Chapter 513 Tang Dao!

Long Yu accompanied him?
Tang Zhong couldn't believe this was true, that is to say, when her mother was pregnant in October, not only was she left, but also this Longyu was left!


"Grandpa Zhang, you must be joking!" Tang Zhong didn't believe it.

"I'm not joking, do you think this statement is too mysterious, but this kind of thing did happen. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the third son of Li Jing in Chentangguan in the Shang Dynasty, Nezha was pregnant by his mother. Three years later, a ball of meat was born, and Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, when his mother gave birth to him, dreamed of meeting a god and a man. , hovering above the delivery bed, and then Liu Bang was born. Throughout the ages, many emperors and generals, when they were born, there was no vision, so why is it impossible for you to be born with the dragon jade? I remember your grandfather said that the jade is your umbilical cord , and then cut it and fused it together to become the current half piece of dragon jade!" Zhang Changgong said.

Tang Zhong's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. What Grandpa Zhang said now was really amazing to him.

"Show me your jade!" Suddenly, Zhang Changgong said.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong took out the dragon jade.

Now the dragon and the phoenix are fused together, half of which is a dragon and half of which is a phoenix!
Zhang Changgong took a look, and suddenly his pupils shrank: "It seems that you are with that little girl from the Jiang family!"

After Tang Zhong heard it, whoever he could understand was definitely Jiang Weiwei, and said, "Grandpa Zhang, yes!"

Tang Zhong suddenly thought of something, and said: "Grandpa Zhang, you said that this dragon jade was transformed from my umbilical cord, then this phoenix jade..."

"That's right, it was transformed by the little girl's umbilical cord. However, she is an ominous sign, and the phoenix is ​​perishable, so she is disliked by the family. She is connected with her parents, and the Jiang family's high-level officials have always wanted to get rid of her. Either the head of the Jiang family or her grandfather is protecting her. I'm afraid she's already dead now, and later her grandfather contacted your grandfather and married you two, which saved the life of the little girl surnamed Jiang, but you are so ruthless, It actually wiped out the entire Jiang family." Zhang Changgong said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong was stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Weiwei's life experience to be so tragic. No wonder before, the Jiang family said that the value of Weiwei's existence was the marriage contract with him. The corpse was pulled out of the grave and smashed into slag, and it was difficult to solve the hatred in his heart.

He swears that in the future, he will treat Wei Wei well. For so many years, Wei Wei has really worked so hard.

"Anyway, that's what the prophecy is about. Strange stones fighting for the top, it's about the origin stone..." Zhang Changbow said.

"Origin stone?" Tang Zhong asked in shock.

"Have you seen it?" Zhang Changgong stared at Tang Chong.

"I have seen..."

"The power of the stone is very strong!" Zhang Changgong said.

"It's really strong..." Tang Zhong said.

"It's this kind of stone. Many countries have their eyes on it. If they get this kind of stone, they can make big things, comparable to nuclear energy, and more powerful. Therefore, the battle between strange stones has been realized, just look at the sky in that prophecy. Does the chosen person really exist?" Zhang Changgong asked.

"Then what is the meaning of the existence of the Chosen One?" Tang Zhong asked.

The prophecy only said that the chosen one would appear, but did not say what disaster would happen.

"No one knows, this prophecy, people abroad already know it, and they all know that now that the source stone is released, the chosen one will be sent. If there is any disaster, they will only know when the chosen one appears. Moreover, there are many prophecies abroad, such as the Mayan prophecy..." Zhang Changbow said.

"Then am I really the chosen one?" Tang Zhong asked.

"No...not necessarily, I can only say that there is a chance!" Zhang Changgong said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. There is only one meaning in saying this, that is, protect yourself, and absolutely nothing will happen to you!"

"I see!" Tang nodded his head.

"Also, do you know how your grandfather died?" Zhang Changgong asked.

Grandpa's death?Tang Zhong really didn't know, he knew since he was a child that after his grandfather gave him the jade pendant, it disappeared, and when he heard about his grandfather again, it was news of his death.

"Do you know? Grandpa Zhang!" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course I know... Hey!" Zhang Changgong sighed deeply, and then said: "You are already strong enough, but this is not enough, but you already have the qualifications to know this news!"

"Tell me, I will definitely listen to you!" Tang nodded his head, feeling that there were many problems with Grandpa's death.

"Have you heard of Tang Dao?" Zhang Changgong asked.

"Yes!" Tang nodded.

Among the top ten famous knives, Tang Knife ranks first, he understands this, but what does it have to do with Grandpa's death?
Suddenly Tang Zhong chanted Tang Dao, and was chanted as Tang. His surname was Tang. Could this Tang Dao have something to do with their Tang family?

"You're right, it does matter, because Tang Dao belongs to your Tang family!" Zhang Changgong said.

Tang Dao actually belonged to the Tang family, Tang Zhong couldn't believe it: "Then what happened to Grandpa's death? Grandpa Zhang, tell me quickly!"

"Your grandfather died in battle. More than ten years ago, there was a life-and-death battle between the Wa Kingdom and the Wa Kingdom's kendo peak. Later, he was defeated. The Tang sword he used stayed in the Wa Kingdom." Zhang Changgong sighed.

"How could my grandfather lose to the Japanese?" Tang Zhong asked in disbelief.

"Brother Tang went to the meeting alone in that battle. I was not there. I was doing a mission in the dragon team. After the mission was completed, I got the news of Brother Tang's death. Later, I couldn't find out. The cause of Brother Tang's death was definitely not simple. If there was an accident, he might have been ambushed by several martial arts peaks from the Wa Kingdom. I wanted to avenge Brother Tang, but that battle took place in the Wa Kingdom, so I couldn't verify it. I sent people to the Wa Kingdom to investigate, but the There is absolutely no trace of the First World War, just like this, I have searched for more than ten years, but still have no results, but I am sure that Brother Tang must have been intercepted and killed, and there must be a demon when things go wrong." Zhang Changgong said.

Then he looked at Tang Zhong, especially when he saw the other's face, he couldn't help being startled.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's whole appearance changed, a pair of fists were tightly squeezed together, his eyes were extremely red: "Grandpa Zhang, who is my grandfather fighting against the Japanese country, you tell me!"

"His name is Kazuo Inoue. As far as I know, he declared that he killed Fang Zongyao, the peak of Chinese martial arts, and took away your grandfather's Tang Dao, which is now in his dormitory. And because of this, Kazuo Inoue He became famous in the Japanese country and became the top ten in the Japanese country's strength, and the name Tang Zongyao has also become the laughing stock of the RB martial arts world!" Zhang Changgong didn't hide anything, and said everything.

"I will definitely kill him, I will not let anyone laugh at my grandpa!" Suddenly, Tang Zhong said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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