Chapter 1897 Wild Butcher!

At this time, a pink deer rushed out, like a fairy deer, giving people a psychic feeling.

When Xia Xinyu saw the pink deer appear, she walked over and stroked the deer's face with a smile. The deer squinted and rubbed against Xia Xinyu!
Xia Xinyu was itchy from being rubbed, and giggled there.

Then Xia Xinyu accepted it to Tang Zhong: "This is the mount of our goddess tribe, Shenlu, do you want to touch him?"

Tang Zhong wanted to touch the other party, so he approached him, but he was a little afraid that this kind of deer would hit him!

Look carefully at the horns of the divine deer, they are extremely slender, if it stabs a human body, no matter who it is, it will die!

"Will he hit me!" Tang Zhong asked.

Xia Xinyu smiled and said: "No, Xiaoya is the most docile deer, they are the same as her mother, they are the deer of my Goddess tribe, I have grown up so much, I have never seen a little deer. Tooth hurts, come here and touch it!"

Tang nodded and watched Xiaoya approaching!
That little tooth seemed to know what the master meant, barked twice on the spot, and then lowered his head, as if to let Tang Zhong stroke his head.

Tang Zhong put his hand on Xiao Ya's head, feeling a little soft, as if he touched the carpet!
And that little tooth squinted his eyes, looking like he was enjoying himself!
"How? I didn't lie to you!" Xia Xinyu laughed.

"No, it's really comfortable!" Tang Zhong said.

"Let's go, Xiaoya can lead us to find the Dali tribe!" Xia Xinyu stepped onto Xiaoya's back and stretched out her hand towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong also nodded, and went to Shenlu!

The little tooth yelled, galloped on all fours, and walked forward.

Its hooves did not step on the ground, but floated slightly in the air, and the places it stepped on had a pink glow.

Seeing that Tang Zhong and Xia Xinyu were about to leave, the chief shouted, "You must come back safely, do you understand?"

Xia Xinyu nodded: "Yes!"

In fact, Xia Xinyu didn't know what would happen after she went there this time. Maybe she and Tang Zhong would both die there. If that happened, she would threaten Zhou Ze with her life and let Tang Zhong go. The other party is not from their goddess tribe, but I just don't know if it will be useful.

Tang Zhong is very curious about the Great Wilderness now, and he doesn't know how big this place is!
"No matter who you meet on the road, don't talk to them!" Xia Xin said.

"Why?" Tang Zhong shook his head.

"Because the Great Wilderness is not peaceful, and there are many wars in the tribe, it is best not to expose that you are from a weak tribe, or you will end up in a particularly miserable end!" Xia Xin said: "Our Goddess tribe is a small tribe. Many people were robbed, and some even lost their lives because of it!"

Tang Zhong thought to himself, isn't this just robbery?
Is it so chaotic in this wilderness?
"Is there no one to care about this? Shouldn't there be kingly laws?" Tang Zhong asked.

As soon as he said the words, he felt a strange gaze, and when he turned around, he saw Xia Xinyu looking at her with a puzzled look, as if he was looking at a psychopath again!
"No one will care about it!" Xia Xin said, "But what is Wang Fa?"

"Wang Fa is fair. For example, whoever's property belongs to him. If anyone dares to take it indiscriminately, Wang Fa will target the other party and ask the other party to return the property!" Tang Chong counted.

What he is talking about now is just a simple policy of governing the country in the Haotian Dynasty!

But Xia Xinyu looked shocked, as if she had never heard such a thing before, and found it very attractive!
"And then?" Xia Xin asked.

"There is no more!" Tang Zhong said.

"This king's law is really good!" Xia Xin said: "I hope we don't encounter that kind of robbery on the road!"

But just as Xia Xinyu finished speaking, a few vicious wolves sprang out in front of Xiaoya, and on top of the wolves sat a man in animal skin, holding a wolf tooth Great, looks extremely fierce!

Xiaoya stopped suddenly.

Xia Xinyu stared at the other party, her face getting more and more ugly.


"How did you meet them!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback and said, "Who are they?"

"They are wilderness butchers in the wilderness, mainly robbing people from the major tribes!" Xia Xin said.

"Ah!" Tang Zhong said: "If it's just a wilderness butcher, then there is no need to be afraid!"

"Don't fight them, accumulate your own wild power, if you fight this wilderness butcher, if you face Zhou Ze in a while, you won't be defeated all at once!" Xia Xin said.

Huangli should be the strength in the body, which is equivalent to physical strength.

According to the normal strong Huang Jin, this is indeed the case, but for Tang Zhong, the power in his body is endless, how can he use it up?
He immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen!"

Then Tang Zhong looked at those wild butchers and said, "Aren't you going to get out now?"

His voice was extremely cold, giving off a powerful oppressive force.

Those butchers in the wilderness were slightly taken aback. They didn't expect that the people they intercepted this time would actually say such things. They robbed in the wilderness, and few people fought with them, because they walked carefully in the wilderness, for fear of encountering danger. These people His move is really unique, but let them go?What are you kidding?
The leader, he is a one-eyed dragon, holding a mace, staring at Tang Zhong and said: "Boy, you are from that tribe, you dare to say such things to our wilderness butcher, are you looking for death? I have hijacked those who are going to the Spring and Autumn Academy People, do you think you will be my opponent?"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he stopped. Just now he was going to directly attack these wilderness butchers and kill them, but now he hesitated because he heard that the person who was about to go to the Spring and Autumn Academy He just came to the Great Wilderness now, and he needs an identity. The person who is about to go to the Spring and Autumn Academy is caught by these people, and he will definitely die, because according to Tang Zhong's understanding, the Spring and Autumn Academy is a very strong place. The people in that school are all proud, they must have fought to the death with these wilderness butchers, but failed.

So that person is dead.

If he took the identity of that person into his own hands now, then Tang Zhong would have a source in this great wilderness.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong said: "Catch me!"

"No, if they catch you, you will die!" Xia Xin said anxiously!

"Don't worry!" Tang Zhong said.

The reason why he let the other party catch him is because he is not afraid of the other party at all, and the other party will definitely not kill him!

Sure enough, the one-eyed butcher in the wilderness laughed loudly when he heard it: "That's right!"

(End of this chapter)

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