Chapter 1887 Dragon world needs you!

"I'm from the Dragon Realm... You have the blood of my Dragon Clan on your body. Now that the whole universe is in disaster, can you help my Dragon Realm to resist the disaster?" said the young man with dragon horns.


Is this a creature from outside the universe?
In line with him!
Looking at the person in front of him, Tang Zhong said: "I am willing..."

Tang Zhong could feel the aura released from the other party's body, which was the same as him, and where the dragon world was mentioned by the other party!
The young man in Longjiao looked at Tang Zhong and said, "That's really great, I don't have much time, let me tell you about the specific content of Dragon Realm!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong looked at the other party carefully, and found that the other party's body and breath were very weak, and he was about to die. Compared with the other party's coming here to look for him, it almost killed him!

"it is good!"

The young man in Longjiao lay on the ground, looked at Tang Zhong and said, "First of all, let me introduce my origin. I am from the Dragon Realm, and I am a small person belonging to the Dragon Realm. Dragon sons!"

"You mean I'm a dragon?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes, you have the aura of a dragon on your body. I came here by evading your aura, so there is nothing wrong with it!" said the young man with the dragon horn.

Tang Zhong is not a dragon son, but an ordinary person, but he has inherited the mantle of Master Long. Compared with the dragon son in the other party's mouth, it should be said that he is Master Long!
"Tell me quickly, what kind of suffering is the dragon world suffering now!" Tang Zhong asked.

Now he wants to know these things even more!

The young man in the Dragon Realm said: "The universe is in chaos. There are many resources in the Dragon Realm, and many people worry about it. You have to return to the Dragon Realm to protect the Dragon Realm from foreign enemies, and don't let the Dragon Realm be destroyed. When the Dragon Realm When it is destroyed, all of us who have dragon blood will die!"

When the young people in the Dragon Realm spoke, a golden liquid spewed out of their mouths, which was dragon blood.

The blood of the dragon is golden in color, and after seeing the young man in the dragon world, his face became paler and paler, and he might die at any time
"Are you okay!" Tang Zhong asked, but after hearing the other party's words, Tang Zhong was deeply surprised, the Dragon Realm was destroyed, and everyone would die?Wouldn't that mean he would die too?

If he had a child, his child would die too?

How can that be done?
"Don't worry about me, I'm going to die too!" The young man in the Dragon Realm said, "You must remember what I said, return to the Dragon Realm, and protect the Dragon Realm, otherwise, all dragons, including you, will die! "

"I will, don't worry!" Tang Zhong said.

"In that case, that's fine!" The young man in the Dragon Realm saw his eyes and slowly closed them.


Then the body turned into golden light and disappeared.

Tang Zhong was a little helpless, he hadn't asked about some things clearly, and then the other party died.

This is too nonsense.

Then this young man from the Dragon Realm only told Tang Zhong to let Tang Zhong return to the Dragon Realm, go back to the Dragon Realm, there is a Dragon Realm to go back there!
And where is the dragon world!

Tang Zhong knows that there must be other places in the vast universe outside, and it must be very huge, there may be hundreds of millions of universes, or even more!
Don't worry about it anymore, since the other party has come here now and told Tang Zhong, and Tang Zhong's body is burning with dragon blood, he should do something for the Dragon Realm now!
Originally they were still getting married today, but now this scene happened, but fortunately they are now married.

Tang Zhong looked back at Jiang Weiwei, wanting to ask for his opinion.

Because the tribulation of the race is right in front of him, he has to go, because if he doesn't go, he will die. The reason why he is more difficult to speak now is that he has just got married and just solved the catastrophe in the universe, and he has to go to another place. A universe solves a problem, and it's still an ethereal problem.

Jiang Weiwei wore a white wedding dress, looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Do you want to go?"

"I...I have to go, if I don't go, I will die!" Tang Zhong said.

"And if we have children in the future, our children will die too. I am helping us!"

Hearing this, Jiang Weiwei thought for a few seconds and said, "Then you go, I don't want to live a good life with you, and then you die suddenly, and I don't even want me to have a child with you, the child also died that day. dead, I don't want to!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong said, "I know!"

With his wife's consent, Tang Zhong knew what to do.

However, when leaving this universe, you need to make a lot of preparations.

Because he saw the picture outside the universe before.

Outside the universe, there are many other ghosts. It can be said that once they leave this universe, they will face countless wars.

Die without war.

And as the strongest in this universe, he has to ensure the safety of the entire universe.

So he has to stay for a while to strengthen the barriers outside the universe, but it can't happen that he just left the universe and the whole universe is directly broken by the foreign ghosts outside the fortress!
After the wedding, Tang Zhong went to prepare!

Summon the strongest troops in the universe and train them. Each one is a powerful overlord of the universe, and share the original power with them so that they can control the universe.

And Tang Zhong is now free to go out of the universe, he jumped in from a black hole in the universe, and went outside the universe.

Outside the universe, it was pitch black, like night.

And just after going out, Tang Zhong smelled a hateful breath, it was a strange ghost.

In the universe before, the ghost emperor had been killed by Tang Zhong, but now these ghosts still exist, which shows that the ghost emperor is not the strongest person in the organization of ghosts, and there are people stronger than the ghost emperor people.

As a dragon, he hates the other ghosts very much, maybe the person who is attacking the dragon world now is the organization of the other ghosts!
There are definitely many connections in this.

But this time is not the time for Tang Zhong to think about this connection.

The surrounding ghosts have been wandering in the universe, they are looking for creatures and devouring each other.

Seeing Tang Zhong appear at this time, they roared and came towards Tang Zhong.

To eat Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong saw the appearance of those strange ghosts, he directly took out his weapon, and started to fight. Now in his hand, the broken dragon pestle turned into a long stick, and swept out with one stick.

More than a dozen different ghosts were directly chopped off by the stick, and they had no strength to fight back in front of Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong started killing wantonly.

Wherever he went, alien ghosts were slaughtered one after another. In the dark starry sky, Tang Zhong transformed into a giant dragon, with huge flaming dragon wings flashing behind him!

(End of this chapter)

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