Chapter 1889 Plowing a bad field!

"Yes, because you are leaving now, if you can leave me a child now, I will definitely be very happy!" Jiang Weiwei said.

While speaking, he hugged Tang Zhong even tighter.

Knowing this, Tang Zhong knew that Jiang Weiwei was reluctant to let him leave, but he couldn't let him go, so he kissed Jiang Weiwei's forehead!
"Okay, I'll leave you a child!" Tang Zhong said softly.

Then started holding Jiang Weiwei.

After he and Jiang Weiwei got married, they haven't done it properly yet, no, it's because the two of them haven't done it well since they met each other, so now Tang is making Jiang Weiwei happy!
Suddenly, a woman's voice came from the room.

And it's getting bigger and bigger!

Tang Zhong has not left the Haotian Dynasty yet, so he has to manage the affairs of the Dynasty every day, but for a week, no one saw Tang Zhong, it seemed that Tang Zhong had disappeared.

Almost everyone thought that Tang Zhong had left without saying goodbye, but it was clear that the affairs in Haotian Shenchao had not been resolved.

But in fact, Tang Zhong hasn't come out of Jiang Weiwei's room yet, the two of them have been together this week.

Tang Zhong didn't know when he would be able to come back. In order to make Jiang Weiwei pregnant, the two had intercourse almost thousands of times within a week, basically non-stop!

Until now, Tang Zhong himself could hardly hold on anymore. He was as strong as killing the strange ghosts, but now he couldn't hold on to this matter!
But it's been so many times, even if you miss once, so many times, you have to plant it once!


Jiang Weiwei was covered with a quilt, and she could see a satisfied smile on her face at this moment: "Brother Tang, I feel like I've reacted!"

Tang Zhong was startled: "No way, really? Is it so fast? Show me your belly!"

After he finished speaking, he put his ear directly on Jiang Weiwei's belly.

Jiang Wei smiled and said, "How could it be so fast? You are so stupid!"

"Then didn't you say you had a reaction just now?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"I just lied to you, I never thought that you would believe it so easily!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Tang Zhong widened his eyes, looked at Jiang Weiwei, began to move his feet, and took off his pants: "Okay, you lied to me, I didn't expect it, okay, you lied to me, then I will do it again, let you Talk about pregnancy!"

"Don't, don't!" Jiang Weiwei shouted.

She had been suffocating for a week, and at first she felt comfortable, but now, she was exhausted.

There is a feeling of pain and happiness, which is now.

Now Tang Zhong didn't listen to what Jiang Weiwei said, but continued directly.

Although Tang Zhong was weak, he also recovered quickly. This kind of thing was simply too easy for him.

Another three days have passed!

From then on, Jiang Weiwei dared not mention many things in front of Tang Zhong, because she was afraid that Tang Zhong would continue!

There are only cows that have been exhausted, and there is no plowed field, but now it seems that the field has been plowed!
Another three months have passed!

In their bedroom, a doctor treated Jiang Weiwei.

It was Tang Zhong who found it!

Tang wants to leave, so Jiang Weiwei must be pregnant before he can leave!

And just in the last few days.

Jiang Weiwei had some reactions, which seemed to be pregnancy reactions, and that kind of behavior would only appear after pregnancy.

For example, Jiang Weiwei has been craving spicy food recently!

Sour and hot girl, this is a tradition in China a long time ago.

So Tang Zhong called out to take Jiang Weiwei's pulse to see what was going on!

Soon after the doctor saw it, and after confirming it many times, he showed joy on his face, looked at Tang Zhong and said: "My lord, congratulations to the lord, the queen is pregnant!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he was shocked, he was really pregnant.

"Really? Let me tell you, if you dare to lie to me, I will never end with you!" Tang Zhong said to the doctor.

"It's true!" the doctor affirmed.

"Is that a man or a woman?" Tang Zhong asked.

The doctor said: "It's strange to say that when other people are pregnant, I can tell if it's a man or a woman, but now, I can't find out!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he was very dissatisfied: "What are you doing? Are you incapable!"

Now that Tang Zhong knew that Jiang Weiwei was pregnant, he didn't want to show any demeanor anymore, he just wanted to know whether his child was a boy or a girl, it was as simple as that.

But the other party didn't even say a word of affirmation!
Tang Zhong's words startled the doctor, and he said quickly: "No, no, lord, I... I am the best doctor in Haotian Shenchao, I can't even tell if it's a man or a woman. According to my knowledge, I feel that the prince's child is definitely not an ordinary person, that's why he can't tell the difference between male and female!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he felt the same, the doctor in front of him was already the best miraculous doctor, if he couldn't find out some things, then others would not know at all.

Tang Zhong quickly looked at Jiang Wei Wei with concern and said, "Wei Wei, do you think our child is a boy or a girl?"

"I guess it's a boy!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Why? You were ready to eat spicy food just now, how could it be a boy, sour girl, it must be a girl!" Tang Zhong said.

"I just like boys, because a boy can protect his mother, but a girl can't!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Tang Zhong said: "Hmph, if it's a boy, I'll beat him to death, if it's a girl, I'll raise him as a princess!"

"Your words are a bit biased!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"I'm happy!" Tang Zhong said.

The two chatted for a while, Tang Zhong said: "I should go!"

Before Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei agreed, as long as Jiang Weiwei became pregnant, Tang Zhong would leave.

Jiang Weiwei nodded: "Well, during this period of time, I am very happy. You must live on when you are wandering outside!"

"I will, how could I let my child have no father?" Tang Zhong laughed.

The doctor said beside him: "My lord, the queen is just pregnant, and he needs to rest to ensure the safety and quality of the fetus!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said quickly after hearing this: "Wei Wei, you should rest quickly, you understand?"

Jiang nodded slightly.

Then Tang Zhong went out with the doctor.

As soon as Tang Zhong arrived at the door, he saw Xia Yuqing walking out and staring at Tang Zhong.

Although at the wedding, Jiang Weiwei also hoped that Xia Yuqing could marry Tang Zhong, and Tang Zhong and Xia Yuqing also have a slight intention of husband and wife now, but the two of them have never shared a room before!
"I...I want a child too!" Xia Yuqing looked at Tang Zhong and said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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