Chapter 506 He is Tang Tiansha!

Kill them together!
This remark made the audience erupt.

If it is said that this person is a master, then when he said murder, it is absolutely true, not a lie.

No one doubted what Tang Zhong said, you know, the other party is a grand master.

Almost everyone stood behind Fang Jingde before, but now, many people chose to be neutral and retreated one after another.

It has to be said that a young master is by no means an ordinary person.

"Let's not get involved in the duel between their masters!"


But still standing on Fang Jingde's side, at this moment, he shouted: "Arrogant man, why did you talk to Grandmaster Fang, even if it is your Grandmaster, do you know who is Grandmaster Fang?"

"Ranked ninth on the list of grandmasters, Wu Yingjiao Fang Jingde is the head of the Fang family, what kind of half-assed master are you..."

As soon as the words came out, the surroundings also felt that they were right.

There are not many masters, but there are also many, but there are only 50 people who can enter the top fifty of the master list!

The changes in the people around made Fang Jingde's face very ugly, and he chose to be skeptical. He immediately looked at Tang Zhong and said coldly: "Is this your disciple? I underestimated you, no wonder, you can break Master Tianyun and the others. Attack, dare to kill Elder Wu of Hidden Sword Valley, so he is the master!"

"No..." Tang Zhong smiled brightly, showing his white teeth.

"But if you think that you can act unscrupulously because you are a master, then you may be wrong. This is my Fang family... Everything is decided by me, Fang Jingde." come out.

"I've never thought that I'm a guru, I just have something more than others, and I'm not here today to be unscrupulous on vacation, I just brought my general over to see how vicious a person's heart can be, to kill Brother, he insulted his sister-in-law and forced his niece away, what a wolf-hearted man this person is!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

He came here for Fang Susu's sake.

When Fang Jingde heard this, his eyes narrowed instantly: "You are looking for death..."

"Then you come and kill me!" Tang Zhong was the first to strike.

The whole person swooped up like a cheetah, his fists were like magma, and he went towards Fang Jingde.

"Ignorance... Martial arts have the rules of martial arts, only the strong are qualified to speak, and the strong can treat a deer as a horse, but you can do whatever you want if you stand on the side of justice. Boy, you are a master with good talent, but it is a pity that you are a little boy after all. Grandmaster, you don't understand the rules of martial arts..." At this moment, Fang Jingde looked at Tang Zhong with a sneer, and slapped out a palm, covered with white light, which was a burst of energy.

Moreover, with the movement of Fang Jingde's palm, the white light caused the surrounding airflow to also surge, like a stormy sea, smashing past, facing Tang Zhong.

When everyone saw this move, they couldn't help but startled.

"Chongyun Palm..."

"Sure enough, it's just like in the legend, a palm blows out, like clouds and mist overwhelming the city, it's terrible!"

"The man named Tang Zhong is not good enough after all. If you don't ask who the Fang Patriarch is, he is No. 9 on the list of masters!"

"What Grandmaster Fang said is very true. Martial arts have their own rules, and the strong are respected... After all, that person is too young!"

In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that the result of the battle had already appeared. Tang Zhong's fist seemed really too light, but Fang Jingde, on the other hand, looked fierce.

Fang Susu nervously clenched her jade hand, she couldn't do anything now, she could only be in a hurry.

"Mr. Tang, come on!"

But at this moment, Fang Jingde slapped and smiled coldly: "Soon, you will know what rules are..."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I still have another name, my name is Tang Tiansha..." Tang Zhong smiled.

At this moment, the fist has come.

Facing the cloud palm.

Tang Tiansha... Fang Jingde's face changed instantly when he heard this name. He always felt that he had heard this name before, but now he suddenly couldn't remember it. Whatever Tang Tiansha he was, let's kill the person in front of him first.

Before the fight started, the people around could clearly feel the air coming, and they were forced to step back and look forward.

"The battle of the masters is really strong!"

"But soon, one person will die!"

"Have you heard the name Tang Tiansha just now? I always feel like I've heard this name somewhere before, so familiar..." Someone said.

"Yeah, it's really familiar..."

The pupils who spoke suddenly enlarged, and the voice trembled: "I remember...I remember!"

"I heard from the warriors on Hong Kong Island that this Tang Tiansha is very powerful. The No. 30 grand master list of the final battle between the seven yellow Qinglong and the Tsing Ma Bridge. The Ma Bridge was cut off, and Huang Qinglong was killed, forcing the Mo family in Hong Kong Island to perish, and became the richest man in Hong Kong Island...he was called Master Tang by the people of Hong Kong Island!"

"No, the Tang Tiansha I heard is not like this, but the overlord of the Middle East. With a small warlord, he ordered the Middle East to quell the war in the Middle East, and was praised by the World Peace Organization!"

"But...the one who was fighting with Patriarch Fang was the one who said he was Tang Tiansha, could it be..."

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Tang Zhong and Fang Jingde who were in the distance.

At this moment, Tang Zhong and Fang Jingde clashed with each other with a bang of fists and palms, and at the same time, the air flow exploded instantly and spread out towards the surroundings.

Tang's heavy and light fist seemed to carry endless power.

Fang Jingde was still grinning grinningly, but suddenly felt a shock of pain.

"How could it be... How could you hurt me!"

Lowering his head, Fang Jingde saw that the blood power condensed in the palm of his hand was smashed apart abruptly.

"I also said I would kill you!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Immediately, the fist bombarded Fang Jingde again.

"Not good!" Fang Jingde screamed and stepped back quickly.

Backed away at a faster speed than before.

At the same time, he kept recalling the name Tang Tiansha in his mind. Suddenly, he remembered that the rumored Tang Tiansha on Hong Kong Island beheaded Huang Qinglong...

"So it's you!" Fang Jingde screamed.

He finally discovered that this person was not an ordinary grandmaster at all, but a grandmaster who had already challenged the grandmaster list...

But at this moment, Tang Zhong continued to pursue, and his speed was faster than Tang Jingde's. With that unbelievable speed, his fist was forward, and he blasted Jingde's chest abruptly, and he had no chance to guard against it.

There was severe pain, and with this punch, Fang Jingde flew upside down and flew directly to the inner hall of the Fang family.

It is installed on the plaque of the Fang family in the inner hall.

With a bang, it fell to the ground, and then the plaque also fell, just hitting Zhongfang Jingde.

In an instant, the audience was dead silent. Those who had chosen to be neutral gasped at the moment, while those who followed Fang Jingde were at a loss at this moment.

Many people were holding weapons in their hands, but at this moment, they all fell to the ground.

In the distance, the inner hall of Fang's family was in a mess. Fang Jingde Jiang moved the plaque on his body and got up in a mess.

Then, everyone's eyes fell on the young man on the ring.

The young man stretched out a smile, showing his white teeth: "That's right, it's me!"

(End of this chapter)

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