Chapter 511 You are finally here!
At this moment, in Jiang Weiwei's room.

Tang Zhong arrived in a hurry, and saw Jiang Weiwei, who was being taken care of, was lying on the bed, but now he had woken up and looked a little pale.

"Wei Wei, are you okay!" Tang Zhong hurried to Jiang Wei Wei's bedside.

Seeing Tang Zhong, Jiang Weiwei quickly said, "No... I'm fine!"

Thinking of what happened just now, her face blushed again, but she couldn't hide the weakness on her face, she stretched out her hands to play with her hair, for fear that Tang Zhong would see her ugly appearance.

"Let me see!" Tang Zhong didn't believe it, and quickly reached out to check Jiang Weiwei's pulse.

It was found that the pulse condition was stable, and there was no major problem. Looking at the heart rate, it was also normal.

After checking, everything is normal.

This surprised Tang Zhong, he believed in his test, but if nothing happened, how could he suddenly faint.

"Wei Wei, can you tell me what happened just before?" Tang Zhong asked anxiously.

"No, I just passed out not far from your place. I don't know what happened. I fainted when my eyes went dark, but I'm fine now!" Jiang smiled slightly.

It was very happy to see Tang Zhong caring so much about her.

"It's okay, I'm relieved!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, okay, go get busy!" Jiang Weiwei looked at Tang Zhong at this moment, and remembered what Tang Zhong said before, so she was happy: "By the way, no matter how busy you are, don't forget what you just said, don't get a diamond ring, Just bring a bouquet!"

"Don't worry!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Li Linglong just came in, and when he heard this, he immediately opened the door with courage, feeling extremely helpless in his heart, why did he follow here so cheaply, didn't he come to find someone to feed him dog food?
Tang Zhong was sure that Jiang Weiwei was fine, so he left. He was going to see Li Linglong's mysterious master, and he always felt that he knew him.

"Wei Wei, then take good care of yourself, I'm going!"

"Go, go!" Jiang Weiwei said hastily.

"En!" Tang nodded his head, then turned and walked out of the room, and said to the servant who took care of Jiang Weiwei: "You must take good care of Wei Wei, otherwise I will ask you!"

"Yes!" the servant said.

Only then did Tang Zhong push open the door, just in time to meet Li Linglong who was outside.

Li Linglong hesitated at the door, seeing Tang Zhong, the first thing he said was: "I tell you, I won't come to your house in the future, I can't afford this dog food, please leave me a call!"

Li Linglong is so angry, Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei, but they keep giving him [-] critical points, he feels uncomfortable.

"Okay, call later!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"It's more or less the same!" Li Linglong felt relieved now, no matter what, he will not come to the Tang family anymore, it's poisonous.

Outside Tang's house, Li Linglong came by car.

The two get in the car.

"My master is at the black dragon base of the dragon group. For a while, don't say anything, just follow me!"

"En!" Tang nodded.

Soon the car started.

Li Linglong was driving the car.

He took Tang Zhong and left the downtown area.

He stopped at the gate of a courtyard in the suburbs, only to see Li Linglong take out a button, took it down, and saw the wall of the courtyard in front of him, slowly rising like a rolling gate.

"The Dragon Group is originally a hidden organization. Ordinary people don't even know that the general base is in this courtyard!" Li Linglong said.

Tang Zhong remembered that the Dragon Group in Jianghai City was as secretive as it was here.

When the car entered the courtyard, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

"This yard was originally fake, we are in the elevator now!" Li Linglong said.

Tang Zhong could feel the dizziness caused by the descent.

With a bang, it finally landed on the ground, and light appeared in front of its eyes.

"Here we are, get out of the car!" Li Linglong got out of the driveway.

Tang Zhong also got out of the car.

"This is the base of the Dragon Team!" Li Linglong introduced.

Tang Zhong looked around, it was completely high-tech, and he could see that their car was also being towed away.

"Let's go, don't look, my master is waiting for you. After the old man finishes talking with you, I will take you for a walk in the dragon group." Li Linglong said.

"En!" Tang nodded.

The two walked along the white passage.

Here, you can see that there are many scientific research sites on the road. There are scientific researchers in white robes and masks, and there are test tubes and colorful potions in front of them.

There are also small frogs and small white mice on the table, all of which are used for experiments.

"These are all scientific research projects of the Long Group. They have nothing to do with us. Let's go!" Li Linglong said with a very disgusted expression, obviously very disgusted with these scientific research projects.

Don nodded his head.

After going through one passage after another, I finally arrived in front of an office.

Above these group leader rooms.

"Here we are, are you ready!" Li Linglong said.

"Ready!" Tang Zhong said.

"Let me tell you, you must maintain a good state. According to my understanding of the master, he takes care of you. I think he has accepted you as an apprentice. Therefore, you must maintain a good state. Do you know !” Li Linglong exhorted.

"it is good!"

"Go!" Li Linglong pushed away.

The scene in the room also appeared in Tang Zhong's eyes. The style is very elegant. It can be seen that no matter what the equipment is, it is in the classical Chinese style. It can be seen that Li Linglong's master is definitely a master.

Looking ahead, it looks like a dojo. In the center, Sanqing is enshrined, and smoke is slowly rising from the incense burner below.

An old man in a white robe, sitting on a futon, cross-legged, is meditating, with his eyes closed, breathing evenly, exhaling and inhaling, which is a kind of absorption method.

Looking at the old man's appearance, his eyebrows, eyelashes, and goatee can already become snow white.

Looking at the breath on the body is even more amazing.

Tang Zhong believes that it is definitely stronger than him.

He is a master, and the only one who can be stronger than him is the peak of martial arts.

Unexpectedly, this old man was actually a peak martial artist.

"Master, I brought Tang Zhong here!" Li Linglong stepped forward and said respectfully.

Tang Zhong also stepped forward immediately, saying: "Junior Tang Zhong, I came to pay my respects to the old senior. I thanked the old senior for saving my Tang family's danger. The younger generation has nothing to repay, so I came here today to express my gratitude!"

Then Tang Zhong chose to bow directly.

At the level of the old senior, no gift is important anymore. There are really too few things that can catch his eyes, so it is better to express his lofty respect.

But at this time, the old man who had been crossing his knees breathed out again, adjusted his breath with his whole body, and with his hands in front, suddenly pressed the breath in his body into his dantian, as if using martial arts and finishing it at the end.

Immediately, the old man opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on Tang Zhong in an instant. A smile appeared on his face and said, "You... finally came. I have been waiting for you for a long time, Tang Zhong!"

(End of this chapter)

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