Chapter 507 Shadowless Feet!
Fang Jingde was sent flying with one punch.

How many masters in the world can do it?

The people around were stunned, and no one dared to underestimate Tang Zhong.

Martial arts masters have strong bodies. You must know that at the stage of masters, the whole body will be like steel. Ordinary knives can cut continuously, unless it is hit by a truck of more than ten tons.

At Fang Jingde's stage, he was even more powerful, but now that he was blown away by Tang Zhong, the strength of Tang Zhong's fist, could it be that the power of a big truck collided?

From the ground, Fang Jingde got up, looked at Tang Zhong with scarlet eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "I will kill you!"

Tang Zhong beat him up in front of such a person, this was a shame to him, if he didn't kill Tang Zhong, he would not be a human being.

Fang Jingde's whole body was seen moving, punching Tang Zhong and screaming, and the power of the master exploded.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong also clenched his fists, and suddenly swung down a heavy hammer, facing Tang Zhong's head.

Such a heavy punch, once it lands on a person's head, will definitely die, and the air waves on the fist can be seen.

"Oh, then I'll wait for you to kill me!" Tang Zhong smiled coldly, and immediately stepped forward, like an ancient troll.

They punched each other out.

It was two fists clashing again, and in that instant, it exploded.

Fang Jingde was repelled again, gritted his teeth, and continued to go up.

The fists kept clashing.

He couldn't believe the scene in front of him: "I will kill you!"

"I want to kill you even more. I really want to know what color is the heart of a person who killed his own brother!"

Ever since Tang Zhong learned of Fang Susu's life experience, he was very angry. For the benefit of the family, he killed his brother and raped and molested his sister-in-law. Is his heart black?
There is obviously a blood relationship between them, but why is it so cruel.

At this moment, Tang Zhong was really angry.


Tang Zhong's fist hit Fang Jing's face, half of Fang Jingde's face was bloody.

Fang Jingde seemed to resist, but he was greeted with another punch.

The whole person's nose is crooked.

Punch to the flesh.

"Damn you!" Fang Jingde just roared.

What greeted him was a fist, and his jaw was directly crooked.

The whole person cried out miserably.

People around feel pain when they see it.

Unexpectedly, the battle between the masters turned out to be like this.

No... This is not a duel between the grandmasters, but the crushing of the grandmasters. It can be seen that the man named Tang Zhong completely crushed Fang Jingde.

You know, Fang Jingde is the ninth on the list of masters, but now, he is being beaten like this, how strong should he be?
Standing in the distance, Fang Susu was even more nervous seeing Tang Zhong working so hard, but his heart was already filled with emotion.

Just then, there was a bang.

With one punch from Tang Zhong, Fang Jingde was sent flying, he fell to the ground, and then rubbed against the ground, plowing a hole in the rocky ground, the dust was flying, Fang Jingde's clothes were all torn, and he got up When I was there, I could see that the whole person's face was already asymmetrical, and the eyes were protruding and bloodshot.

"You...Tang Zhong, I'm going to kill you now!" Fang Jingde roared, stood up from the ground, and then made a horse stance, stepped on the ground with both feet, and stomped the ground out forcefully A big hole is coming.

Then I saw a lot of red lights appearing on Fang Jingde's legs.

"Tang Zhong, I admit that I underestimated you, and I didn't expect that you are Tang Tiansha. However, do you think that you can defeat me in this way? As for the head of the Fang family, I will kill whoever blocks me. , Over the years, I have killed countless people, but I know that I will add one more soon!"

Immediately, he saw that Fang Jingde's legs started to become unreal, with black shadows.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes. This move was very strong, and he could feel it.

"That's Shadowless Foot..."

"That's right, it's Wuyingjiao, the martial art that Patriarch Fang used to dominate the list of masters back then..."

"The last time I saw Patriarch Fang use it was the battle of the master list, and it has been a year..."

Fang Susu's complexion turned ugly instantly, she was most familiar with the power of Shadowless Kick, without thinking about it, she quickly shouted at Tang Zhong: "Mr. Tang, be careful, that is Shadowless Kick!"

"Be careful, what's the use?" At this moment, Fang Jingde stepped on the ground, and his whole body shot up into the sky, like a bomb, and kicked towards Tang Zhong.

It can be seen that Fang Jingde's leg is actually a shadow clone.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes. Wuyingjiao's unique skill is a martial art handed down from his ancestors. It's not ridiculous to look at, but the opponent is too fast. At this moment, he can only block it, and immediately crossed his arms and blocked it in front of his chest.

In an instant, Fang Jingde's foot stepped over.

There was a bang, a bang, and a powerful force rushed in.

I saw that Tang Zhong was kicked back, his feet rubbed against the ground, and he forcibly plowed the ground, and the ring was almost demolished.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but gasped. Is this the power of Wuyingjiao?

Sure enough, the number nine on the list of grandmasters was not blown out.

Even if the opponent killed Huang Qinglong and caused a sensation in martial arts, so what?
A master is a master and cannot be challenged.

Those who supported Fang Jingde before, but changed their tune after being frightened by Tang Zhong, started to say again at this moment: "See, Patriarch Fang didn't really try to make a move just now, but now that Tang Zhong is not an opponent at all!"

No one refuted it, after all, it was what it was.

Fang Susu became nervous.

At this moment, Fang Jingde stepped back and stood in the distance, looking at Tang Zhong on the ring: "You keep saying you want to kill me, how are you going to kill me!"

"I will kill you with one sword!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's a good one to kill you with one sword, I want to see, how do you kill me?" Fang Jingde snorted coldly, stepped away again, and passed by with one kick.

Shadowless Kick kicks at an extremely fast speed, making it impossible for people to react and hard to guard against.

Facing Tang Zhong's head, he said ferociously, "This time, I will kick your head off with one blow!"

"Stand on Seven Stars!"

I saw Fang Jingde stepping in the air, without stepping on a place, the light on his feet flickered abnormally, this is congealing blood power, and at the seventh foot, the most powerful force will erupt.

When the time comes, one foot will be like a giant's foot, and the ring will be smashed to pieces with one foot.

"This child must die!"

"That's right, the shadowless feet are all removed. At last year's Grandmaster Ranking Conference, Patriarch Fang stepped down his opponent with one foot. I remember at that time, that foot fell from the sky like a pillar of the sky, and the earth They are all trembling, and have been praised by several people at the pinnacle of martial arts!"

"too frightening!"

Fang Susu naturally recognized the strongest strength of the Shadowless Kick, now it is useless to tell Mr. Tang to be careful, everything depends on Tang Zhong's fortune.

Fang Jingde had already taken five steps, and a ferocious flash appeared on his whole face: "Come on, I want to see your sword strike, and see if your sword is stronger or my shadowless foot is stronger!"

"Okay, I'll show you now!" Tang Zhong said calmly, and immediately pointed out, blood power condensed, and the blood sword shot out instantly.

The moment he appeared, the entire arena was enveloped in a rush of blood.

Those who were surprised by the powerful power of Fang Jingde's Shadowless Kick were all stunned when they felt the sword energy at this moment.

"This sword is it possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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