Chapter 515: Home has a chef!

Get out of the dragon base.

The son of prophecy, as well as the news of grandpa, has been echoing in Tang Zhong's mind.

No matter which one shocked him, Grandpa Zhang Changgong would never lie to him.

The current Tang Zhong has nowhere to go. What he needs most now is to become stronger, truly stronger, so that he can avenge his grandfather and get the family Tang Dao.

"Kazuo Inoue, you wait for me!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists and said.

He was sent home by Li Linglong. Originally, Li Linglong refused and was afraid to go to Tang's house and eat another bite of dog food, but seeing Tang Zhong's very sad appearance, he still endured the risk of eating dog food and sent Tang Zhong back.

"By the way, what did my master tell you?"

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Li Linglong noticed that Tang Zhong was in a particularly disappointed mood, and he didn't say anything. He drove quietly and drove Tang Zhong to the gate of the Tang family before driving away.

And Tang Zhong directly entered the door and rushed to Jiang Weiwei's room.

Tang Zhong's heart aches when thinking of what Wei Wei has encountered for so many years.


As soon as he opened the door of Jiang Weiwei's room, he smelled a scent, which belonged to the smell of food.

Immediately, I saw that there were a lot of dishes on the table at the moment, the color was beautiful, and it looked so appetizing.

And beside the table, Jiang Weiwei was wearing an apron, counting the number of dishes: "One, two, three...six, only six, this is definitely not enough, this is not enough for Tang Dawei! "

Suddenly hearing the door rang, Jiang turned his head slightly, saw Tang Zhong, and grinned.

" did you get out of bed and cook by yourself?" Tang Zhong asked anxiously.

"It's not all right, so I got out of bed... Then I remembered that you had to eat when you came back, so I made a little... I don't know how it tastes, I haven't been willing to taste it yet, you came back just right, come and taste it !” Jiang smiled slightly, his eyes slanted to one side, not daring to look directly at Tang Zhong.

But this time, Tang Zhong stepped forward and hugged Jiang Weiwei.

Jiang Weiwei never imagined that being held in Tang Zhong's arms, his breath became rushing, his whole face turned red, and his heart beat faster.

"...Wei Wei!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah..." Jiang Weiwei's heart beat faster, which is a little different from the usual Tang Zhong.

"From now on, let me protect you!" Tang Zhong said suddenly.

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she was stunned. She didn't know what to say, and her mind was almost in a state of confusion: "Is he confessing his love? But why is there no flowers in his confession? What about the romantic starry sky? And What about the beach? Why is there nothing? Are you just confessing your love here? How could this guy be so sudden? No one was prepared, ahhhhh!"

Jiang Weiwei didn't even know what she was thinking.

But hearing Tang Zhong's words, the whole heart is warm, Hua?Romantic starry sky?beach?What are these things?At this moment, the joy in her heart is enough to be transformed into a single sentence.

"I am willing!"

But at this moment, the door creaked open.

"Brother Tang, I see you are so uncomfortable, I think I need to enlighten you, although I don't know what happened, but if you are sad because my master didn't accept you as an apprentice, you don't need it at all, maybe This is the test my master gave you... test!" Li Linglong opened the door and said directly, but just happened to see this scene: " continue!"

Li Linglong closed the door, feeling even more uncomfortable. He was about to leave, but remembering how sad Tang Zhong was, he didn't tell him what happened, so Li Linglong was going to enlighten Tang Zhong, so he came in, invisible , took another bite of dog food.

"Damn it, what crime did I do? Feed me again, you wait, Tang, even if you are beaten and cried in the future, I won't come!" Li Linglong got into his car and blurted out Dao, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he saw the car swish and disappear into an afterimage.

And these words were heard by many idlers, watching the back of Li Linglong driving, helplessly shook his head: "It's hard to be single these days, and I don't know what happened to this child!"

In the room, because Li Linglong broke in suddenly, the two of them were disturbed, Tang Zhong was fine, but Jiang Weiwei, blushing so hard, took a step back, looked at Tang Zhong in front of him and said: "Okay, okay, What can happen to me, I'm here at Tang's house every day, hurry up and eat, it's getting cold!"

Although Jiang Weiwei said so on the lips, he was very happy in his heart. Why did this idiot suddenly become so enlightened this time? Could it be that he is close to confessing his love to flowers... No, no, I have to hint... ...Uh, what kind of flowers do you want?Rose or rose?
The two began to eat.

Jiang Weiwei only cared about putting vegetables in Tang Zhong's bowl, her pupils were shining: "Eat quickly, eat quickly, try this girl's first cooking!"

Tang Zhong swept the food in front of him and laughed: "It looks delicious, then I'm going to start!"

"Eat quick braised pork first!" Jiang Weiwei gave Tang Zhong a piece of meat.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong looked at the braised pork that Jiang Weiwei had brought over, and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't see anything wrong, the color was okay, let's eat it.

Tang Zhong opened his mouth to pick up the meat with chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and began to chew up and down.

But in the next second, he closed his mouth tightly, and the color on his face changed.

"How is it? How is it? Is it delicious?" Jiang Weiwei asked impatiently.

"Delicious, so delicious!" Tang Zhong bit the braised pork in his mouth.

This meat seems to be undercooked, but it’s fine if it’s not fully cooked. More importantly, this meat is really salty, so how much salt should be added.

But Tang Zhong turned his head and saw Jiang Weiwei's radiant little face, and remembered that it was the first time for him to cook, so he endured it, eat the meat carefully when it is not cooked.

Grinding your teeth hard, you finally swallowed the meat in your mouth, but the salty taste in your mouth still remains in your mouth.

From now on, he vowed that he would never eat a meal made by a beginner again...

"Brother Tang, eat this vegetable..." Jiang Weiwei took another piece of fried vegetable and put it in Tang Zhong's bowl.

Tang Zhong just took a look, the color is still good, but there is something wrong, he didn't notice it.

"This green vegetable is pollution-free and good for people's health. Eat it!"

Seeing this, Tang Zhong comforted himself: "There is always a dish that is successful, not all dishes are like that meat, yes, that's how it is!"

He felt that now he should encourage Jiang Weiwei instead of punishing him, just eat it.

Then he looked at the green vegetables and began to prepare vegetables, and saw a small piece of vegetables delivered to Tang Zhong's mouth.

In the middle, but in the next second, his face turned red, his whole head was steaming, and his mouth was so hot that it was almost swollen.

However, Tang Zhong held back, this vegetable is so spicy!

He has to hold back!

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Weiwei asked excitedly.

"Good...delicious!" Tang Zhong said, but the eyes of the spicy man were wet and tears flowed.

"Hey, Brother Tang, why are you crying? Could it be that my cooking is not delicious?" Jiang Weiwei asked.

"It's delicious, no problem, it's really delicious...I'm moved to tears because it's so delicious!" Tang Zhong burst into tears.

"Hehe, I knew this dish was delicious. Let me tell you, I added some seasoning that I didn't know about this dish. I thought it smelled good, so I added more, and the result was exactly as I expected. I don't even want to eat these dishes, how about this girl, isn't she amazing?" Jiang Weiwei said excitedly.

"Wait, what seasoning did you say?" Tang Zhong had an ominous premonition.

"That's it!" Jiang Weiwei took out a bottle directly.

Tang Zhong just glanced at the name, and his whole face was instantly incomparable, because the word mustard was written on the bottle.


(End of this chapter)

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