Chapter 1890 Xia Yuqing is Pregnant!

"I want a child too!" Xia Yuqing said while standing in front of Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong's head became dizzy all of a sudden. Just now, he got pregnant with that one, and this one came again, but he can't always satisfy that one, not this one!
Although at his wedding, Xia Yuqing appeared as the second wife, but now Tang Zhong still has a little sister's affection for Xia Yuqing.

It's a little difficult for him to let himself go deep into his sister!
"This... wait!" Tang Zhong said.

When Xia Yuqing heard this, she immediately became dissatisfied, shook her head and said, "No, absolutely not, I want it!"

"Don't make trouble!" Tang Zhong said: "So many people are watching now!"

The people coming and going around were all watching there, they naturally knew Tang Zhong, and heard the conversation between the two just now, if it wasn't because Tang Zhong was the master of the Haotian Dynasty, or at this time, they would all laugh out loud up.

But at this time, Xia Yuqing didn't care about the people around her at all. Now she was a woman, and she had to act like a baby if she wanted her own things.

"No, I want it, I want it!" Xia Yuqing said while pulling Tang Zhong's arm.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong had no choice but to speak like this!
Xia Yuqing was very satisfied when she heard this, fearing that Tang Zhong would run away, she grabbed Tang Zhong's arm and walked into the room.

As soon as the two of them arrived in the middle of the room, Xia Yuqing took off Tang Zhong's clothes, walking all the way from the earth, Xia Yuqing could be said to have been waiting for this scene to happen, but it never happened, and now this scene is about to happen.

So now Xia Yuqing couldn't bear it anymore!
But Tang Zhong didn't react at all, and when he noticed the other party's actions, he quickly said: "Don't...don't be so anxious!"

"I think the two of us need to flirt, at least we need good wine and good food!" Tang Zhong said.

Xia Yuqing said: "I'm ready, look!"

Then he pointed forward, and immediately saw that there was food inside.

Tang Zhong really didn't expect Xia Yuqing to be so thoughtful in his preparations: "Then let's not worry now, let's have a drink first!"

Xia Yuqing stared at Tang Zhong, and finally nodded.

When Tang Zhong heard the other party's promise, he knew what to do next. Xia Yuqing's drinking power is not good, so get the other party drunk first, and then go straight away!
Then he walked to the wine and vegetable table and poured himself the wine first!
"You don't want to get me drunk and run away!" Xia Yuqing stared at Tang Zhong and said.

When Tang Zhong heard this, his face was slightly ugly, mainly because he didn't expect to be exposed by the other party. He forced a smile and said, "How is it possible?"

"Then take a sip now!" Xia Yuqing said.

"No problem!" Tang Zhong took a sip of the wine he poured for himself just now!

A second later, Tang Zhong passed out directly. The moment he closed his eyes, he realized that he had been fooled.

The other party actually put medicine in the drink!
Xia Yuqing stared at Tang Zhong as he fell down, with a smile on her face. In fact, she had already guessed that Tang Zhong would refuse, so she made double preparations!

This preparation is medicine!
Whether Tang Zhong is willing or not, he must leave a child for himself, and this child can only be Tang Zhong's.

Then Xia Yuqing took off her clothes, exuded her pure white body, and approached Tang Zhong to cling to him!

She was very smart, and put two kinds of drugs in the drink, one drug was a hallucinogenic drug, and the other one was a hallucinogenic drug, after taking it, it could stimulate the body's own desires!

Now Xia Yuqing is very happy, and many young wishes can finally come true.

When Tang Zhong woke up, he was holding a ketone body in his arms!
He froze for a moment, and suddenly his face turned pale with shock. He didn't expect that it was Xia Yuqing.

He remembered that he seemed to be drugged, and looking at the current situation, it seemed that he had already contacted Xia Yuqing!

Tang Zhong moved.

Xia Yuqing also woke up, opened her eyes wide, and stared at Tang Zhong.

"We did?" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes!" Xia Yuqing laughed, she looked like a girl who ate candy at this moment!
"I..." Tang Zhong said.

He doesn't know what to say now, he and Xia Yuqing have the name of husband and wife, but they have never been married, but now they are.

"Why? Don't you want to? No matter what, I'm definitely pregnant now. If you don't want to, the child will take my surname from now on, and I will tell him that he doesn't have a father!" Xia Yuqing said.

After Tang Zhong heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said: "Don't...don't, he has a father, and his father is me. My child must have my surname. Anyway, he is mother's baby!"

Seeing Tang Zhong's appearance like this, Xia Yuqing secretly laughed: "Then we have to talk about it!"

"Hmm!" Tang Zhong said.

"But you have to name the child!" Xia Yuqing said.

"The name... let me think about it!" Tang Zhong asked doubtfully.

At this time, he didn't know what to name the child, but soon, he would have one!
"Didn't you just say that the child is your treasure? If it's a boy, then it's called Tang Xiaobao, and if it's a girl, it's called Tang Baoer!" Tang Zhong said.

"Xiaobao...Bao'er!" Xia Yuqing murmured carefully.

"Yes, a very good name!"

Seeing Xia Yuqing like this, Tang Zhong accepted the reality calmly. He and Xia Yuqing grew up together, and they had feelings for each other. Originally, they only saw a layer of window paper, but now the paper was punctured. Tang Zhong also accepted it frankly.

"Be careful when you go out this time!" Xia Yuqing said seriously after changing her happy expression.

"I will!" Tang Zhong said: "I will definitely find the Dragon Realm, and then save the Dragon Realm, as saving myself and my children!"

As soon as she heard about the baby, Xia Yuqing touched her belly. She had a hunch that she was pregnant.

"You rest first, I'll leave first!" Tang Zhong got up and said.

Xia Yuqing kissed Tang Zhong and let him go.

After Tang Zhong left, it was now confirmed that Wei Wei and Yu Qing were both pregnant, so in order for the two of them to have a very good backup situation, they must ensure the absolute safety of Haotian Shenchao!

He walked out the door and opened the court immediately!
He wants to strengthen the security of the Haotian Dynasty!
He was not satisfied until he told the soldiers of the Haotian God Dynasty many times!

At the same time, news came from the universe central station.

The cosmic teleportation array was opened.

Now that Tang Zhongzhong leaves this universe, he will be wandering in the gap of the universe for many years, so the power of the cosmic teleportation array is needed to transmit Tang Zhong from Haotian God to this side!

Tang Zhong ended the Divine Dynasty and went directly to the central station of the universe, because for him, going to the Dragon Realm is the biggest thing now.

(End of this chapter)

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