Chapter 1888 Haotian Dynasty!

Tang Zhong has turned into a war dragon, and now his whole body is burning with flames, and the broken dragon pestle has directly received his power.

It was obviously dark here, but now because of his existence, the entire darkness was illuminated.

Tang Zhong slayed the ghosts, and there are densely packed ghosts here, the number is definitely not ten thousand, but 10,000+ ghosts!

It's hard to imagine what will happen if Tang Zhong leaves and these ghosts rush into the universe. Everyone will die, and he has to protect these people.

So kill them all.

And this is also the first time for him to go out from the universe he is in, because he will leave in the future, and now he can experience the feeling of fighting outside this universe in advance!

He kills all the way.

Wherever he went, all the ghosts died, but at this time, he didn't know where he ran, and there were many black vortexes around him.

Those black vortexes are very strange, they are obviously invisible, but as soon as they get close to the black vortex, they will be absorbed into it!
The black vortex is like a crushing machine, no matter what it enters, it will be crushed into nothingness, it is simply incredible!
Tang Zhong saw everything in his eyes, and knew that place was very dangerous, and he must not approach it. When he saw the black vortex, he automatically dodged.

And he discovered a problem, with so many different ghosts, it would take a lot of time to slow him down, because in the universe, the flow of time is different!
He can't waste so much time here, so it is the best solution to attract those ghosts to those black vortexes now, and he doesn't have to do it himself, the vortex will help him solve everything!
Tang Zhong started to move. He first stirred the broken dragon pestle in the same place, and released a ring-shaped wave from the dragon pestle, similar to the kind of sound waves.

Those strange ghosts hold a grudge against dragon blood very much, and once they perceive these things, they will definitely come over.

Sure enough, from a distant place, those strange ghosts felt the fluctuation, and they rioted wildly one by one, roaring like wild beasts that happened!

The ghosts can also communicate with each other, and the voice of one reached the ears of the other, and then a large group of ghosts rushed over. They saw Tang Zhong and wanted to devour him.

Tang Zhong saw so many strange ghosts approaching in pieces from a distance, he knew that his idea had succeeded, he sneered: "You can all die!"

Then he attracted the White Walkers towards the vortexes.

He flew very slowly on purpose, so that the other ghosts had the feeling of catching up with him, but they couldn't catch up with him!

Let those strange ghosts be angry, irritable, and even want to kill people!
Tang Zhong knew that his goal had been achieved, and then suddenly flashed, those strange ghosts were not very intelligent, so when they saw Tang Zhong dodge, they couldn't react at all, and all their brains were drilled into the black vortex go in.

As long as you enter the black vortex, you will be crushed directly into slag, and nothing will be left!

And now the group of different ghosts is endless, they don't seem to know fear, and they don't fear death.

Tang Zhong hid aside, watching the ghost die!

But there were too many of them, and he was tired of watching them from the sidelines, and he didn't know if there were other ghosts in other directions of the universe, so he immediately moved with his mind.

Because now he is close to his own universe, he has completely merged with the divine pillar of origin, it can be said that as long as he is next to his own universe, he can do whatever he wants.

As soon as he closed his eyes, his body moved instantly, and when he opened his eyes, he found a lot of strange ghosts again!
Tang Zhong almost understood that there are strange ghosts in all directions, so he can only adopt the method just now to kill all these strange ghosts around, absolutely not giving them a chance to react!

The same move, lured the ghosts into those black vortexes, and then left by themselves!

I don't know how big the whole universe is, but it is a sphere, and there are already countless strange ghosts around, but now they are all solved by Tang Zhong!
If he wanted to leave, these monsters would have to be killed, and none of them would be left.

I don't know how long it took.

All the ghosts around the universe were killed.

Only then did Tang Zhong return to the universe.

Unexpectedly, three months have passed in the universe.

And Tang Zhong felt that he had only been killing strange ghosts outside the universe for a few days at most.

Sure enough, the flow velocity outside the universe is much slower than the flow velocity inside the universe!

This is normal.

And during these three months.

A large group of powerful people in the universe all know the news of Tang Zhongzhong's departure!
Feng Zu, and the Twelve Dragon God Guards have now directly become Universe Guards!
They still protect the safety of Tang Zhong and his family.

As for other places, such as galaxies, and planets, Tang Zhong will carry out centralized management according to the previous set on the earth.

There is the head of the ball, the head of the department, and the head of the field!
Put all the people under your own management.

At the highest point of the universe, the Cosmic Alliance was founded.

At this moment, in the hall of the Cosmic Alliance.

Tang Zhong is at the top, listening to the report below, the systems he mentioned have been implemented, now it is time to see how your own system is being implemented!

After listening to the report, Tang Zhong was very satisfied, everything went as he imagined.

But soon, a big problem arose, that is, what is the name of this universe now!
Tang Zhong didn't even know what it was called!
When fighting Emperor Cang, this universe also had no name.

So what we are facing now is to give this universe a name, but whatever name to call the universe is too much.

After Tang Zhong thought carefully, he was sure.

Since he is the king now, naming this universe has something to do with him.

On Earth, they keep saying the sky is the sky!

And the sky also has a name, its name is Haotian!

"Haotian Divine Dynasty!"

This universe is the Haotian Dynasty!

Tang Zhong is the master of this Haotian universe, and the power he created is called the Haotian Dynasty!
The entire universe began to spread!

Haotian Dynasty, Haotian Universe!
at night.

At the highest end of the universe, in Tang Zhong's mansion.

Tang Zhong is sleeping with Jiang Weiwei.

Tang Zhong has been busy with business, and he hasn't been with Jiang Weiwei for a long time.

Now I finally caught an opportunity, and the two hugged each other tightly!
"Brother Tang, I want to get pregnant!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Really?" Tang Zhong asked back, he was a little shocked by what Jiang Weiwei said suddenly.

"Really!" Jiang Weiwei said: "Because you are leaving, if you can leave a child with me, I think I will be very happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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