Chapter 510 Be with you forever!
In the entire courtyard, there was no one else, only Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei.

Hearing Jiang Weiwei's words, Tang Zhong laughed awkwardly: "I'll be back soon!"

Jiang Weiwei tilted his head and said, "Right've been away for several days, I thought you wouldn't come back!"

Seeing Jiang Weiwei's appearance, Tang Zhong wanted to laugh even more, so he forced himself to hold back, but the smile could still be seen on his face.

"Well, you Tang can still laugh..." Jiang Weiwei was about to stomp her feet angrily.

Seeing Tang Zhong, she was both happy and angry at the same time. She was happy because she finally waited for Tang Zhong to come back. What was angry was that as soon as this guy was sent off to his subordinates, he would send him off for several days.

"Good wife...don't be angry, come here, my husband is back!" Tang Zhong stepped forward, stretching out his hand to rub Jiang Weiwei's face.

In the next second, he saw Jiang Weiwei's face was extremely red.

At this moment, Jiang Weiwei's entire face turned red, she had never been in such a situation before, especially when she heard Tang Zhong calling her a good wife, Jiang Weiwei felt her heartstrings beating, letting Tang Zhong squeeze her Unknowingly, his face was bumping like a deer in his heart.

This guy actually called me my wife. When did I agree to be his wife? I'm not ashamed!

The more he thought about this matter, the redder Jiang Weiwei's face became, and the top of his head became steamy.

If others were to see the appearance of the Crown Prince's Concubine, they would be so shocked beyond description. You must know that the Prince's Association did not have any timidity when faced with hundreds of millions of transactions.

In this world, there will eventually be someone who will subdue you, even if you feel like fighting the world for her, so why not?

"Good wife, why are you sweating, come and let me wipe it off for you!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"I..." Jiang Weiwei really didn't know what to say, but when Tang Zhong said this, there was a secret joy in her heart.

"Tch... I didn't even say I wanted to marry you, so you just called me wife? Humph!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Then I will marry you!" Tang Zhong smiled.

"Really..." Jiang Weiwei immediately opened her eyes wide. She had wanted to hear Tang Zhong's words for a long time, but soon realized that she lost her composure, coughed, and turned her head to the side: "Hmph, what do you mean?" If you marry me, marry me. Do you think I am so easy to marry? You have to confess to me and propose. Of course, you also have to choose a good place, such as the romantic starry sky, or on the beach, that kind of style You must not be too hasty, maybe, I am in a good mood, so I promise you, I saw my company’s boyfriend propose to an employee yesterday, wearing a diamond ring, it is romantic, you must meet this requirement, Otherwise, don’t talk about it!”

Tang Zhong was speechless. If someone asks him to propose and still tells him the location, this is obviously like teaching him how to propose.

"Okay, then I'll prepare a custom diamond ring..."

"Don't...don't prepare, it's been too long to order a diamond ring, let me tell you, I think the proposal should be as soon as possible..." Jiang Weiwei said immediately.

"Then how can you propose without a diamond ring?" Tang Zhong said.

"...This...Let me think about it, forget it, diamond rings are too tacky, you don't have to, see, there are not many girls like me, don't want diamond rings, you have to hurry up, if I If you are snatched away, you will have to cry!" Jiang Weiwei became more and more confused as she spoke, she almost didn't know what she was talking about, her face was flushed red.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong stretched out his hand directly and took Jiang Weiwei into his arms: "Then I will snatch it back. You must be my woman in this life!"

Jiang Weiwei was dumbfounded, without any resistance, buried her head in Tang Zhong's arms, and smiled happily.

This feeling made her willing to freeze the time around her.

What kind of marriage proposal, what ceremony, really doesn't matter.

As long as the man in front of her needs it, she is willing to be with her all her life, hold her hand, and grow old together with her!
"Brother Tang..." At this moment, a voice came out.

