Chapter 1891 Leaving Haotian Dynasty!

For Tang Zhong, entering the Dragon Realm is the most important thing, so now he has to go to Universe Zhongshu Station to have a look!

The universe central station was established and organized by him, mainly for space transmission.

He went out to the universe and looked outside.

It was dark to find out, and I didn't know where to go.

So he needs to teleport.

It would be nice to teleport him to the nearest universe.

The road to the Dragon Realm is extremely slim, so it is best to be prepared.

In the central station of the universe.

People in many universes operate on void computers.

At the very center, there is a pillar that reaches the sky!
There was light shining on the pillar, and the material was blue stone, which was similar to an energy block and could provide a steady stream of energy!

It is used for the construction of the teleportation array, which can be teleported from one star field to another.

But now, it is to continue to replenish energy into these stones. After all, Tang Zhong is going to travel through time and space this time, and he needs a lot of energy.

Now among the blue pillars, there is lightning bolting out at this moment!

The energy inside is about to explode!

Tang Zhong looked at the pillar at this time, very satisfied!
"My lord, the power in this teleportation array can teleport people to hundreds of millions of universes. We can only do so much now!" said a person of a big-headed race wearing a doctor's suit.

Their race is the most intelligent people in the Haotian Dynasty!

After Tang Zhong heard this, he said: "Could it be that this teleportation array can't be stronger?"

"I can't!" The man with the big head said.

"Then when can it be opened?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Anytime, as long as the king leaves, I can open this teleportation array!" said the big-headed doctor.

Tang Zhong thought for a few seconds and said, "Then wait a day later!"

Tang Zhong was naturally reluctant to leave the Haotian God Dynasty. He had his own family, his wife, and two children who had just merged here, but he had to leave.

The big-headed doctor said: "Then let's prepare for tomorrow's opening now!"

Tang nodded his head and walked out without saying anything more.

He is going to see his children and his family now, what is the situation now.

At the very least, I can read all the people who are familiar with the Haotian God here.

He had met Jiang Weiwei and Xia Yuqing before, so this time he didn't go, but went to see his parents. When parting, he always had to see his relatives.

In the small courtyard of the Tang family.

This place is still similar to the Tang Family Courtyard on Earth.

Originally, my parents could live in the palace, but Tang Xinglou insisted on living here, so Tang Zhong had no choice!

"I'm leaving!" Tang Zhong said when he saw his parents.

Tang Xinglou and his wife knew that Tang Zhong had to leave for a long time, but they never thought that the other party would leave so quickly!
The son went out this time to accomplish a great event, and they naturally wouldn't stop him!
"Go, go early and come back early!"

"En!" Tang Zhong stepped forward, hugged his parents once, and then left.

He's going to meet those friends.

Friends who were on the Milky Way before, and friends who met on the star field.

Although it is said that Tang Zhong is now the lord of the country, in front of his friends, he is still the same Tang Zhong back then.

A total of one day has passed!
He met more than 1000 friends in total.

Everyone brought him the most sincere blessings, and hoped that he would be safe on the journey, and it would be best if he could come back safely!
Tang Zhong accepted their blessing, and the next day, he came to the universe central station.

He originally wanted to see and leave. When visiting friends, he did not say that he was leaving, but in other names. But what he didn't expect was that at this time, he saw a lot of people coming outside the universe central station. people.

Tang Zhong knew them all.

Qinglong, Li Linglong, and many familiar people are standing among the crowd, looking at Tang Zhong.

They knew that Tang Zhong was leaving, so they came to see Tang Zhong off now.

"Why are you here?" Tang Zhong said in shock.

Those people looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Come see you off!"

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong replied.

At this time, he saw Jiang Weiwei and Xia Yuqing standing together.

"Brother Tang, when you leave, you must remember to come back!" Jiang Weiwei said: "My child and I have been waiting for you at home!"

"En!" Tang nodded.

There was also Xia Yuqing, who took a step forward and hugged Tang Zhong, without saying anything, but it was the most sincere love!

Tang Zhong didn't speak either. In fact, he didn't dare to respond to what these people said, because he didn't know if he could come back after leaving this time, and the possibility of death might be a little higher.

If I promised others that I would come back, that would be breaking my promise.

But in order to reassure everyone, he still said: "You just need to be at ease, I will be fine!"

Then he didn't speak, but walked into the universe central station.

There is no one in the current universe central station, and everyone has been sent out!

Tang Zhong stood inside!

The doctor with a big head outside opened the teleportation array for Tang Zhong: "Master, are you ready?"

Tang nodded emphatically!

"Then I will activate the teleportation array now!" said Dr. Big Head.

At this time, in his hand, there is a remote control, and that remote control is the button of the teleportation array.

Doctor Big Head pressed down.

Suddenly, the remote control exploded.

At the same time, Shuzhan, which was originally peaceful in the universe, was covered by blue light, all of which was the power of the teleportation stone.

All the power was originally suppressed, but now there is less suppression, it bursts out directly.

All agitated on Tang Zhong's body.

Then following Tang Zhong's body, he flew into the air.

From the outside, one could see thunderbolts appearing on the pillar of the universe center, and the rays of light shone through Yunxiao directly!
I don't know where it went.

Although Tang Zhong was agitated by the power, he didn't feel any pain, and he felt his body was light. He knew that he was about to be teleported, and he didn't know where he could be teleported at this time.

Hope to be closer to the Dragon World! ,

At this time, Tang Zhong looked outside, everyone was looking at him, so he showed a smile, and then waved his hand, he wanted to stay here, but there was really not enough time.

He swears that after he settles the matter in the Dragon Realm, he will immediately return to the Haotian Dynasty!
Whoosh at this time.

I saw that the entire universe central tower directly turned into light, surged into the sky, penetrated through the universe wall of the Haotian God Dynasty, then entered the outside of the universe, and finally passed towards the deeper universe.

(End of this chapter)

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