Chapter 1992 The Weird Circus

"Which service do we have, I wonder if you want to try it." The monkey-like man Thief Xixi said.

"I don't need it." Tang Zhong said.

boring stuff.

"Don't be objective, I think you are young and energetic, why don't you have any idea about that kind of thing?" The monkey-like man stopped Tang Zhong and said.

And the other party stretched out his hand, wanting to grab Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong saw the opponent's hand and stepped back suddenly: "What are you doing?"

The monkey-like man backed away with a smile, "'s nothing."

Tang Zhong didn't bother to pay attention to this person, he just regarded it as a neuropathy, and then sporadically said: "Let's go."

But at this time, Scattering bypassed Tang Zhong and looked at the monkey-looking man: "You guys are performing there tonight, let's go and see."

The monkey-shaped man suddenly laughed: "You want to see it, that's good, our performance is in the west of this city, girl, we have a lot of hunks here, there must be something you like."

"Okay." Scattered said with a smile.

Now Tang Zhong looked at the scene in front of him, and now he didn't know what to say, why didn't he feel that he liked this sporadically before, he actually liked macho men.


The monkey-like man left quickly.

Tang Zhong walked to Xingxing and said: "We are looking for dragons now, why do you still want to go to the circus?"

"No, I'm not going to the circus. There is an aura on that person, as if he has been in contact with a dragon." The person who sporadically looked at the monkey said to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong reacted when he heard the voice. Just now, he really thought that Sporadic was going to find the hunk.

After all, Sporadic has been imprisoned for such a long time, and because the other party is a dragon, there must be something of interest. Now it seems that I am thinking too much.

But what makes Tang Zhong wonder is, what contact can a circus man have with a dragon?

However, if you know a lot of things sporadically, it depends on what he says.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong didn't speak, but found a place to stay in the city of sand.

After all, it is a city of merchants, and merchants from other cities will consider staying here, so there are many inns here.

Tang Zhong found one at random, and waited until dark for the circus performance to begin.

It's not that they are willing to wait here, but that they are afraid to startle the snake.

Now in the room, Tang Zhong is lying down and sleeping, while Sporadic is practicing.

The injury she suffered before has not fully recovered and needs to be recuperated.

Until the night.

The two of them came to their senses, and then they went out to leave here and go to the circus.

When I walked out of the inn, I found that on the road in the city of sand, there were people walking in one direction everywhere, and they were all men. You don’t need to think about what happened. They didn’t know how to get to the circus. , but now that someone is leading the way, it is more convenient.

Sure enough, there was a huge building on the edge of the city.

The destination of the crowd is here.

Sand City is a city of trade, and there are people who trade here, so it is generally very quiet here, because after it is quiet, no one will take advantage of it.

The entire Sand City is indeed very quiet now.

But only this huge building is not quiet.

The fire blazed into the sky.

The building is divided into three floors, with a balcony on the top.

Now there are a lot of girls wearing revealing clothes, swaying there.

Some of the men below were fascinated by the look, licked their lips, and couldn't wait to enter the circus.

"It's a circus, just thirty sandstones... In addition to the magic beast show, there are also beautiful adult performances." At the door, a man with the appearance of a clown said in an extremely seductive tone.

Many people came to the front of the clown, paid for tickets, and then went in.

Tang Zhong and Sporadic were among the crowd, looking at the scene ahead.

Here are all men, not a single woman, sporadic is really too eye-catching.

"I think you need to disguise yourself now." Tang Zhong suggested.

"Why?" Speech asked.

"Because the business nature of this place is that way, it can be said that all of them are men now..." Tang Zhong said.

"What? Can't women come in?" Ling Xing asked.

"Ah... don't you think it's unusual?" Tang Zhong said.

"I don't think so, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and go with me." Ling Xing said.

Similarly, Sporadic is shrouded in the eyes of the surroundings at this time.

All the men present were pointing at Sporadic, and some of them had a strong masculine look in their eyes.

Most of the people who come here to trade are rough men, passing businessmen, except for the local women of Sand City, very few women come here, let alone come to this circus.

To put it bluntly, the real existence of this circus is for these men to vent their anger.

This is well known, but now a woman has appeared, and more importantly, this woman is very beautiful, and many men's hearts are moved when they see it.

Under the eyes of other people, Tang Zhong followed sporadicly into the circus.

It was brightly lit inside.

At the very front is a huge stage. On the stage, at the moment, there is a girl dancing pole dancing there.

Below are all shouting men, and some men have already taken off their clothes, shaking and shouting.

Around, there are people selling alcohol there.

After Tang Zhong and Scattering walked in, they quickly entered the crowd.

Tang Zhong didn't have any interest in the pole dancer in front of him, so he asked Sporadic: "Do you feel it? Do you have the breath of a dragon?"

"Don't talk yet, let me do it," Zero Xing said.

Then close your eyes and start sensing your surroundings.

Soon, she opened her eyes.

"How? What did you find?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's weird." Sprinkling now has doubts written all over his face.

"What's going on? Is there a breath of a dragon?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes." Speech said.

"Then what are you waiting for, sense where the dragon is, hurry up and save the dragon." Tang Zhong said, the weapon in his hand did not know when it would appear.

"Don't worry, there is a dragon's breath now, but all around here is the dragon's breath." Speech said.

"Is it all the breath of a dragon?" Tang Zhong was stunned.

What the hell is this? Just kidding.

But he almost understood what the other party meant by saying this, that is, there are many dragon breaths around, but those dragon breaths are very weak, which means they don't exist.

Tang Zhong thinks so.

"The breath is weak, very small, it's the breath of a dragon, but the creature that releases this breath is not a dragon." Scattered said, and finally looked at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong also looked at the other party, and in an instant, he seemed to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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