Chapter 1956 Confrontation!

The Pterosaur King of Warcraft is very fast, within a day, he will soon reach the Spring and Autumn Academy.

Within a day, Tang Zhong was on the pterosaur king of monsters, sensing the surroundings, to see if there was any dragon bone in the wilderness, but there was none.

It appears to be gone.

Finally arrived at a mountain 100 miles away in the Spring and Autumn Academy.

The pterodactyl king of monsters stopped: "The Spring and Autumn Academy is ahead, I can't fly over, if I go, I will be killed, two adults, please come down!"

The current Pterosaur King of Warcraft has been completely tamed, and he was shocked by Tang Zhong's strength.

Tang Zhong and A Ding stood up from the Pterosaur King of Warcraft, and then walked down slowly!

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

The Pterosaur King of Warcraft flapped its wings and flew away at this time!
But Tang Zhong and A Ding were on their way, it was getting dark, and they took advantage of the dark to arrive at the Spring and Autumn Academy first.

According to the agreed time, the two of them were almost late.

So go back quickly, or you will be ridiculed by others.

Soon arrived at the gate of Chunqiu Academy.

After showing his identity certificate, the people from the academy let him go.

According to the rules, those who accept the task must go to the mission hall to hand over the task as soon as possible!
Tell Xuegong that you have completed the task.

Generally speaking, there are many kinds of tasks, and the collection task is to give the collected things to the school.

The killing task is to take the head of the person you want to kill.

As for other helping tasks, the person who needs to be helped uses a written certificate, writes down the process of helping, and then injects the certificate of the person being helped!

Tang Zhong and A Ding went directly to the mission hall.

I thought they came late, and there was no one in the mission hall.

But who knows, the mission hall is overcrowded!
In the distance, before the two of Tang Zhong passed by, they heard the voices of the discussion next to them, and the voices were very loud!

"The person who received the epic level hasn't come back yet?"

"Is it dead outside?"

The two words were uttered, which immediately caused a burst of laughter.

Tang Zhong heard this voice, he was a little familiar, it seemed to be a member of the Star Sword Society.

Although Jian Jiu has been killed by him now, there are still other members of the Star Sword Society who did not follow Jian Jiu to complete the mission, so they have nothing to do now.

Soon, another woman's voice came out: "It's not time yet, Yi Zhong just hasn't come back, what do you mean by gloating here, and your President Jian Jiu hasn't come back yet, You should worry about your Guild Leader Jian Jiu!"

The woman's voice didn't need to be guessed to be Qin Chuchu's.

In this Spring and Autumn Academy, there is probably only one woman who can intercede for him!

Tang Zhong was ready to stand up.

gradually appeared in the public eye.

Someone has been staring at the entrance. When they saw Tang Zhong and the others, they shouted excitedly: "Look, the person who received the epic level mission is back!"


Immediately, in the square at the entrance of the mission hall, countless eyes looked at Tang Zhong and the others, all of them were shocked and puzzled!

Shocked that these two people can still come back, but wondering whether they have completed the epic task!
So under the shocked eyes of everyone, Tang Zhong and A Ding walked up the stairs and finally got on the stage.

Qin Chuchu saw Tang Zhong, with a smile on his face, and rushed up immediately: "Brother Yi Chong, are back!"

Tang Zhong smiled and said: "Yes!"

"Do you have anything to do?" Qin Chuchu circled around Tang Zhong and A Ding, and glanced at them many times!

But found that Tang Zhong was not injured at all: "Didn't you finish the mission?"

No injuries on the body, it means that the task has not been completed!

After all, the giant flood dragon and the great monster cannot be killed so easily.

Before waiting for Tang Zhong to explain.

A bald head from the Star Sword Society jumped out, and said coldly: "I don't have any injuries at all, I'm afraid I haven't even seen the face of the giant dragon and monster, so get out!"

"Before, we were still chattering in front of our Jianjiu boss, pretending to say that you accepted this task, you took the fart, you didn't even complete the task, and you still accepted the task, it's funny!"

Unconvinced, Qin Chuchu directly turned back and said, "You're so stupid, why don't you accept an epic-level mission? What sarcastic words are you talking about here!"

Tang Zhong stretched out his hand to stop Qin Chuchu, to keep himself quiet, then he looked at the members of the Star Sword Society, and said, "Has your president not come back yet?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people around did discover this problem.

Jian Jiu, the president of the Star Sword Society, has not returned from the outside.

Everyone has been waiting for Tang Zhong, and they have long forgotten about Jian Jiu.

After all, in the minds of everyone, Jian Jiu, the president of the Star Sword Society, is powerful. Could it be impossible to complete a task?
Now, Jian Jiu has not come back, could something have happened?
After being reminded, everyone turned to the Star Sword Society!

The bald head of the Star Sword Society turned extremely ugly at this time, and scolded: "What are you looking at? What kind of person will we grow up, don't you know? He must have encountered something, so he hasn't come back now, he will come back immediately." Here we come!"

Then the bald head looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Let's talk about it, how about your mission?"

Tang Zhong smiled and said: "Jian Jiu hasn't come back for so long, don't you guys look for it?"

The bald man's face changed suddenly. In fact, at this time, he was also flustered, and he didn't know what was going on with the president. He didn't come back after so long. What kind of planes were they flying outside? The task, it will definitely come back for the first time, and even if the president wants to kill the person in front of him, it shouldn't be the current scene.

This person has come back, but his president has not come back, which is a bit strange!
"If you look around this school, you might find something!" Tang Zhong continued to say with a smile.

When he said this, many people were awakened.

Everyone stared at Tang Zhong in shock.

The voice-over of the other party's words is, near the school palace, I will kill your president!
Everyone was shocked, and they didn't really believe what Tang Zhong said, because with this person's strength, how could he kill Jian Jiu so easily!

But at this moment, a voice came from outside the academy.

Several guards from the academy came out.

Skeletal bones in hand!
The reason I say that is because the skeletons are falling apart and none of them are good!

Those guards came out and shouted to the audience: "These skeletons were found outside the academy. They are probably the students who went out for the trial this time. Come and see if you recognize them!"

(End of this chapter)

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