Chapter 1991 Sand City

"Then why are we waiting here now, hurry up and save him." Tang Zhong shouted.

"The cry of the dragon means that the dragon is about to die. If it is not very close, it will not be able to get there at all." Speech said.

"However, how do I feel that it's near here?" Tang Zhong said.

"Impossible, are you kidding me again?" Ling Xing said.

"How could I be joking with you?" Tang Zhong said.

In fact, he was just joking with Sporadic.

Sporadic is the only dragon he has encountered. If he wants to enter the Dragon Realm now, he must get the help of the other party. If the other party has been in such a state, let alone return to the Dragon Realm. The world does not know how many years have been destroyed.

So now Tang Zhong must cheer up Sporadic.

But Sporadic doesn't know that Tang Zhong is joking with him now, and is now sensing the whereabouts of the dragon.

She closed her eyes and began to perceive the direction.

Tang Zhong saw Sporadic being so serious, he couldn't bear it, if he told the other party that I was joking with you, would the other party be particularly disappointed, but he had to tell the other party.

After all, if the other party doesn't find anything after sensing it, they will feel that they have been deceived, and now they have to give the other party a vaccination.

Suddenly, Sporadic opened her eyes and gasped for breath. In an instant, without saying a word of nonsense, she roared wildly and turned into a pink dragon and flew into the air.

Tang Zhong saw the other party flying away, he was stunned, and quickly shouted at the other party: "What are you doing here?"

But now Sporadic ignored him at all and continued flying.

Tang Zhong didn't talk nonsense, he directly turned into a giant dragon, and immediately followed behind, wanting to know what happened?
The two dragons fly side by side.

"Let me tell you, if you don't find anything, you're right, because I'm also talking nonsense, so don't blame me, I just want to give you a little fighting spirit." Tang Zhong explained beside him now.

He only hoped that the other party would not be angry. In Tang Zhong's view, with the sporadic appearance now, he must be angry.

"Follow me, I'm talking nonsense, that dragon is nearby now." Ling Xing said.

Just as Tang Zhong was about to speak, when he heard this, he was completely shocked. He thought he heard it wrong, and asked again for confirmation: "What did you just say, tell me again."

Sporadic said: "I said that dragon is nearby, let's go there now."

This time Tang Zhong understood, the dragon was nearby, he was a little deluded, he never thought it would be like this, in fact he was just talking nonsense.

That's why he was so shocked now.

Sporadic now say yes, then there must be.

It's a dragon companion.

Now Tang Zhong is still a little excited.

Now fly in the air and look down on the earth.

Mountains and rivers now seem very small.

There are people and monsters below, but they all look like ants.

Tang Zhong has been looking down, and now he sees that they have left the border of Cangye Shang Kingdom and entered other countries.

"Can you confirm the location?" Tang Zhong asked Sporadic.

"Okay, it's near here." Now it is obvious that sporadic voices are trembling everywhere.

And trembling crazily.

That kind of eagerness to find a companion, this is like a person of the Dragon Clan.

The two continued to fly.

Below is a city.

This city is not as impressive as the royal city of Cangye Shang Kingdom, it looks very ordinary.

The two fell on a mountain hundreds of miles away from the royal city.

Sporadic turned into a human body, and immediately hurriedly said: "It's strange, why did the breath completely disappear at this time?"

Tang Zhong also turned into a human body, saying: "Don't worry now, just feel it carefully."

Sporadic immediately closed her eyes and began to sense where she was, but soon opened her eyes: "The breath is still gone."

Tang Zhong thought for a few seconds and said, "Could it be dead?"

After the dragon is dead, there is no breath.

Sporadic was dazed for a few seconds before saying, "It's possible..."

At this moment, the whining sound suddenly came out again.

Both Tang Zhong and Sporadic heard it, and they opened their eyes wide.

The dragon is not dead...

"Quickly sense the direction." Tang Zhong shouted.

Scattered closed his eyes and perceived frantically there, finally opened his eyes and said: "I didn't feel any breath..."

"Impossible." Tang Zhong stretched out his hand to touch his chin and thought about it, and finally said: "Could it be that it's near here, so you can't find the other party, or else, let's go to a place with people to find it."

"Alright." Speech said.

Tang Zhong and Sporadic two immediately moved forward.

The city is just ahead.

It appeared in the eyes of two people from a distance.

This country does not know what country it is, there are deserts everywhere, and the city in front of it is like a desert city.

It looks poor.

The city gates are bad, like earthen walls.

But there are a lot of people who want to enter the city.

These people don't look simple. There are many people who are leading monsters that are similar to camels, but they fight more than camels, and they are about the size of elephants.

There are a lot of burdens on those camel beasts, and it seems that they are full of goods.

When Tang Zhong saw these things, he almost understood what this city was for, that kind of commercial country.

The two easily entered the city.

"Did you feel it?" Tang Zhong asked.

Sporadic shook her head and said, "No."

"Then let's keep looking." Tang Zhong said.

He kept looking, looking for signs of the dragon.

And at this time, a voice came from his ear, a monkey-like man in a veterinary suit shouted from somewhere: "Tonight, in the circus outside Sand City, there will be a magic beast show, honorable guests! , but you must come to join us."

As soon as the circus performance was mentioned, someone immediately went to ask the monkey-like person.

"What kind of monsters are there?"

"That's right."

The monkey-like man smiled mysteriously and said, "If you want to know, just come tonight, but there will be a good show to watch."

In the end, the man smiled wretchedly and said, "Besides the World of Warcraft show, there are other shows. When midnight arrives, it's very hot and exciting. It's the kind of show you can't imagine."

After hearing this, the people around all came to their minds.

"Okay, let's go tonight."

"It's been a long time since I saw the World of Warcraft show, I really miss it."

He is a normal person, and he knows what will be performed at night.

A large group of men are ready to go to the circus in the evening.

After the monkey-like man finished entertaining the others, he saw Tang Zhong and said, "Brother, come tonight, it's fun."

Tang Zhong said: "Not interested."

The monkey-like man said mysteriously: "Why are you not interested? It is very boring for you to come to this city of sand to do business. After finishing the business, you can relax completely. What kind of service do we have... you Do you want to try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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