Chapter 512: A Prophecy From Heaven!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Tang Zhong!" The old man looked at Tang Zhong and said with a smile.

Tang Zhong was flattered by this, he never thought that the old man could call out his name.

At this time, Li Linglong saw the situation, and said very understandingly: "Master, I have already brought him, I will leave first!"

"En!" The old man waved his hand.

Li Linglong turned around, flirted with Tang Zhong, and squeezed his fist, which meant to make Tang Zhong work harder.

Tang Zhong smiled knowingly.

Soon, Li Linglong walked out and closed the door.

In the entire room, only Tang Zhong and the old man were left.

"Senior!" Tang Zhong respectfully said again, this time, his waist was bent to ninety degrees.

"You don't need to bow anymore, and you don't need to call me old man like that. If you follow your seniority, you should call me Grandpa Zhang!" the old man said with a smile.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, he had never seen this old man before.

"Don't be surprised, you haven't seen me, but I have seen you, and it was when you were a child!" The old man said with a smile.

as a child?How could Tang Zhong remember what happened at that time, and immediately shouted: "Grandpa Zhang!"

Then the old man didn't continue talking, but looked Tang Zhong up and down, his eyes sparkling.

"I didn't expect you to grow to such a degree!" The old man laughed.

"My name is Zhang Changgong, an eighth-generation descendant of Taijiquan No.30, and I know your grandfather!"

What?Tang Zhong's eyes were shocked, did he know his grandfather?And this grandpa Zhang is the descendant of Taijiquan, and his surname is Zhang. This reminds him of a character in the legend named Zhang Sanfeng. Could it be that Grandpa Zhang is the descendant of Taiji Zhang Sanfeng?
At this time, Zhang Changgong ignored Tang Zhong's shock, but continued: "To be precise, we are not only acquainted, but also lifelong friends..."

Grandpa's lifelong best friend should be respected even more.

Tang Zhong directly knelt on the ground and saluted: "This junior has met Grandpa Zhang!"

"Get up, get up, you don't need to give me such a big gift!" Zhang Changgong laughed, he could naturally see that the martial arts cultivation in Tang Zhong's body, at such an age, is a master.

Only then did Tang Zhong stand up from the ground.

No wonder the old man helped him so much. It turned out that he was a close friend of Grandpa.

"Okay, now if you have any doubts, you can ask me, and I will answer you one by one!" Zhang Changgong said with a smile: "But before that, sit down and drink tea!"

"Yes, Grandpa Zhang!" Tang Zhong sat cross-legged.

One old and one young face to face.

Zhang Changgong is a master of tea art, and he has already become proficient in it.

Soon, the tea was brewed, poured into a small cup, and handed to Tang Zhong: "After drinking it, if you want to ask anything, just ask!"

Tang Zhong took the tea, sipped it lightly, and the aroma of the tea came to his nostrils instantly.

“Good tea!”

"I didn't expect you to know tea!" Zhang Changgong laughed.

"Just understand a little bit!" Tang Zhong smiled, and then put down his teacup. Now, he has many doubts that he wants to understand, and he believes that Grandpa Zhang can help him solve them.

"Grandpa Zhang, why am I among the black dragons in the dragon group?" Tang Zhong was very surprised.

If according to what Li Linglong said, in the dragon group, the black dragons are all warriors, then he is not a different kind.

"Good question." Zhang Changgong laughed and said, "I can only tell you that your name has been written on the list of dragons and black dragons since you were born!"

Tang Zhong was shocked, his birth name was among the black dragons?

"Who left my name on it!" Tang Zhong continued.

"Your grandfather... Tang Zongyao!" Zhang Changgong said seriously.

"Grandpa..." Tang Chong murmured, remembering the scene when he was a child, the way his grandfather loved him, he couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the dragon jade hanging around his neck, and holding it tightly in his palm, the dragon jade was left by his grandfather. Give him the only thing.

Unexpectedly, it was Grandpa who left his name on it.

"As for why, he didn't tell me. When he wrote your name, he said that he thought you would be an outstanding warrior in the future, so your name is on the black dragon list." Zhang Changgong said.

Tang Zhong clenched his fist tightly, he will definitely become an outstanding warrior.

But he still has doubts: "But, since you are my grandfather's best friend, why did you choose to help me when I was fighting Tang Ran?"

"Did I help you?" Zhang Changgong said, "You have always been fighting Tang Ran alone!"

"I don't care about your Tang family's affairs. I'm just helping someone who deserves to be helped!"

"And, all of this so-called arrangement was arranged by Grandpa himself!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong's face instantly turned ugly. Grandpa arranged it himself.

"Your grandfather knew that he was going to die, and he also knew that after his death, there would be civil strife in the Tang family. He once told me to pay attention to find the most talented person in the Tang family. He also said that he was most optimistic about you..." Chang Zhang Archery.

"Because Tang Ran has a vicious heart and only knows how to steal other people's things. Although Tang Xinglou is your father, he is too kind. Neither of them can be the head of the Tang family. Compassion does not hold power. And when you were young, you led the Prince's Society." , to become a prince, you have extraordinary leadership skills, so you are an excellent candidate for the head of the Tang family!"

"But it is impossible for him to leave a will to make you the head of the family before he dies. This is too unfair to you, and you will definitely be retaliated by others, so you choose to let it develop naturally, so what happened later In one scene, Tang Ran really took the initiative to seize power, took your parents' blood, and your blood, and you were forced to transform!"

Zhang Changgong said sentence by sentence.

Tang Zhong's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it was true.

Zhang Changgong noticed Tang Zhong's change, and immediately said: "Although your grandfather knew that this would happen, but he didn't stop it, I don't think you can blame him. As the head of the Tang family, what you want is someone who can deter Tang Zhong. family, a real king, not a coward, after all, he cannot live forever!"

"It's okay, I don't blame him!" Tang Zhong said, his mood fluctuated a little.

Although this news is difficult to accept, it is true. If Grandpa knew that everything was going to happen and stopped everything, or the Tang family is not what it is now.

Or in other words, the current scene is the best result.

"Besides, there is another very important reason why your grandfather chose you..." Zhang Changgong said. When he said this, the expression on his face was very serious, and he looked very serious.

"What's the reason?" Tang Zhong also became serious.

"That was a prophecy, a prophecy about the Chosen Son... In the zero year and zero day of the AD, a rain of fire fell from the sky, and the whole world was plunged into darkness. The stone tablet, there is only one sentence on the stone tablet, the heaven and the earth are dead, and the strange stones are fighting for the front, between the heaven and the earth, a descendant of the gods...he is the chosen one!" Zhang Changbow said.

"But, does this have anything to do with me?" Tang Zhong couldn't believe it when he heard this prophecy.

" has something to do with you, do you know where your dragon jade pendant came from?" Zhang Changgong looked at Tang Zhong and said seriously.

"That jade pendant was given to me by my grandfather when I was a child!" Tang Zhong blurted out as he recalled the past carefully.

"No... that jade pendant was not given to you by your grandfather, but it was accompanied by you in this world since the day you were born!" Zhang Changgong said.

"What?" Tang Zhong immediately opened his eyes wide.

(End of this chapter)

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