Chapter 1899 The poisonous scorpion demon!

Tang Zhong now wants to know who is that person who went to the Spring and Autumn Academy!

At this time, a wilderness butcher brought Tang Zhong and Xia Xinyu to that group of people, and now locked everyone's hands with chains.

Now this chain is for queuing, and the person at the front will be sent into the mouth of the big monster!
"Xin Yu, no matter what happens in a while, you just need to protect yourself, understand?" Tang Zhong said.

Xia Xinyu nodded, paused for a moment and said, "What about you?"

"I'm going to face that monster!" Tang Zhong said.

It was impossible for him to tell Xia Xinyu that the truth was that he wanted to know who the person who was killed by the big monster and went to the Spring and Autumn Academy was!

" you want to eliminate harm for the people?" Xia Xinyu stared at Tang Chong, eyes wide open.

"Yes... yes!" Tang Zhong never thought about this matter of killing harm for the people!
"You are really kind!" Xia Xinyu said excitedly, staring at Tang Zhong.

Then moved forward and kissed Tang Zhong!
Tang Zhong didn't even think about it, and saw Xia Xinyu staring at Tang Zhong with a happy look.


Isn't this misunderstanding a bit big!
Xia Xinyu saw Tang Zhong and looked at her again, and said, "You...what are you looking at me for? Is there a flower on my face?"

Tang Zhong shook his head: "No!"

"Oh, don't look at me, if you look at me again, my face will turn red!" Xia Xinyu said.

Tang Zhong realized that it was indeed impolite for him to look at the other party like this!
"Don't think too much, the kiss just now was because you wanted to kill the big monster and eliminate harm for the people, so I kissed you!" Xia Xinyu quickly explained.

After the explanation, his face turned red again.

Tang Zhong looked at each other, and had to say, this woman is very simple, just like the first time he saw Wei Wei.

about to speak.

Suddenly, from inside the cave, there was another roar!
Tang Zhong immediately looked at the entrance of the cave. It was the big monster who reacted again, probably hungry again!
Sure enough, the wilderness butchers sent the person in front of him into the mouth of the big monster again. As before, they spit out the bones from the cave, and were sent into the cauldron by the wilderness butchers.

Many people are panicking.

Tang Zhong watched those people die, and felt ashamed in his heart, because he could kill the big monster, but he didn't do it now!

Of course, he has no relatives or reasons with these people, as long as he helps them avenge, it is already very good.

That big monster eats people very fast, and now Tang Zhong is waiting, almost falling asleep!
Now he is like a rare animal, the eyes of the people around him are dull, it is because they are dying, but now seeing that Tang Zhong has nothing to do, instead sleeping there, everyone is speechless to the extreme.

A few people obviously don't want to feed themselves to the big demon, and are now discussing to escape!

And just near Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong heard all what those people said.

"After a while, when the wilderness butcher approached us, we directly grabbed him. They had axes in their hands, and they could completely split the chain. As long as the chain is opened, we will run back!"


Several people conspired there.


From the cave, there was a roar.

Immediately afterwards, streaks of purple poisonous gas flew out like silver needles.

It happened to hit those who conspired.

Those few people didn't react at all. Three seconds later, they shrank and screamed there, until the last second, they turned into skeletons, and the poison was so strong that even the bones were corroded.

Tang Zhong frowned, it seems that the big monster's hearing is very powerful, it can hear the people here.

Sure enough, there was a loud roar from the cave: "Being the food of my poisonous scorpion monster is the greatest honor for them in this life. These people actually want to escape, it is really very unpleasant!"

"If there are still people who want to escape, it will be the same as their fate!"

Those who had just been arrested were extremely terrified, and some seemed to be calm as if nothing had happened now. Obviously, they had seen such a scene before and were used to it!
Tang Zhong thought to himself that this monster is quite strong!

His spiritual consciousness was released, and he could feel that there was indeed a powerful existence in that cave, and that should be that poisonous scorpion demon!

Why is there another breath?

Tang Zhong felt the breath of human beings in the cave!

Humans and these big monsters practice different methods, so it is easy to tell the difference now!

Could it be that there is a cultivator standing behind this big monster!
Then this thing will be interesting!
Some people are supporting this big monster to kill people. I heard Xia Xinyu say that the big monster is cruel and senseless, but that person actually joined forces with the big monster. This is too inhumane!
But what kind of person is he?
When I face this big monster, I will know everything!

The people in front of Tang Zhong were all swallowed up now, and finally it was Tang Zhong's turn.

"Be careful!" Xia Xinyu whispered to Tang Zhong.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!" Tang Zhong replied, "It's you who must protect you, you know?"

Xia Xinyu nodded.

The wilderness butcher came up and found that the two were actually talking. He said angrily: "Are you still talking nonsense? Go down and die!"

The wilderness butcher pushed Tang Zhong into the cave.

As soon as Tang Zhong walked in, he smelled a bloody smell, of course there was a stench, and there was also the sound of wriggling.

Ahead is a downward staircase!

Ordinary people will definitely roll down the stairs because of fear, and then their heads will be bleeding. After they go down, they will be a dead body.

Tang Chong was eager to come in, so he walked down the stairs slowly.

It was extremely dark all around, but it was very difficult to take a step. There was blood under the soles of the feet, which was almost thick. Walking on it, I was almost stuck!
Tang Zhong released his divine sense to sense it, the poisonous scorpion monster is now in front, and the human breath is also in it!

You have to figure out who that human is.

But as soon as he came down the stairs, he immediately felt a murderous attack.

It's pitch black and you can't see anything, only when you get close.

"What an interesting person, you came to the cave of my poisonous scorpion monster, and you didn't feel a little scared!"

There were voices and squirming sounds from all around. It was the big monster who was approaching Tang Zhong now.

It's just that the other party has not revealed his killing intent now, it should be that he has become interested in Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong didn't enter the fighting state either, because once this big monster made a move, he could feel that the only thing he had to do now was to calm down and figure everything out.

At this time, a huge monster appeared in Tang Zhong's field of vision.

(End of this chapter)

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