Chapter 1892 Goddess Statue!
Tang Zhong has now taken the spaceship and flew out towards the deeper universe!

In the dark universe.

Under Blu-ray Overlay.

Tang Zhong closed his eyes, he was in the process of teleportation, and the surrounding speed was very fast, he couldn't open his eyes now.

And at this moment, he felt that he was going to be unable to hold on any longer.

Because of the high temperature around him, he was about to be burned to ashes.

"No way, I haven't reached the Dragon Realm yet, and now I just left the universe, will I be burned to death?" Tang Zhong thought in his heart!

At this time, the blue light covering his body has now directly turned into a red light.

The surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, it seems to swallow him up!

With a final whoosh, it rushed into the protective layer of another universe!
The protective layer similar to the energy mask is nothing to Tang Zhong at all!
Boom boom boom!
Keep sending out explosions!

Originally Tang Zhong woke up, but after impacting so many protective shields of the universe, he passed out directly!

After passing through the universe, it reached a dark night sky, and finally fell down with a bang.

He was covered in flames, illuminating the dark night like a shooting star.

With a final bang, it fell to the ground.

Originally, Tang Zhong was dizzy in front of him, but in the end, his mind became even more dizzy!

He had been floating in the universe just now, and now he should have landed, but because of the heavy blow, he felt that his body was no longer his own, and he seemed to be about to pass out.

And at the moment when he fell down, many people holding torches appeared around him, whose faces could not be seen clearly!
Before Tang Zhong could see clearly, he passed out directly.

And the people around Tang Zhong stepped forward one after another and helped Tang Zhong up.

Tang Zhong had a dream. He dreamed that he met a dragon. The dragon had a huge body and flew several times in the air before stopping.

Tang Zhong wanted to talk to the dragon, but there was no chance, and the dragon disappeared.

And when he woke up, he found himself in a thatched cottage!

This thatched house looks very simple, there is not much furniture inside, but it looks like it should be a boudoir, because at this time Tang Zhong saw that there is a mirror and a box similar to rouge!

Wait a minute!
Tang Zhong is a little fuzzy now, where is he now?

Is it another universe?
But this universe is too poor!
Tang Zhong got up and found that his whole body was sore, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed very unfriendly to him, stabbing his body continuously like silver needles.

There is nothing wrong with this place being an outer universe, and he should have been saved by the owner of this thatched cottage!
At this time, there was a shout from outside!

Tang Zhong was taken aback, stood up, and opened the door!
The scene in front of him appeared in his eyes, and he was shocked.

This is actually a village!
This stockade is very old and round, with many thatched houses like this. In the center of the stockade, there is a huge stone statue, which is similar to a stone statue of a goddess!
But this stone statue seems to be alive!
Because at this time Tang Zhong looked at the goddess, and the goddess gave him the feeling that he was looking at her!
How can this be?

Could it be that the other party is really dying!

Suddenly, the ground trembled.

Tang Zhong could feel that the goddess was trembling!

At this time, in the square next to the goddess statue, there were many people there, and it seemed that they were having a meeting.

The statue of the goddess shook, and those people raised their heads one after another, and they all looked at Tang Zhong in unison!
Tang Zhong understood, this goddess statue might be the patron saint of this village!

When he was discovered, he didn't intend to run away, but walked out slowly!

Make eye contact with those people!
Those people are wearing animal skin clothes, and they look like primitive people at first glance. They never thought that there is such a place in other universes!
Tang Zhong felt the fierceness in the other party's gaze, and immediately raised his hand: "Everyone, I have no hostility. I fainted once and was rescued by your people. I just woke up, so I came out to take a look. I didn't expect I will see you have a meeting, and you continue, as if I have never been here!"

Among the crowd, there was a mess, and the people in animal clothes stared at Tang Zhong!

"Who is he? Why did he appear in my Goddess Village?"

"do not know!"

"I remembered, last night when the heavenly fire descended, something fell into our village. Later, the little girl Xin Yu took someone out to check the situation, and came back to save someone, so it must be him!"

"Who is he?"

Tang Zhong heard the conversations of those people, and he gradually understood something, that is, this person named Xin Yu saved him!

At this time, a woman dressed in white came out from the crowd, and the others were all dressed in animal clothes. Only this woman wore other people, obviously she was not an ordinary person!
And this woman looks good!

"All the elders in the village are on a blind date. I saved this man. Don't panic, he is not an enemy!" said the woman named Xin Yu.

The woman seemed so intimidating that the others quickly fell silent.

Then the woman walked to Tang Zhong's side and said, "You're awake!"

"Thank you for saving my life!" Tang Zhong said.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands!" Xin Yu said with a smile.

"Looking at your decoration, it seems that you are not from the Lingyuan Continent!"

When Tang Zhong heard about the Lingyuan Continent, he thought that this place should be the Lingyuan Continent. He had come out of their universe and arrived in this universe!
"I... I am!" Tang Zhong said.

If you say that you are not, wouldn't you be regarded as an enemy, and the other party asked so, which means that the other party must have met someone who is not from this continent!

"I know you are, you don't have to be so nervous, my name is Xia Xinyu!"

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong stretched out his hand!

Seeing Tang Zhong's actions, Xia Xinyu blushed, "What are you doing?"

"Shake hands!" Tang Zhong said.

But soon he realized that he was abrupt. This Lingyuan Continent is different from his place. Touching a woman's hand is a hooligan act!

So Tang Zhong immediately withdrew his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Xia Xin said, "Oh!"

At this time, someone in the crowd called Xia Xinyu's name.

Xia Xinyu responded, then walked towards the crowd.

Naturally, Tang Zhong couldn't join other people's discussions, but looked at the goddess statue. This goddess statue looks like Nuwa, and I don't know if this place is far from the Dragon Realm!

I don't know how far I am from the Origin God Dynasty, and how many light years I have to travel if I want to go back!

He didn't want to hear what other people were discussing, but at this time, he still heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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