Chapter 523 Tracking! (Supplement 16)

The next day, next to the largest Kuaitian supermarket in Seoul.

Surrounded by reporters.

I heard that because of Kuantian's trust crisis, Xin Dongbin, the chairman of Kuantian Group, will hold a press conference in person, so they are all here now.

At the moment at the entrance of the supermarket, Kuaitian has already set up the stage, and the reporters have also come, but Xin Dongbin has not yet arrived.

The three of Candao all came early, and ordered a cup of Coke in the KFC opposite.

Can Dao, as the leader of the team, said: "After Xin Dongbin finishes the press conference, we will intercept them and get Xin Dongbin, you know?"

"Good!" Wang Han nodded.

"That's a good idea. As long as you catch Xin Dongbin, you will be able to complete the mission!" Huo Ya said.

At the same time, in the area where the three of them were hiding, Tang Zhong was also on the side of the road. At this moment, he changed into a black sweater. The clothes were robbed and loose. Wait for Xin Dongbin to arrive.

But at this moment, he saw the three people in KFC approaching the window with a look of covetous eyes, and immediately Tang Zhong frowned: "These three people must also want to catch Xin Dongbin, but it can't be ruined because of these three people." His plan!"

Immediately walked out of KFC and walked towards the three of them, he felt that he had to give instructions.

Seeing a person in a sweater walking towards their table, Can Dao immediately became vigilant: "Who are you?"

Tang Zhong didn't speak until he sat down, "It's me!"

Can Dao heard the voice and recognized Tang Zhong.Only then did he relax, his body was tense before, but now he lay on the chair without any defense: "What are you doing here?"

After knowing that it was Tang Zhong, Huo Ya and Wang Han also relaxed.

"What are you doing here?" Fire Crow said angrily.

Wang Han was the most excited. He got up and reached out to visit Tang Zhong's arm, saying: "You are fine, I am still worried about you!"

Seeing that the big man was so worried about him, Tang Zhong smiled friendly: "Of course I'm fine!"

Even Huo Ya didn't respond, but said: "This time, don't act rashly!"

"What do you mean by that?" Can Dao immediately said coldly.

"What I mean is obvious. Xin Anbin will definitely come to this press conference. You must know that he is coming back, so those who are planning to take action against him must not be rash and must be organized!" Tang Zhong said.

"The three of us fought together. This is organized. Besides, what do you mean by appearing now? I am very suspicious about your identity... Let me ask you, are you an inner ghost!" Can Dao said coldly.

"Now that we know that we are going to close the net, we will finish the task soon, and then you will appear!" Fire Crow followed closely.

"Don't talk about it, he's not an insider!" Wang Han defended Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong didn't speak first, he knew that one of Can Dao and Huo Ya had a problem, but he was not sure which one it was.

"I admit, there is a ghost between us!" Tang Zhong said.

After speaking, he stared at the two people.

At this moment, Tang Zhong saw that when Huo Ya heard the news, his eyeballs moved, as if he was avoiding something. From the perspective of psychology, this is a manifestation of guilty conscience, that is to say, Huo Ya The crow is very likely to be the ghost.

"Of course there is a ghost between us, and that ghost is you!" Can Dao pointed at Tang Zhong's nose.

"It can only be you. I think the four of us must have been hunted down when we left the Koryo Airport. The three of us were hunted down by a group of people. It's too embarrassing. And you should be hunted down too. But you seem to be a normal person now, which is too weird!" Huo Ya added.

When Can Dao heard this, he also nodded, thinking it made sense, and then the two of them stared at Tang Zhong.

"Those people are not worthy of hurting me. Who else is the ghost? Who knows... Don't let me catch it, otherwise, I will pull out its skin!" Tang Zhong looked at the two people straight, and said coldly.

When Can Dao and Huo Ya heard this, they both froze for a moment, and felt a slight chill from the other party's words.

"A gilded rich second generation actually said that those people are not worthy of hurting you. I think those people probably know you!" Huo Ya couldn't help snorting coldly.

Tang Zhong stopped talking and kept staring outside.

And at this moment, a car came from a distant street. It was a convoy, but the one at the front was a black Bentley.

"Here we come!" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes.

Can Dao and Wang Han also looked at it one after another, but Huo Ya was staring at Tang Zhong at this moment. Thinking of the chill released by this man's words just now, he wondered if he had misjudged the person?

The Bentley finally stopped and arrived in front of Kuantai Supermarket.

Those reporters immediately surrounded the front.

"President Xin...we want to interview you!"

"President Xin, give me an exclusive interview!"

Bodyguards appeared to stop the reporters.

Xin Dongbin just got out of the Bentley, with a sad face, walked to the high platform, and announced that the press conference would start now.

"Great, this guy is finally here. As long as you catch him, everything will be solved. I really thank God for letting Kuaitian Supermarket collapse!" Candao couldn't help saying.

Tang Zhong also looked at Xin Dongbin, but his eyes were not on Xin Dongbin. Xin Dongbin's strength was so weak that it was not worth mentioning. His targets were all on Xin Dongbin's bodyguards, and one of the bodyguards was actually quite powerful. He is also a martial artist, and he seems to have reached the realm of a master.

A bodyguard in the realm of a master, it seems that Xin Dongbin protects himself well. A business owner can hire a master. It seems that Xin Dongbin's backstage is not simple at all.

Immediately turned around and said to Can Dao and the others: "You guys, don't act rashly!"

"Are you going to inform Xin Dongbin?" Can Dao said coldly.

"I'm afraid you will die!" Tang Zhong said.

"Hehe!" Candao said coldly.

I no longer cared about Tang Zhong, but looked at Huo Ya and the two of them, and said, "Once Xin Dongbin leaves, let's do it right away and subdue him, you know?"

"Of course!" Fire Crow nodded.

Wang Han didn't know what to do!

And at this moment, the press conference ended, and after Xin Dongbin finished solving all the reporters' questions, he was about to leave.

Under a series of crazy shots by the reporter, he got into the Bentley.

The motorcade behind also followed slowly, preparing to leave.

Can Dao saw this scene, he immediately got up: "Do it!"

Fire Crow followed immediately.

Wang Han looked at Tang and stood up apologetically, just about to leave.

Tang Zhong thought that Wang Han was a good person, so he warned: "Be careful, Xin Dongbin is not easy!"

"Hmm!" Wang Han froze for a moment when he heard this, then nodded heavily before leaving.

Tang Zhong is not in a hurry, but his target this time is also Xin Dongbin, but Huo Ya is still a cripple, and there must be a traitor between the two. If there is no accident, the traitor will show up soon, and Tang Zhong will leave immediately , To follow behind the car.

(End of this chapter)

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