Chapter 1955 Farewell!

If you want to know where the other keels are, now you just need to sense it!
Tang Zhong is now standing on the high mountain, sensing where the keel is!

There is definitely not just one keel, there must be others.

And Ading is leading the people in the tribe to rebuild!

The task they came out was to kill the giant dragon monster, and now that the monster has been killed, then he has [-]% of his mind to stay here and build his own tribe.

Because epic missions are all time-limited, if they fail to kill the giant dragon and monster within the specified time, it is equivalent to their mission failure.

And now that the giant flood dragon and the great monster are dead, there is nothing to worry about!
This has been the case for more than ten days in a row!
Tang Zhong perceives the keel, and Ading directs the building!
Their tribe was terrible before, but now the tribe's buildings are starting to get stronger.

There are many corpses of monsters on the ground. Those corpses of monsters can be eaten, and the meat of monsters can't rot at all, so now they don't need to manage food at all. In addition, the bones of monsters can also be used to build platforms!

Now, the underground shelter has been destroyed, they have to continue to rebuild.

After all, no one can guarantee that there won't be no beast hordes coming here.

With the collapse of the underground shelter this time, they decided to build the shelter on the mountainside!
Because 90.00% of monsters walk underground, and there are not many monsters flying in the air, so the air shelter is perfect.

This can save a lot of people from dying, because this time in the underground shelter, some people suffocated and died below, and if they were switched to the air shelter, that kind of thing would not happen at all.

And now, the Pterosaur King of Warcraft has also decided to guard this tribe.

It is equivalent to saying that this tribe, the King of Pterosaurs and Warcraft, is covered!
So after the shelter is built in the air, nothing like before will happen at all.

As for Tang Zhong, it took a long time to sense the keel, but nothing was gained!
It seems that there is no other keel breath on this continent.

This is unrealistic!

Tang Zhong knew that it must be because his perception power was not strong!

He is now suspicious of Cangye Country!
Because that Cang Lie came here too suddenly, the other party said that he came here because he discovered a place with strong energy!

And even if a place with strong energy is found, it is impossible to bring so many elites!

Those people who were killed by Tang Zhong before are definitely first-class masters!
What they met was Tang Zhong, if they met other people, no one would be their opponent!
And Cang Lie's approach was really too deliberate.

Only such a small number of people were brought here, which showed that Cang Lie was hiding something and was afraid that others would find out.

So it is very likely that Cang Lie discovered the dragon bone energy.

So Cangye Kingdom has to go, although it is only a guess, but if the guess is correct, then it will be prosperous.

Anyway, Tang Zhong couldn't find any news about the keel now, so he might as well go according to his own feeling.

Maybe there will be a big harvest!

After sending A-Ding to Chunqiu Academy, Tang Zhong should start to leave.

A month later, the reconstruction of the entire tribe has almost come to an end.

Their rooms used to be thatched huts, but now they are completely made of bones. In addition, there are others, and the weapon systems in the entire tribe have also been upgraded.

The weapons are no longer iron tools as before, but real bone tools.

Made from big demon bones.

A large group of people found the body of the giant dragon monster and used his scales and bones to make weapons!
Finally, it's time to get out of here.

Tang Zhong took Ading to prepare to leave.

The whole tribe is now out to see them both off.

on a huge mountain.

Tang Zhong and A Ding stood together.

People from other tribes stood opposite.

The two teams now face each other.

"Go back, you don't need to send us off!" Aden looked at the people in his tribe and waved and shouted.

In the tribe, other people looked at A Ding, A Shui and A Ding's mother stood in the front, staring at A Ding: "Brother!"

A Ding looked at A Shui and said, "What's wrong, sister!"

"I must be admitted to the Spring and Autumn Academy and become as strong as you!" Ah Shui shouted.

This time, the whole tribe fell into a crisis and almost everyone didn't know what to do. It was my brother who came back from the Spring and Autumn Academy with a very powerful person who brought their tribe's crisis to the rescue. Contacted, he couldn't believe it was real!
The opponent was so powerful that he could kill the big monster so easily.

This made Ah Shui decide that she must enter the Spring and Autumn Academy to practice in the future. In the future, she will definitely become as strong as her brother and the person next to him.

And she would like to thank that person!
When A-Ding heard this, he was really helpless. He wanted his sister to be an ordinary person, but now it seems that he can't.

The sufferings suffered in the Spring and Autumn Academy are only known to A'Ding, and he has never told anyone in his tribe.

Not even my own relatives.

As a man, you have to bear any hardships you encounter by yourself, and you must not tell other people.

Because once you tell, it will make other people worry, and there is nothing Aden can do now.

So there is only one way for him to go in the future, and that is to become stronger.

What if his younger sister came to the Spring and Autumn Academy and found that he had a bad life in the Spring and Autumn Academy, that would be terrible.

He is an invincible brother in the eyes of his younger sister, so he will become invincible!
Then, Ah Ding shouted to Ah Shui: "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After saying this, A Ding immediately followed behind Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong didn't see the difference between Ah Ding and Ah Shui, because this kind of picture made him easily recall his past.

The picture of him walking out from the Haotian Dynasty and saying goodbye to the entire Haotian Dynasty!

He remembered Wei Wei, and remembered other people!
He shoulders everyone's hope to find the Dragon Realm!

Otherwise, if the Dragon Realm falls, the world will be over.

Pterosaur King of Warcraft is waiting for them ahead!
Walking out of the wilderness is still a waste of time. If there is a mount like the Pterosaur King of Warcraft, the speed is definitely very fast.

Tang Zhong and A Ding stepped onto the Pterosaur King of Warcraft, and they sat cross-legged.

The Pterosaur King of Warcraft also flapped its wings and flew forward.

Their destination is now the Spring and Autumn Academy, the task is completed, now it's time to resume the task!

And after this practice, they can leave the academy and go to other places to practice in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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