Chapter 519 Investigation Results!

At this moment, the boss of the Korean people no longer had the courage to stay here. He didn't care to take out the walkie-talkie and tell the story here, so he turned around and ran away.

Tang Zhong laughed when he saw this, and stabbed forward like a javelin with a steel bar in his hand.

I saw the steel bar, like a hidden weapon, swishing past at an extremely fast speed.

I only saw steel bars flying in a parabola in the air.

The boss of the Korean man was running, and when he looked back, he saw the steel bars flying towards him, and his feet were even faster in fright.

But suddenly, he didn't dare to run anymore, and he stood on the spot, not even daring to move, his legs were trembling.

Because there is a steel bar inserted into the ground at his crotch, it is obvious that the steel bar that was in the air just now fell from the sky and landed here.

If he moved just now, I'm afraid that the steel bar stabbed his baby, so he didn't dare to move, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and there were so many steel bars on the ground. If he ran by himself, that person would pick up the steel bar thorns from the ground In his words, that's too risky.

At this time, a voice came from behind: "Run? Why don't you run?"

The Korean boss turned his already stiff head, just saw Tang Zhong behind him, and couldn't help but feel chills in his heart: "I...please forgive me!"

With a plop, he knelt directly on the ground,
I saw Tang Zhong directly pulled out the steel bar inserted on the ground, turned around and walked in front of the Korean boss, and said with a smile: "Now I will ask you a few questions!"

"Ask, I'll tell you everything!" the Korean boss shouted.

He said everything now, this person is a monster.

"If you dare to say anything nonsense about the question I asked, you will be blamed for the blood on the steel bar in my hand!" Tang Zhong said.

That Korean boss dares to say nonsense.

"I said, I said everything!"

"That's very good, then let me ask you the first question, where are you from?" Tang Zhong asked.

"We...we are employees of Kuaitian Group!" the Korean boss said immediately.

"This is not the answer I want!" Tang Zhong directly took the steel bar and pointed it at the head of the Korean boss.

The boss panicked even more, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were fixed on the steel bar slowly falling.

"Tell the truth, otherwise, you will know what will happen to you!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"What I'm telling is the truth, the absolute truth, you have to believe me!" said the old man.

But in the next second, he was hit hard on the top of his head, and the steel bar hit his head directly. There was severe pain, and a stream of bright red blood flowed out.

"My head..." The boss squatted on the ground and yelled, holding his headache, and his head began to feel dizzy.But the wisdom is still there.

"I want to hear the truth!" Tang Zhong crouched on the ground and said with a cruel smile, swinging the steel bar up and down in his hand.

The boss panicked even more: "I... I am really an employee of Kuaitian!"

But what greeted him was no longer a steel bar, but two times, but this time, it was not his head, but two arms.

The screams came instantly.

"My actually broke my hand!" The boss said in horror.

"Next time it's legs, honestly?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The Koreans, like the Japanese, are very cheap. If you want them to speak up, you have to take tough measures, otherwise it won't work, and the toughest way is to beat them.

Sure enough, when the Korean boss heard Tang Zhong's words, he trembled all over: "Don't fight... I said, I said everything, we are soldiers trained by Kuaitian Group!" "


This is a good word. It seems that the Kuaitian Group has great ambitions. It actually trains soldiers. The Kuaitian Group signed a land exchange contract with a mysterious organization. I am afraid that the Korean government should know about it.

It seems that this is a conspiracy, a big conspiracy against them in China.

Damn Koreans.

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes together.

"Then, the second question is, why are you following me?" Tang Zhong asked.

I was being followed by these people as soon as I got off the plane. It can only show that these people have been waiting here for a long time, and they can recognize them at a glance. There must be something wrong.

"I... I really don't know. We just obeyed the order. Someone gave us an order. Let us wait here for someone. When the person is behind, we can follow and strike at the most suitable time!" The Korean man said the boss.

"Really?" Tang Zhong raised the steel bar. These people didn't know that a sentence was false when they spoke, and they had to threaten death to tell the truth.

The Korean boss immediately kowtowed: "Don't hit me, I'm telling the truth, we really don't know anything!"

Seeing this sincerity, Tang Zhong chose to believe it.

It seems that everything the Kuaitian Group does is very hidden.

"Then, the third question, where is the most recent contract signed by your Kuaitian Group?" Tang Zhong asked.

Since you can't ask who the person behind is, it's better to start from the ground. Kuaitian Group will sign a land exchange contract with the mysterious organization, so it would be good to know that Kuaitian's land is there! "

"I... I really don't know anything, I'm just a small soldier!" The Korean boss quickly said, "Don't worry, I never lied to you. I usually use the walkie-talkie to communicate with my boss, and I have never met him before." Myself!"

After speaking, the Korean boss took out a walkie-talkie.

The pitch-black walkie-talkie.

"Bring it to me to see!" Tang Zhong looked at the walkie-talkie and said.

"Okay!" the Korean boss said immediately, and then handed over the walkie-talkie.

It was originally a terrified expression, but when he handed over the walkie-talkie, his whole expression turned cold. When he pressed a button on the walkie-talkie, the LED light on the walkie-talkie began to flash red rapidly.

Immediately there was a ferocious expression on the face of the Korean boss: "Go to hell!"

The walkie-talkie is a kind of bomb, it only takes three seconds to activate, and the red light flashes three times before it will explode.

"Damn Huaxia dogs, I, the Koreans, will not give in. If you take away our Korean Dragon Boat Festival, you Huaxia people are simply wolf-hearted!"

At this moment, the bomb in the hands of the Korean boss suddenly dropped and threw it towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong looked at the bomb without being moved at all.

"You...why aren't you afraid?" Seeing Tang Zhong's expression, the Korean boss couldn't believe it. He was about to die with the other party, but the other party didn't care at all, which made him terrified.

"Because you are not worthy, and the Dragon Boat Festival is our Huaxia!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

At this moment, his fists were clenched, blood burst out, and he punched the Korean boss.

Huge blood power was vented out like a tide, and all of it rushed to the boss of the Korean.

The whole person was blasted out. It is unbelievable that this punch was completed in a second. This person is really terrible, and his face is even more ugly, because the walkie-talkie bomb that was activated just now is in the air right now. in his hands.

"Do not……"

The whole thing flew towards unfinished real estate.

At that moment, the walkie-talkie exploded, the flames exploded, and the huge radiation that was produced poured out towards the surroundings.

The entire unfinished seven-story building could no longer withstand the power of the explosion.

It collapsed with a bang.

Dust was flying and gravel was flying.

Even the area around the unfinished building has been interfered with.

It is completely like a ruin, and the flames are burning fiercely.

At this moment, Tang Zhongkan didn't even look at it, but turned around and left here. The explosion will definitely alarm many people. After all, this is within the territory of Korea. The most important thing now is to find out where the land signed by the Kuaitian Group is?
Immediately, Tang Zhong's body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

(This episode involves the military, so it's a bit difficult to write. Although the country is suffering now, it's good to be able to kill Lotte here.)
(End of this chapter)

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