Chapter 520 Inner Ghost!

And at the moment on the other side.

Candao Huoya Wang Han and others were panting to escape, and behind them, a large group of people in airport staff uniforms were chasing after them.

Originally Can Dao and others left the airport and were about to hail a taxi and have a good time in Koryo, but suddenly, someone stepped forward and threatened to arrest them.

At first they talked with each other, but then those guys just fucked the dick and were going to grab you.

It was only then that Can Dao and the others realized the importance of the problem. I am afraid that they had already been discovered when they came to China.

Immediately turned around and fled.

Now the three of them hid behind a private house and escaped the pursuers.

"So many people have arrested us, it seems that we have been exposed, damn it!" Candao yelled.

"Then what should we do?" Fire Crow also asked anxiously.

"Hiding first, it seems that this mission is going to be difficult!" Can Dao Na murmured.

"Then what about Tang Zhong?" At this moment, Wang Han asked, his huge chest rising and falling.

"Why do you still have time to take care of that rich second generation who came to be gilded?" Can Dao scolded directly.

"But, that's our teammate for this mission!" Wang Han shouted.

"What teammate, think about it, we have done so many missions, and we have not exposed our traces. That time was not passed safely, but this time, we were intercepted as soon as we left the Koryo Airport. It is inevitable that someone leaked the news, you The three of us are already old partners, and it is very likely that that guy exposed himself, which led to us being targeted!" Fire Crow said directly.

"No way!" Wang Han didn't believe it.

Can Dao thought about it carefully, and said: "What Huo Ya said is not unreasonable. That guy is the only stranger. He may expose us. Don't worry about him. We are here this time for a mission!"

Wang Han still has something to say.

But Can Dao didn't give him a chance at all: "Come on, follow me to investigate this Kuaitian Group now, and complete the task as quickly as possible!"

"Yes!" Fire Crow excitedly said.

Wang Han was worried about Tang Zhong, so he could only whisper: "Yes!"

Then the three of them were ready to leave.

But at this time, Fire Crow was at the back, looking around vigilantly, looking furtive, took out a folded note from his pocket, buried it in the soil, and pulled out a hair of his own , tied to the painted white wood next to it, the existence of the hair can be seen at a glance, and after finishing everything, he immediately followed behind Can Dao and the others.

After a while, those who were chasing Can Dao and the other three came back again.

"Damn, why are you missing?"

"Is it just like that? It shouldn't be!"

But one of the bosses did not speak, but turned his head to look around, as if he was looking for something, and suddenly saw the hair on the white wood in the distance, his eyes lit up immediately, and he walked over quickly, looking down, he saw the hair beside the wood. There are traces of loose soil, squat down to dig the soil, get a piece of paper, hold it in your hand, get up at the same time, step on the soil dug on the ground with your feet, and at the same time pull off the hair tied to the wood.

After finishing everything, the boss ordered: "Go back now!"

"Yes!" A large group of people turned around and left here.

Soon, a group of people took a car and drove into a small villa.

Holding the note, the boss quickly shuttled through the house. The bodyguards in black were all along the way, revealing their identities little by little, and arrived soon.

At this moment, there is a middle-aged man inside, and it is Xin Dongbin, the chairman of Kuaitian Group, who is reading a book.

I saw the boss directly kneeling on the ground: "President Xin, there is news on the [-]th!"

Xin Dongbin raised his head when he heard the voice, and said, "What news?"

"I found a note, and it should all be written on it, President, please take a look!" The boss handed over the note.

Xin Dongbin took it, opened the note, and burst out laughing when he saw the content on it: "People in Huaxia are so stupid, do you think sending four people over can stop them? They are really too young!"

Then he looked at the boss next to him and shouted: "You brought this news, I want to promote you!"

"Thank you, President Xin!" The boss knelt on the ground and said excitedly.

"No. [-] brought back news that this time she entered Korea, and she has a total of four people, code-named Candao Squad, and a rich second generation who doesn't know where he came from. Don't worry about this person, No. [-] said, This person has no skills, he is here for gilding, the most important thing to deal with now is the Candao team, you are now chasing the whole of Seoul, as long as you find their traces, and then do it, don't leave them alive, understand?" Xin Dongbin ordered road.

"Yes!" The man kneeling on the ground shouted immediately.

"Let's go!"

"It's the president!"

Soon, only Xin Dongbin was left in the room. He walked over, closed the door, returned to the desk again, and took out a mobile phone from the desk. The mobile phone was all black and could only be used for making calls. There is only one number in the phone book, press the dial button to go down.

Soon, the phone was connected.

Xin Dongbin said directly: "People from Huaxia have already made a move, what should we do?"

On the other end of the phone, after a brief pause, a voice came: "Stop it, the device that installs the system is about to enter the country, so we must not let the Huaxia people make trouble!"

"I see!" Xin Dongbin hung up the phone and put the phone back where it was.

At the same time, Tang Zhong killed those people, and now they have reached a safe place.

If it was said that he was hunted down by someone, then Wang Han and the others must have met them too.

It seems that the identity of the Kuaitian Group is not simple, otherwise it would be impossible for someone to stare at them as soon as they leave the airport. There must be a problem, or they have an inner ghost on their side, exposing this plan All the content, so now you can't go to those people, the only thing you can do now is to check it yourself.

For the Candao trio, Tang Zhong was most worried about Wang Han. Obviously, there would be absolutely no problems with this strong man, so I hope he will have no problems.

Now only Tang Zhong can check it himself.

The easiest way is to find the place where Kuaitian Group signed the contract. The easiest way is to find all the places related to Kuaitian Group from the map, and then eliminate them one by one.

Tang Zhong is proficient in many languages, including Korean.

Buying an electronic map of Seoul in standard Korean, the seller did not doubt that Tang Zhong was a Korean.

After getting the electronic map, Tang Zhong began to look for Kuaitian Group.

But found the biggest problem.

On the electronic map, there are too few introductions about the Kuaitian Group. Although this kind of electronic map is taken with the help of satellites, if you interfere with the satellite signal, you will lack many identities. With the strength, it should be impossible to do this.

I am afraid that someone is controlling all of this, keeping others from knowing what happened to the Kuaitian Group, and secretly installing a monitoring system. The only person who can do all this is probably the Korean official.

"It seems that this matter is getting more and more complicated!" Tang Zhong murmured.

He is not familiar with Seoul at all, and it is a bit difficult to check things.

But at this time, Tang Zhong suddenly saw a supermarket not far away, it was the Kuaitian Supermarket under Kuaitian Group...

Immediately, a hidden smile appeared on Tang Zhong's face, he had a solution, since there is no place to check now, then let these people jump out by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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