Chapter 509 The Slow Smell of Vinegar! (Supplement 14)

Almost everyone saw the scene in front of them, and the scene was silent.

Now there is no Fang Jingde in the field, just now everyone saw Fang Jingde dissipated into blood under a sword, that is, Fang Jingde and Master Fang were beheaded by a sword.


Then everyone's eyes fell on the blood sword boy, remembering that this person said that he could kill with a sword, no one believed it at all, but now, a grandmaster was really killed.

And the connection was destroyed, it was the entire inner hall of the Fang family.

At this moment, Tang Zhong put away the blood sword in his hand, ignoring the ruined inner hall of the Fang family behind him, and walked past the crowd. When they saw Tang Zhong approaching, they all chose to give way. Tang Zhong went all the way to Fang Susu's side Said: "Okay, you are free, I will kill you for you!"

At this moment, Fang Susu heard Tang Zhong's words, and recalled the previous scene. The scene of Fang Jingde's death was still playing in her mind. She never thought that she could take revenge. In this life, she thought Own hatred will not stretch.

Then he looked up at Tang Zhong, his eyes turned red: "Thank you for helping me!"

"I said it, I will do it!" Tang Zhong laughed.

At this moment, Fang Susu could no longer control her inner emotions, she hugged Tang Zhong tightly, held Tang Zhong tightly in her arms, did not let go, and then burst into tears: "Mr. Tang..."

Tang Zhong didn't break free and let the woman in his arms hold him, he could understand Fang Susu's mood.

"Cry, it will be easy after crying."

The people around, seeing this scene, no one dared to speak.

A master cannot be humiliated. When two masters fight, there is no winner or loser, only dignity.

A master is a master!

Even if Fang Zhengde died today, no one would dare to trouble Tang Zhong.

The person who can kill Fang Zhengde is probably the ninth or higher on the list of masters.

More people only think of flattery, especially those who provoked Tang Zhong just now, at this moment, they are even more impatient. , will undoubtedly die, let alone such a young master of martial arts and swordsmanship!
I'm afraid even the very peak of martial arts in the world can't do it!

Just ask the world, how many people are there?
Just at this time.

The surrounding people, a strong man knelt down slowly, and took out a cheat book from his arms: "My Bajimen just provoked Grandmaster Tang, this is my Bajimen Zhongtian Bengquan, I hope Grandmaster Tang will accept it! "

When the others saw this, they also knew how to use the wind to maneuver: "I am also convinced by Xingyimen. I don't have any good things. I will send a snow ginseng to Master Tang in the future!"

"We are convinced too!"

Each of the martial arts sects chose to surrender.

The reason why they came to this martial arts gathering was mostly to curry favor with Fang Jingde, now that Fang Jingde is dead, there is nothing to curry favor with!
They only knew that from today onwards, the name Tang Tiansha would definitely be famous in the martial arts world, and would be well-known on the list of masters.

This is the rule here, the strong are respected.


After half a day.

In another courtyard of the Fang family.

In half a day, the Fang family was completely controlled by Fang Susu. Even the other elders of the Fang family did not dare to have any complaints, and completely surrendered to Fang Susu. It can be said that the current Fang Susu can be said to be the head of the entire Fang family.

And at this moment, in the ceremony hall of the Fang family.

The bosses of all sects are among them.

Now, in the face of Fang Susu, these people in the martial arts world dare not show any disrespect. You must know that Tang Tian killed the person.

More importantly, there was Tang Zhong in the hall.

Now, the martial arts party is over, and all the bosses are ready to say goodbye, and they all come to Tang Zhong: "Master Tang, I will leave first!"

The strong man from the Baji Gate is at the forefront.

"Wait a minute..." Tang Zhong called to stop him.

The strong man was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Tang Zhong, and said, "What's wrong? Master Tang?"

"Do you know where the Hidden Sword Valley is?" Tang Zhong asked.

He always felt that there was something wrong with the place Hidden Sword Valley.

Then Elder Wu would not come here to recruit disciples for no reason, there must be a problem, and he is unwilling to go to Hidden Sword Valley, but Elder Wu insists on asking him to go, and is planning to arrest him, which is too suspicious Yes, it seems that Hidden Sword Valley needs something from him.

So we must go to Hidden Sword Valley to see.

The strong man shook his head: "Grandmaster Tang, the Hidden Sword Valley is very hidden. Usually only a small number of masters can go there. Those of us from small sects can't get in at all, so we don't know!"

"What about you?" Tang Zhong asked the others.

Others also shook their heads: "We have never been there either!"

"Then if that's the case, you go back first!" Tang Zhong waved his hand and said, these small sects don't have any deep hatred, so Tang Zhong naturally wouldn't care and let them leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Tang!" The strong man said respectfully.

The hall was soon emptied of people, leaving only Fang Susu.

Only then did Tang Zhong frowned. The more he thought about Hidden Sword Valley's actions, the more he became suspicious. He had to go to Hidden Sword Valley, but now he didn't know where it was. .

"Mr. Tang..." Fang Susu stepped forward and said.

"Well!" Tang Zhong said: "Now, your mind is over, so you don't have to follow me anymore, starting today, you are free!"

A long time ago, Fang Susu would have been very happy when she heard this, but now, she is not happy at all. For some reason, she feels that as long as she is with Tang Zhong, she will feel very happy.

"Thank you, Mr. Tang!" Fang Susu said.

Now, in the Fang family in Hangcheng, she is the only direct descendant left. If she doesn't take power anymore, she will be sorry to her parents.

"Then I should leave too!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Don't..." Fang Susu said hastily.

"What? What's the matter?" Tang Zhong looked at Fang Susu in surprise.

Only then did Fang Susu realize that she was a little impulsive, and quickly said: "'s okay, I just feel separated from Mr. Tang, I don't know how long it will take to meet, Mr. Tang, can I give you a hug?"

"Of course!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Fang Susu immediately stepped forward, hugged Tang Zhong, felt Tang Zhong's warmth, and let go after a long time: "Mr. Tang, see you later!"

"Well, in the future, if anyone dares to bully you for a holiday again, you can name me Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

"Thank you, Mr. Tang!" Fang Susu said respectfully.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong turned around and left in a hurry. After going out for so long, the family members probably couldn't wait any longer.

And Fang Susu kept looking at Tang Zhong's back, which was unforgettable for a long time, watching him leave, and then returned to the hall to put the table and chair Tang Zhong had sat on, sat on it, felt Tang Zhong's temperature, and murmured.

"Mr. Tang, Susu's yours!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong had already boarded the bus back to the capital, and sneezed hard on the bus.

three hours later.

After returning to the capital, Tang Zhong hurriedly ran back to Tang's house. He had been out for so long, and he didn't know how the person at home was doing now?

As soon as she entered the Tang family, she immediately shouted: "Wei Wei, I'm back!"

But when he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Weiwei standing next to the door frame, and looked straight at Tang Zhong, like a resentful little daughter-in-law: "You are finally willing to come back!"

Full of vinegar smell!
(gone today)
(End of this chapter)

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