Chapter 1900 The Man in Black Robe!

Suddenly, the face of a poisonous scorpion monster appeared in front of Tang Zhong!
It was a monster with a snake face, but his body was like a scorpion!
Moreover, this giant beast is very huge, more than four meters high, and it is a monster-level existence, but what is more important is the evil spirit of this poisonous scorpion monster!
If you were an ordinary person, you might have surrendered directly at this time and would not fight against the opponent, because the evil spirit is really too strong.

But Tang Zhong was not afraid at all, but looked at each other!

At the same time, he used his spiritual sense to look around, trying to see where that human being was.

In just a second, Tang Zhong realized that the human being was hiding behind the poisonous scorpion monster, watching this scene happen!

The poisonous scorpion demon stared at Tang Zhong, looking up and down: "Human, aren't you afraid?"

Tang Zhong looked at each other: "Why should I be afraid?"

"You should be afraid, because I am a big monster, and I only eat you people!" said the poisonous scorpion big monster.

"If I'm afraid of you because you eat me, then I'm too courageous!" Tang Zhong said.

His words obviously made the poisonous scorpion demon curious, and now he has been turning around Tang Zhong's body, but he just doesn't eat Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong knew that he had stabilized the mood of this big monster. Now this big monster must be curious why he is not afraid, but this big monster may never think of it in this life, because Tang Zhong can kill it with a slight touch. Lose!
"What tribe are you from?" the poisonous scorpion demon asked.

"People from the Goddess Tribe!" Tang Zhong said!

Originally, he wasn't going to talk about the Goddess Tribe, but because he only knew one Goddess Tribe, he just blurted it out!

But when he said it, the poisonous scorpion monster didn't change much, but the human behind the poisonous scorpion monster seemed to be touched!
All of this was seen by Tang Zhong, he was a little surprised what was going on, what did that person touch now?Could it be someone who knows the Goddess Tribe!

At this time, Tang Zhong received a message, and that message was sent to the big demon from the person behind using the method of sound transmission!

"kill him!"

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, the people behind him were going to kill him after he mentioned the Goddess Tribe, obviously they knew about the Goddess Tribe!

However, the poisonous scorpion monster didn't care what the people behind said, but stared at Tang Zhong and said, "Goddess tribe, what kind of small tribe is that, I've never heard of it!"

"There are many things you haven't heard of. Let me tell you, I'm from the Goddess Tribe. If you touch me, the people of our tribe will wipe you out!" Tang Zhong said deliberately.

In fact, he deliberately provoked this big monster!

Sure enough, the big demon was hooked, and said: "The people of your Goddess Tribe wiped me out? Are the people of your Goddess Tribe so capable? I can swallow all the people in your tribe!"

"It's up to you!" Tang Zhong said calmly, still showing no fear!
This kind of monster has seen many people who are afraid, and now he will be very curious when he sees someone who is not afraid of him!

"I... in this wilderness, I have invaded countless tribes, let alone your goddess tribe!" The poisonous scorpion demon sneered.

"Hehe, there are people in our Goddess tribe who are qualified to go to the Spring and Autumn Academy to practice. It is very easy for them to kill you!" Tang Zhong said.

Don't look at how calm he is now, but when he finished speaking, he was very nervous. He has played tricks on this big monster, and it depends on whether this big monster can't get tricked now!
If nothing else happened, this big monster would definitely say what Tang Zhong needed after being so excited.

Sure enough, at this time, the big demon laughed loudly and said: "He is also an ignorant person, let alone someone who is qualified to go to the Spring and Autumn Academy, even if he is a person from the Spring and Autumn Academy, I will not be afraid. I devoured a person who was about to enter the Spring and Autumn Academy. That person was Yi Zhong, a member of the Tianhuo Tribe. At that time, I bit off that person's head. It was strange to say that I would be scared when I saw that person, but instead You didn't react at all when you saw me!"

A smile appeared on Tang Zhong's face. He wanted something and finally got it. This is really a great opportunity.

He knew that the person who can enter the Spring and Autumn Academy is called Yi Zhong, and that person is dead now, so Tang Zhong can completely survive as Yi Zhong!

Then he looked at the poisonous scorpion monster and said, "You want to know why I'm not afraid when I see you?"

The poisonous scorpion demon also looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Why, I'm really curious!"

"Because the current you have no right to scare me!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

The poisonous scorpion monster's face was ugly: "Qualification? Believe it or not, I will swallow you in one bite!"

The red letter from the big demon's mouth stretched out, making a hissing sound!
In an instant, the poisonous scorpion monster moved, and the python swallowed Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong jumped suddenly and dodged a blow!
The poisonous scorpion monster gnawed down a large rock, but found that Tang Zhong was not killed, and his eyes turned scarlet: "You small human being, you are playing me!"

Then attacked again.

Tang Zhong faced the poisonous scorpion monster, which is not bad for being a monster, and it is really strong enough.

The current Tang Zhong is able to defeat the opponent!
Immediately rushed out, stretched out his hand, grabbed the mouth of the poisonous scorpion monster, and tore it hard!

The poisonous scorpion demon was caught by the mouth, and he couldn't move his whole body. He kept shaking his head there: "You damn guy, who are you?"

"The person who wants to kill you!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he suddenly exerted force, ready to throw the poisonous scorpion demon away!

But suddenly, he felt a killing intent coming from behind, and he knew without thinking that it must be that human being who made the move!

The human being had been observing behind the poisonous scorpion monster just now, and now seeing the poisonous scorpion monster being attacked, he finally couldn't help but make a move. He wanted to see who the hell it was!

Tang Zhong let go of the poisonous scorpion monster's mouth, and when he turned around, he saw a blood-red arrow feather flying over, aiming at Tang Zhong's heart.

He looked at the blood-red arrow space, and directly punched it out!

It shattered the blood-red arrow feathers.

"Who is it?" Tang Zhong said.

Then, out of the darkness, a man in black robe came out. The man had white hair and scarlet eyes, looking like a demon.

"If you are from the Goddess Tribe, you should know me!" the black-robed man stared at Tang Zhong and said coldly.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he stared at the other party again. If the other party could say this, he must be someone who knew the Goddess Tribe, but there is no such strong person in the Goddess Tribe!
Soon, Tang Zhong realized that the opponent might be Zhou Ze!
"Zhou Ze?"

(End of this chapter)

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