Chapter 1893 Two levels of wildness!

Tang Zhong gradually understood what those people said at this time.

"What should I do? People from the Dali tribe will come soon, what should I do?"

"We must not let people from our Goddess Tribe marry into the Dali Tribe!"

"Yes, I will defend Xinyu to the death!"

"But who of you can defeat the people of the Dali tribe? Who can defeat Zhou Ze?"

It is almost possible to hear some problems from these words, that is, this place is indeed a tribe, and the name is Goddess Tribe!

But now the people of this tribe encountered a problem. It seemed that Xia Xinyu was going to marry the Dali tribe just now, and Xia Xinyu seemed unwilling.

Tang Zhong understood it. Sure enough, no matter where it is, there are such dramas.

It's really bloody!
And that person named Zhou Ze should be from the Dali tribe.

And as the person asked who could defeat Zhou Ze, suddenly no one in the tribe spoke. The person who had been clamoring just now also closed his mouth. What are you looking at, just not answering questions.

I don't know who broke the silence.

"Can't beat it!"

Everyone in the tribe sighed, and I have to say that none of them seemed willing to let this person named Xinyu leave!

"Forget it, everyone don't worry about me, nothing will happen to me!" Xia Xin said: "I am the goddess of the Goddess Tribe, and the Dali Tribe threatens me with the safety of the tribe, how can I sit idly by?" Ignore it? As long as I marry and make the Goddess Tribe safe, then I am willing too!"

Everyone around was moved and looked at the person named Xia Xinyu. ,

Tang Zhong understood that this might be a catastrophe.

He carefully looked at the attire of the people around him, and saw that those people had bone chains around their necks. It seemed that they often hunted wild animals.

But no, there are other lines on those bones.

Maybe some strange beasts!

Where did I teleport this to!
Originally, Tang Zhong shouldn't care about what happened here, but he was rescued by the person named Xia Xinyu, so he broke the calm and said, "Maybe I have a way!"

In an instant, everyone looked at him, even that Xia Xinyu was looking at him.

"You have a solution?" Xia Xin said.

"Yes!" Tang nodded.

An old man who looked very old came out, looked Tang Zhong up and down and said, "What can you do? Say it!"

"Since the other party forces you to marry him, then you just have to defeat him!" Tang Zhong said.

This is the purest way!
As soon as this word comes out.

The old people around all cast contemptuous looks: "Who doesn't know this is a way!"

"The problem is that no one can beat him at all!"

"Zhou Ze is a member of their Dali tribe. He drinks the blood of beasts every day, and his internal strength is extremely powerful. It is not something ordinary people can deal with. An old man like us can hit dozens of them with one finger!" Among them Said a prestigious old man, holding a beast bone in his hand!
There must be layers of his power in this Lingyuan Continent. Tang Zhong didn't know, and he didn't know what his own strength represented on this continent.

After he looked at the talking old man in front of him, he said, "For an old man like you, I can punch thousands of them with one finger!"

In fact, Tang Zhong could hit tens of thousands, but he didn't say it!
Immediately, other people looked at Tang Zhong as if they were looking at a monster. This is too much to say.

Even if the old man of the tribe is old now, he was a meaningless brave man when he was young. How could he be insulted like this? Moreover, they saw Tang Zhong, and they felt that Tang Zhong was bragging. people, can hit them so much!

Although the people from the Goddess tribe can't beat Zhou Ze, they can't be looked down upon like this.

From the crowd, a man with a height of two meters came out. The ground shook when he walked. He looked like a giant. He pointed at Tang Zhong and shouted loudly: "I will challenge you!"

The tribe elder said just now: "This is the most powerful warrior in our Goddess tribe. If you can't even defeat him, don't fight Zhou Ze!"

Tang Zhong looked at the warrior, the strength of the opponent was very weak, he was like a waste, at most he had more strength.

"it is good!"

The warrior stared at Tang Zhong, with blue veins all over his body, he approached Tang Zhong and said, "Come on, little guy, watch me throw you out all at once, and then you lie on the ground and cry!"

"I don't think that scene will happen!" Tang Zhong looked at the warrior, stepped forward immediately, clenched his fists together, and blasted towards the warrior's head.

The warrior didn't react at all, he was hit on the head with a fist, his head was dizzy, he took a few steps back, and fell directly to the ground, with a bang, the ground shook.

When this scene appeared, the people in the surrounding Goddess tribe were almost suffocated.

The most powerful warrior in their tribe couldn't sustain the strength of the opponent's punch.

Where did this man come from?so smart!

Tang Zhong didn't use all his strength at all, he just used some strength at will, and the warrior fell!

Sensing the eyes of people around him, Tang Zhong said, "Okay, I think I'm qualified!"

No one dared to speak.

This is indeed enough. The most powerful warrior in their tribe couldn't even resist a move in his hands, so he fell to the ground, which shows how powerful the opponent is.

Before Xia Xinyu wanted to save the other party, they still stopped them. Now that I think about it, what a fart to stop them. Maybe this person will be the savior of their tribe!

"Everyone, don't have any hope for him. This person can defeat our people, but if he meets Zhou Ze, he probably won't!"

The others were full of hope for Tang Zhong just now, but when they heard this, their faces changed again. It is true, what they want is someone who can defeat Zhou Ze!

Tang Zhong was really speechless, why are these people so pessimistic!

"Where are the people from the Dali tribe? I'll go find that Zhou Ze!" Tang Zhong said.

Only by getting rid of those people, this group of people will feel at ease!
Xia Xinyu stared at Tang Zhong and said, "You...can you really defeat Zhou Ze?"

"Of course!" Tang Zhong said, patting his chest.

"Then Zhou Ze's strength is the second level of Huang Jin, can you do it?" Xia Xinyu was still worried, but she could see that the other party's eyes began to shine!
Huangjin [-]nd level, it should be the level on this Lingyuan Continent!
"Okay, absolutely no problem, blow it up with one punch!" Tang Zhong said.

Just as he spoke, a big eagle appeared from the sky, and a stooped man stood on top of it: "Hehe, you actually said that you want to blow up our young master, what are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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