Chapter 522 Press Conference!

For a whole day, all Kuaitian supermarkets in Seoul were ambushed by Tang Zhong.

It wasn't that the water pipe exploded, which almost flooded the customers, or that the parking lot was full of thumbtacks, which caused all the cars to burst tires, and the parking lot collapsed directly, affecting customers' shopping. In short, Tang Zhong didn't speak any morals this time. The damage can be done in any way, after all, if you can fix the other party, even if you pour dung on the other party.

Throughout Seoul, more than a dozen Kuaitian supermarkets have already been attacked by Tang Zhong.

Not only that, everything related to Kuaitian will be destroyed.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't force Xin Dongbin out.

What happened in Kuaitian Supermarket was also interviewed by the reporter, and the manager of the supermarket was the interviewee.

"Excuse me, your Kuaitian Supermarket seems to have had a lot of troubles recently?" the reporter asked.

The manager said directly: "It must be a terrorist attack, definitely, the whole city of Seoul, the dozens of stores in our Kuaitian Supermarket have all suffered more or less disasters. It is obvious that someone is targeting us!"

"But it's very different from ordinary terrorist attacks. No one was killed or injured in your Kuaitian Supermarket, and you didn't find any terrible weapons used in the so-called terrorist attacks? There must be another reason!" The reporter said.

"It's a terrorist attack at all!" The manager was unconvinced.

"Do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, please take some responsibility for Kuaitian. First, the four big characters Kuaitian Mart exploded, and then the glass curtain wall exploded, and then the shelf collapsed, and there was a problem with the bathtub containing aquatic products. The water pipe exploded, and there were thumbtacks on the garage floor. May I ask the manager, can I push all these problems to you, the supermarket facilities are aging, and the sanitation supervision is not good?" The reporter's mouth once said the main point.

The manager didn't know what to say.

The managers of more than a dozen Kuaitian supermarkets were all interviewed, but when the reporter asked this question, they all had to shut up.

And this crisis of trust in Kuaitian Supermarket soon became a sensation in Seoul.

Almost all the people began to refuse to go shopping in Kuantian, and even those who only have Kuantian supermarket near their homes would rather drive to further places than shop in Kuantian.

Within half a day, the turnover returned directly to before liberation.

Tang Zhong was very satisfied with the result. If nothing else happened, the prey would be on the move soon.

What happened at Kuaitian Supermarket also reached Xin Dongbin's ears.

In the villa, Xin Dongbin looked at the comment on the Kuaitian Group in the newspaper handed over by his subordinates, "Go out of business soon!", the six characters made Xin Dongbin trembling with anger, and then saw the Kuaitian Supermarket within a day The total turnover of the company is only [-] won, and the whole person can no longer bear the anger in his heart.

Kuaitian Supermarket is the place with the highest turnover of Kuaitian Group. Now it has [-] won, which is usually hundreds of millions!
He stood up abruptly, threw the documents in his hand onto the table, and then shouted to the general managers of the major Kuaitian supermarkets in front of him: "Trash, you are really trash, how do you manage supermarkets normally, how can such a situation happen?" Condition?"

None of the general managers dared to speak, they only dared to lower their heads.

Xin Dongbin was still upset, he kicked the table,
But the strength was not enough, the table didn't fall down, but Xin Dongbin rebounded himself and fell to the ground.

Seeing Xin Dongbin like this, the general managers hurried forward and worried: "President, President, are you okay!"

Xin Dongbin couldn't help but swear again.

"Go away!"

Those general managers knew the president's temper, and remembered what happened in Kuaitian Supermarket recently, so they didn't dare to violate it, and stood aside one after another.

Seeing Xin Dongbin get up slowly from the ground, thinking of Kuaitian Supermarket's turnover of only [-] won, he even wanted to yell, "A bunch of trash..."

There was another instability under that foot, and the whole person rushed forward, like a dog lying on the ground, and the whole person's nosebleed was thrown out.

The general managers were uglier than the last. Seeing the chairman's appearance and remembering what happened just now, they didn't dare to go up to help him.

"A bunch of trash, come and help me!" Xin Dongbin shouted.

Only then did a large group of general managers dare to go forward. Xin Dongbin helped him up and let him sit on the chair.

"Then President, what should we do now that Kuaitian Supermarket has such a situation?"

Xin Dongbin's head was covered in ashes, his nostrils were bleeding, and he slapped the talking general manager on the face: "What the hell can I do, of course hold a press conference!"

"Yes, yes, president, we're going to hold a press conference right now!" said the beaten general manager.

"What the hell are you? This time, I will attend the press conference. Get out now!" Xin Dongbin shouted.

The general managers didn't dare to go forward, so they turned around and ran away.

On the same day, news spread from Kuaitian Group that a press conference would be held in front of Kuaitian Supermarket in Seoul.

In an instant, all the reporters in Seoul chose to go there.

And Tang Zhong also got the news. Sure enough, someone couldn't sit still. No matter who is behind the Kuaitian Group, he is an enterprise, and the enterprise's focus is on profit. It is absolutely impossible to tolerate such a small daily sales volume. , then this is an opportunity for Tang Zhong.

You can't get any news from Xiao Luoluo, so if you look for it from Xin Dongbin, you will definitely gain something.

And those who got the news were Can Dao and others.

For the past few days, Can Dao and the others have been avoiding pursuit, and when they got the news that Xin Dongbin was going to appear, they hid in a small hotel.

There are three beds inside.

Candao Huoya and Wang Han are all inside.

Saw the news on TV.

"We have a chance!" Can Dao pointed to the news about Kuaitian Group on TV and said to the two people beside him.

"What do you want to do?" Fire Raven couldn't help asking.

"Of course he was caught and interrogated. Since Xin Dongbin is the president of Kuaitian Group, he must know everything. As long as he is caught, he will be able to find out the ins and outs of the problem!" Can Dao said coldly.

"I support!" Fire Crow said.

"Can Dao, should we take care of our fourth teammate... We were hunted down, so he must be hunted down too, I think we should find him!" Wang Han said.

"Shut up, don't mention that unlucky guy, we have completed so many missions, and we have never been so troublesome as this time, and this time our actions are so covert, the dragon group personally released the mission, but we just arrived at the airport. Being followed by someone, it is obvious that there is an inner ghost between us, and the three of us have been working together for a long time, and we all know each other, so the inner ghost must be that person!" Can Dao said coldly.

"..." Wang Han hesitated to speak.

"I said Wang Han, how do you talk to an outsider? Obviously that person must be the ghost, he has already harmed us once, do you want him to harm us a second time?" Fire Crow also cursed.

"Stop talking, set off tomorrow to catch Xin Dongbin!" Can Dao said directly.

The other two also shut up.

Seeing this appearance, Fire Crow laughed sinisterly.

(End of this chapter)

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