The two were still hugging, but from the door, Li Linglong came in with a smile, just about to speak, when he saw Jiang Weiwei and Tang Zhong, the words came to his lips, and he swallowed them abruptly, feeling that he came at the wrong time Yes, turn around and prepare to leave.

At this time, Jiang Weiwei and Tang Zhong also noticed that someone was coming, and then let go.

Jiang Weiwei's face flushed, a little embarrassed.

But Tang Zhong smiled lightly.

Seeing this, Li Linglong immediately said: "Well... I'm fine, you go on, just treat me as air, I'll go... yes!"

Encountering this kind of thing, Li Linglong was also embarrassed and unlucky enough. When he heard that Tang Zhong was back, he had to come to find something. He didn't expect to see this scene. He was fed a big mouthful of dog food for no reason. He was wronged.

At this moment, Jiang Weiwei blushed even more, she couldn't stay here any longer, she turned around and glared at Tang Zhong: "Hmph, let me tell you, if you can't meet the conditions I just said, I won't marry you! "

"Yes, good wife!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"I... haven't married you yet, you can't call me a good wife!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"That's called kissing my wife!" Tang Zhong thought for a while.

"No, no, no..." Jiang Weiwei refused on the surface, but in his heart, he was already happy.

Li Linglong next to him became more and more embarrassed. He was fed so many mouthfuls of dog food for no reason, and he wanted to die.

Jiang Weiwei could no longer stand here: "I'm ignoring you, hum!"

With an arrogant appearance, she turned around and left, but just when she turned her back to Tang Zhong, Jiang Weiwei's angry appearance instantly relaxed, she secretly laughed, muttered softly, and left quickly.

Li Linglong didn't dare to come up until Jiang Weiwei walked away, he was afraid of being fed food again.

But he found that Tang Zhong had been staring at Jiang Weiwei as he left.

"Hey, brother, wake up!" Li Linglong stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Tang Zhong's eyes.

"What?" Tang Zhong finally realized.

I saw Li Linglong's smile that I knew everything, and said: "It seems that Brother Tang will have a happy event soon, and I have all the money ready!"

Tang Zhong didn't want to talk about this with Li Linglong, but it was time to propose.

Then he turned to look at Li Linglong, and said, "What are you looking for me for?"

"It's not me looking for you, it's my master who wants to see you!" Li Linglong said.

"Your master?"

"That's right, my master, I didn't expect that you are actually a member of my dragon group Black Dragon!" Li Linglong said.

"Black Dragon? Are you a Black Dragon too?" Tang Zhong asked in shock.

"Of course, and every black dragon is a warrior, but you are surprised. I investigated your file. You were not a warrior at the beginning, but you were also a black dragon. That time, it was easy for you to be canonized as a major general because you are a black dragon! "Li Linglong said strangely.

Black Dragon!

Tang Zhong remembered that when he first joined the dragon group, he joined the black dragon directly. When he didn't know warriors at the time, he didn't feel how powerful this identity was. Now that he knew that the black dragons were all warriors, it was really powerful.

Is it true that unless you are a warrior, you can join the Black Dragon?
"It's useless to say so much. My master wants to see you. My master wants to meet someone. That person must be excited to death, but you are lucky. You haven't come to see my master for so long. My master will let me Come and take you!" Li Linglong said.

"Something has happened recently, so I'm late!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, the master is waiting for you!" Li Linglong said.

"I'll let you go now!" Tang Zhong said, he wanted to see what this old man who canonized him as a major general looked like.

But he was even more curious, why did he become a black dragon when he joined the dragon group?

The two are preparing to leave.

But at this moment, a servant shouted from outside, and a nanny from the Tang family hurried over: "It's not good, Mr. Tang, Miss Jiang...she...she fainted!"

"What? Where is she now?" Tang Zhong's face turned ugly for a moment.

"Miss Jiang is in my room, and I have helped her to rest on the bed!" the nanny gasped.

Don't care about anything, Tang Zhong ran away quickly, why Wei Wei suddenly fainted, could something have happened?

(End of this chapter)

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