Chapter 1898 The Great Demon!

The one-eyed dragon in the wilderness said: "That's right!"

Then he gave instructions to the people behind: "Go up and take them back!"

Xia Xinyu didn't know what Tang Zhongzhong was doing at this time. If they were caught by this wilderness butcher, they would definitely die.

And if she knew this was the case, she would not follow Tang Zhong out rashly, because such a move is no different from courting death, how could such a situation happen?
"Tang Zhong, we will all die like this!" Xia Xinyu looked at Tang Zhong worriedly.

But Tang Zhong gave her a look without panic: "Don't be afraid, with me here, nothing will happen, I will protect you, no one can hurt you!"

Xia Xinyu nodded when she heard this, "I see!"

She could see confidence from Tang Zhong, which meant that everything that happened here was under the control of the other party, and she didn't need to worry at all now!
A wilderness butcher left and shouted: "Hurry up and get off the god deer!"

Tang Zhong and Xia Xinyu did so.

The wilderness butcher looked at Shenlu and said excitedly: "This is good, I finally robbed something useful!"

The wilderness butcher grabbed Xiaoya's rope and dragged him away, Xiaoya did not resist them.

Because it heard everything Tang Zhong and Xia Xinyu said just now, and at the level of Xiaoya, it is a psychic existence, and it can understand what others say!

So now Xiaoya didn't have any resistance at all, and was taken away.

And Tang Zhong and Xia Xinyu were also dragged away by the wilderness butcher, but at this moment, the wilderness butcher's gaze stayed on Xia Xinyu for a long time, it was very evil!
Tang Zhong remembered this person, and when he knew the identity of the person who was going to enter the Spring and Autumn Academy, he would goug out the eyes of the person who read Xia Xinyu!
Soon, with a push and a push, Tang Zhong was brought to the butcher's cottage in the wilderness.

In the wilderness.

Many of these wilderness butchers are wanted by the major tribes. They cannot get the protection of the tribes, but they want to survive in this wilderness, so they came up with such a way to gather them to form the wilderness butchers!

Tang Zhong and Xia Xinyu were quickly taken away. Compared with going to other tribes, going to this wilderness butcher's base is extremely simple. Going to other tribes, there will be various enchantments, but here Not at all, just an ordinary cave.

Outside the cave is a statue of a demon.

There are also many iron pots, and the flames are burning under the iron pots. If you look carefully, you will find that there are things like hands and feet cooked in the iron pots, and of course there are animal bones!

The people in the tribe all use the big cauldron to cook, get the purification from the bones, so as to nourish the body, but they can't, they only have the cauldron now, so they can only do this, there is no comparison between the cauldron and the big cauldron nature!

And I can see that many ordinary people are chained up, each one is extremely weak, as if they have been hungry for many days, and now no one speaks, and their lips are dry!
How many bad things did this wilderness butcher do!

There are still many weapons on the ground, many of which are bone implements, apparently found by looting!
Now Tang Zhong's eyes are all on those bone tools, they are not good things!

I don't know who is the person who is about to go to the Spring and Autumn Academy?

"'s not right!" Suddenly, Xia Xinyu yelled, and she was extremely flustered: "I feel the breath of the big monster!"

The breath of the big demon!
This is the first time Tang Zhong heard the name Da Yao, and he had never heard of it in normal times!

"Is that monster very strong?"

"Of course it is strong. The big monster is a man transformed from a desolate demon. Do you think it is strong? You have already tempered the desolate bones, condensed the desolate spirit, and become a great monster!" Xia Xinyu said.

Tang Zhong didn't know anything about desolate bones and desolate spirits, but this must be the practice method of the so-called great monster. When the bones and desolate spirits were condensed, he would transform from a beast into a human.

I have to say, this big monster is really powerful!

Doesn't that mean that there are strong hidden dangers now?
Tang Zhong took a breath, and now made himself look very indifferent.

"Are you afraid?" Tang Zhong looked back at Xia Xinyu and said.

Xia Xinyu immediately nodded frantically, how could she not be afraid?
The Dali Tribe is very strong, but the big monster is going to surpass the Dali Tribe, and we still don't know which big monster it is, if it is a very powerful big monster, then they will all be finished!

"Don't be afraid!" Tang Zhong said.

He looked at the cave in front of him, no wonder he felt that the blood here was so raging, it turned out that it was because of the presence of a big monster!

Just now he wondered that those who could go to the Spring and Autumn Academy would be caught here, so it was because of the existence of the Great Demon!
Suddenly, there was a roar from the cave!
"Bring someone in!"

The voice that came out was already a human voice, but with a hiss.

And the hissing sound indicated that the other party was a python!
Big boa constrictor!

And in an instant, those expressionless people outside just now became frightened after hearing the voice, as if recalling some terrible picture.

"Ah..." one by one screamed.

But the screams were useless. The wilderness butchers stepped forward, pulled them with chains, and dragged them into the cave. No matter how much the other party resisted, it was useless.

But as soon as those people were dragged into the cave, there was an even more miserable cry, which was extremely sharp and surged into the sky!

The captives outside stared at the cave ahead with trembling eyes.

After a while, a few skeletons were thrown out from the cave, with flesh and blood still on them, showing that the flesh had just been absorbed.

And there are wild butchers outside to pick up the bones, throw them into a cauldron, boil them, and distribute the soup to other wild butchers!

The people who were still panicking just now recovered, and fell into a sluggish state one by one.

"Damn it!" Xia Xinyu yelled, "The big demon eats meat and absorbs the power of the soldiers' flesh and blood, while those wilderness butchers absorb the essence of those human bones. This is truly tragic and abominable!"

Tang Zhong understood what Xia Xinyu said, which meant that big monsters eat meat, and those wilderness butchers absorb the strength from their bones to achieve cultivation. Turned into food, so each one has no spirit, but when facing real death, there will be some fear, just like just now!

Tang Zhong really wants to kill the big monster now, but he must first know the name of the person who went to the Spring and Autumn Academy, so that he will have an identity in this Lingyuan Continent!

(End of this chapter)

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