, Xiaoyan is like a dragon, you can let him know our existence, and if he is mediocre all his life, then let him stay on the ground, live the rest of his life with peace of mind, marry a wife and have children, until Life is coming to an end, okay?" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Yes, Erniang!" Tang Baoer nodded fiercely.

Jiang Weiwei handed over the baby in her arms to Tang Baoer.

Tang Baoer turned around and was about to leave!

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Weiwei shouted.

"Er Niang, what else is there?" Tang Baoer asked.

"Let... let Erniang watch Xiaoyan!" Jiang Weiwei said.

She walked to the baby, looked at the baby lovingly, stroked the other's little face with her hands, maybe the baby was dreaming, and suddenly grinned.

"Yan'er, don't blame mother!"

"In the future, no matter what, you have to remember that mother loves you very much!
"Wei Wei, it's too late, let Bao'er go," Xia Yuqing said anxiously.

"En!" Jiang nodded slightly, and she turned around, not looking at Tang Baoer's leaving figure.

Tang Bao'er also turned around, and saw her body was covered by a pink light, and she turned into a little pink dragon, flying into the sky!

Inside the dragon's mouth, there is a baby!
Originally, the baby was soundly asleep, but at this moment, wah-wah began to cry.

When Jiang Weiwei heard the sound of the baby crying, her heart softened immediately, she clenched her fists tightly and sent Yan'er away, it was to protect Yan'er, she did it for Yan'er.

But the crying is getting louder and louder!

Jiang Weiwei couldn't bear it anymore.

Suddenly turned back.

"Yan'er..." She stretched out her hand.

But at this time, Fenlong had already slipped into the gate of time and space with the baby in its mouth.

Just as they disappeared, the gate of time and space was slowly closed!
Jiang Weiwei couldn't hold back her sadness anymore, and cried out in pain: "Yan'er, Yan'er..."

The voice of wailing resounded through the void.

At the side, Xia Yuqing was also in tears watching it!
And at the same time...

Earth, on top of a mountain in China.

An old Taoist priest was hoeing at the foot of the mountain, murmuring as he worked hard, "It's hard to go out and cheat now. How can modern people have such high anti-fraud skills...why do they start to study Feng Shui?"

The old Taoist showed the Feng Shui of the room to a family before, but was stunned by that family. He felt that his knowledge was not as high as other people's!

He felt like his life was over!

I can only come here to hoe the ground!

Anyway, self-sufficient, and people will not starve to death.

Suddenly, above the sky, a strong wind suddenly blew up!

A huge black vortex appeared in the sky!

It's like it's going to rain!
The old Taoist looked up at the sky, feeling very depressed. Wasn't the sky clear just now?

With a bang, a pink lightning split the void and fell!
But the old Taoist was taken aback!
"Mom, there's lightning!" The old Taoist panicked and ran away, hiding in the cave, his legs trembling and looking outside, he had never seen pink lightning in his life!

But the strange thing is that when he just arrived in the cave, the sky turned sunny outside, as if nothing had happened before!
This this
The old Taoist priest was speechless, and walked out of the cave, unexpectedly, there was still such a strange weather.

As soon as he took a step, he heard the cry of a child. He thought he had misread it, but when he took a closer look... he saw a baby in front of him.

The old Taoist ran over and picked up the baby. He had never seen such a beautiful child. His skin was as white as fat, like a porcelain doll.

Where is this kid from?Could it be left behind after the lightning just now.

It seems that there is a note with the word Tang Yan written on it!

Tang Yan!

Could it be the child's name?

I don't know if the child is a boy or a girl...

He mentioned the child, wanted to see the child's underside, and looked at the belt handle.

"It's a boy!"

But who knew, as soon as he spoke, a stream of urine poured in from his mouth...

" dare to pee on me!"

Just as the old Taoist was about to get angry, he heard the child's laughter. Seeing the baby laughing so happily, he seemed to be melting.

"Forget it, I won't throw you away!"

At this time, the old Taoist saw several books next to the child!

Take a closer look.

"Compendium of medical skills!"

"The Encyclopedia of Hexagrams!"

"Feng Shui Daquan!"

The old Taoist hurriedly opened those books, and saw the contents inside, his eyes were burning there!

Then he looked at the child and became excited: "I'm going, you are my lucky star... Haha, with these books, after I finish my studies, I will definitely be able to travel across China, no, my previous name will definitely not be used anymore , let me think about it, this place is Qingyun Mountain, and if I get your blessing here, then I will be called Qingyunzi..."


ps:新书《都市之妖孽龙帝》已经发了,大家可以搜索看看,是关于唐炎的故事,一个化身为龙,一个很像揍自己爸妈孩子的故事,大家可以点击我的作者名字, you can see the existence of that book!

(End of this chapter)

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