Chapter 516 Departure!

No matter how unpalatable the meal cooked by my wife is, I have to eat it on my knees.

Anyway, Tang Zhong swore that he would never eat meals cooked by novices again.

And Tang Zhongguo told Jiang Weiwei that he was leaving for Korea for a few days, Jiang Weiwei just gave a few words of advice and didn't say anything more.

So Tang Zhong received the notice to gather the next day, and immediately set off to the meeting place.

What has been done to Korea Kuaitian Group is very serious, so Huaxia attaches great importance to it.

Tang Zhong was not the only one who went this time, there were others.

And in the base.

Tang Zhong saw other people, a room in the base, when he went, there were already several people in it.

Zhang Changgong and Li Linglong did not appear again, but the person who presided over the investigation of the Kuaitian Group this time was a man with a beard like Wolverine, a tall man, and wearing black clothes. He was explaining the content on an electronic screen at the moment. It is the instructor of this operation.

What appeared on the electronic screen was the map of Koryo. Of course, it was just an electronic map, which was taken by satellite.

Of course, it's just a general map, without any details.

In front of the electronic screen, there were several people wearing combat uniforms, all of whom looked fierce. One of them, who looked to be in his 30s, had a mustache on his chin, and kept throwing a knife up and down in his hand.

There is also a woman, lying on a chair, but the lump of flesh on her body is really not blown, you can see the whiteness of her chest through the collar, even if you stretch your hand in, I'm afraid it can be clamped.

There is also a tall and strong man who looks very normal.

Tang Zhong pushed the door open and everyone looked at him.

"Sorry, I'm late, my name is Tang Zhong!"

Tang Zhong knew that these people should be the ones who went with him to do the task this time, and he was late, so he apologized.

All I saw was that the instructor said coldly, "You're late!"

"Well, instructor, it won't happen in the future!" Tang Zhong said.

"You were recommended by Team Leader Zhang. Team Leader Zhang is a person who keeps time, so I think you are like that!" said the instructor.

"Don't worry, I will!" Tang nodded his head.

He obviously left as soon as he received the order, but he was still late. Looking at the instructor in front of him, this person notified all the news about the members who participated in the activity this time. It seems that the instructor deliberately informed him late. Did you give him the power to do it right after you came here?

Thinking of what Grandpa Zhang said before, he felt relieved, it was someone in the dragon group who wanted to target.So these people were sent.

And Tang Zhong didn't want to argue with them.

He just wants to make some achievements now, to stop other people's mouths.

The instructor didn't know what to say. He got a secret notice saying that he would target this person named Tang Zhong. Although he didn't know who the other party was, of course he had to listen to the orders from above, so he notified this mission gathering When it was time, I specially notified Tang Zhong that it was late, just for now. I thought Tang Zhong would be furious. After all, he became a major general at such a young age. Yes, I had no choice but to say: "There are seats over there, just sit down!"

Tang Zhong found a seat.

The stools are four arranged together.

Tang Zhong sat behind those three people.

The woman found Tang Zhong sitting behind her, subconsciously moved the chair, turned her head and gave Tang Zhong a disdainful look.

The person who played with the knife also didn't want to see Tang Zhong at all.

Only the strong man didn't care, so he said, "My name is Wang Han!"

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

At this moment, the instructor also began to announce the content of this task, pointing to the map on the electronic screen and said: "The map you see now is the map of Koryo, which is not far from Huaxia. This time our goal is Kuaitian here. The group, compared to the few of you, should already know the purpose of this mission, find out why the Kuaitian Group supports the installation of this monitoring system, and once you find out the problem, report the content back immediately!"


"Now let me tell you about the landing site. You guys, pretending to be tourists going to Korea, conducted a private investigation. The investigation will only last for one month. If you can't find anything from the investigation, you can go back to China. Of course, you must erase all your information. Traces, don't be discovered by Kuaitian!" the instructor said.

"Small, instructor, we have done this kind of thing many times, and there will never be any problems!" The man who was spinning the knife said humanely.

"Yes, instructor!" the woman also said.

"That's good, now I'll introduce you to the new members!" said the instructor.

Who knows, the man with the knife immediately said: "Actually, instructor, you don't need to be so troublesome at all. Going to Korea, the three of us can completely solve it. After all, we have experience in this line of work, and one more person, more What is more is burdensome, so we ask, we don't need that person to join us!" Humane said, swinging the knife.

"No... this time is a task assigned by the team leaders!" The instructor shouted.

The man who was swinging the knife stopped talking.

The instructor began to introduce to Tang Zhong: "The man who swings the knife, he is a dagger master, he is in the dragon group, code-named Candao!"

Then he pointed to the woman with fiery red hair and said, "Her name is Fire Crow, and she is the best at playing with fire!"

Finally, pointing to the strong man, he said, "His name is Wang Han, and he is very strong. He can move a ton of boulders!"

After introducing the three people, he began to introduce Tang Zhong to the three people.

The Candao said directly: "There is no need to introduce, he is not worthy of letting us know his name, this time we will accept the mission!"

"Yes, I don't want to know the name of a mere unknown junior. Instructor, give the order to set off!" the fire crow also said.

But Wang Han didn't say a word.

" are a team, you must know the name of the place!" the instructor said.

In the dragon group, doing missions together and knowing each other's names is a rule that must not be violated.

"Instructor, he is not worthy to be my teammate. At his age, he should be a second-generation dude instead of entering the dragon group to be gilded. I want to use the prestige of the three of us to make a career for him in the dragon group. So, he doesn't deserve to let us know his name!" Can Dao said, swinging the small dagger in his hand.

In his opinion, Tang Zhong is basically a rookie who has just entered the dragon group. He must have used some relationship to get in and be gilded, so that he can go out and say that he is a major general and has completed the task of the dragon group to brag to others.

Therefore, he looked down on Tang Zhong at all, and he didn't want to talk too much with such a person.

Tang Zhong in the distance didn't care about this at all, looked at the instructor, and said: "Since they don't want to listen, then forget it, no need to introduce!"

When the instructor saw this, he didn't know what to say. He held Tang Zhong's document in his hand, which contained information about Tang Zhong's identity. It was densely packed, and there were actually more than ten pages.

"Zhanlonglongtou, the grandson of Tang Zongyao, the head of the Tang family... and the last one, the master of martial arts..."

The instructor's scalp became numb the more he looked back, there is a small person here, this is a thigh at all, and since Tang Zhong refuses to say it, then he will not say it, immediately put away all the documents, and ordered: " Then let's go, the plane is ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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