Chapter 524 The Koreans' strategy! (Supplement 17)

At this moment, in the Bentley.

If you look carefully, you will find a bodyguard sitting in the back row with Xin Dongbin at this moment.

Moreover, Xin Dongbin seemed to be a younger brother, passing tea to Xiaopingtou next to him.

"General Park, I'm really sorry to trouble you to come here today. I have already placed people beside those people. As long as they make any movement, they will definitely let me know!" Xin Dongbin said.

"That's good!" Xiaopingtou took the teacup and drank it: "This time, we will sign a contract with you soon, no matter what losses you encounter, we will help you solve them!"

"By the way, General Park, you support us so much, who is the organization that installed and dismantled the monitoring system?" Xin Dongbin asked curiously.

"Some things, you don't know what you want to know, play your role well, don't let people find out the problem!" Xiaopingtou said coldly.

"Yes, it's General Park!" Suddenly Xin Dongbin's face turned ugly.

"But if you want to know, I can also tell you who is the most powerful country in the world..." Xiao Pingtou's name is Park Chongshan, and he smiled secretly at this moment.

Xin Dongbin's face turned ugly for a moment: "You mean..."

"If you know it, just say it. Following a great country, Korea will definitely become stronger!" Park Chongshan said proudly.

"That's true. Dagoli made the right choice this time. Don't worry, we will do whatever Dagoli asks us to do with Kuantian Group in the future. We will support it [-]% and never resist!" Xin Dongbin said excitedly.

"It's good to do it like this. If there is a real war in the future, I, Korea, will definitely be number one in Asia!" Park Chongshan said excitedly.

"Yes!" Xin Dongbin became excited after thinking about it.

But at this moment, his cell phone turned on, he picked it up and looked at it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said to Park Chongshan: "General Park, someone has made a move and is going to arrest me, what should we do now?"

"Come on, then we must catch the live ones who happen to meet!" Park Chongshan said: "Now go down and change to another car, as long as I'm the only one in this Bentley, I'll meet these people !"

Soon the Bentley stopped, Xin Dongbin got out of the car and went to the car behind, and then the convoy continued, and it drove slowly.

In the back, the three of Candao Huoya drove behind and saw the Bentley team.

"Speed ​​up and drive!" Wang Han was driving, and Can Dao sat on the co-pilot commanding.

"Brother Dao, is this not good? We haven't figured out the details of each other yet?" Wang Han said, remembering what Tang Zhong told him before leaving, saying that Xin Dongbin was not easy, so now he is very cautious.

"What is the boss of a company, how can we not clean up, drive!" Candao shouted.

Wang Han could only step on the accelerator, and their car rushed forward quickly.

Directly over the convoy, blocking in front of the front of the Bentley.

Immediately, Can Dao, Huo Ya, and Wang Han got out of the car together.

The Bentley team was also forced to stop.

A bodyguard came down from the car and shouted directly in Korean, "Who are you?"

"Of course it's the one who killed you!" Candao shouted, and chose to do it directly. He remembered that Xin Dongbin was in the Bentley, and he just needed to control the Bentley.

Immediately in the palm of his hand, the flying knife began to spin.

He stabbed at the bodyguards, and immediately flew a knife.

Pierce the opponent's throat directly.

How can these ordinary bodyguards block Can Dao?
And Wang Han also made a direct attack. He was originally very powerful, and he rushed out like a bull, sweeping away thousands of troops, and those bodyguards were thrown out by him abruptly.

The bodyguards who got off the car soon were subdued one by one.

When Can Dao saw this, he smiled coldly, walked towards the Bentley, walked to the window, and said with a smile, "President Xin, come with me!"

But at this moment, with a crash, a hole appeared in the glass, and a pair of hands stretched out from it, facing Can Dao's throat.

Can Dao didn't think of it at all, and it was too late when he found out, his throat was grabbed by his hands, and he couldn't breathe at all.

"You...Aren't you Xin Dongbin? Who are you?"

"What are you talking about!" A voice came from the car.

At this moment, the person in the car slowly stepped out of the seat. It was Park Chongshan from before, wearing a Korean costume.

" are Pu Chongshan!" Can Dao naturally knew this person, an official figure of Goryeo.

"Hello!" Park Chongshan said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Can Dao didn't care about talking, but shouted at Wang Han and Huo Ya: "Go, go!"

This Pu Chongshan is an admiral of Goryeo, and a martial artist, a master of martial arts, very powerful.

When Wang Han heard this, he turned around and was about to return to the car, but found that the fire crow hadn't moved: "Hurry up, sister Huo, that's very dangerous!"

"To you, it's really dangerous, but to me, it's not too dangerous!" At this moment, Huo Ya suddenly made a move, and slammed his palm towards Wang Han's chest.

Wang Han didn't have time to defend himself, he was hit directly, and he flew out, spitting blood.

" did you hit me?" Wang Han's expression turned ugly.

Even Can Dao's expression turned ugly: "Huo Ya, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Huo Ya let go of his long red hair, looked at Can Dao and said, "Don't you say there is an inner ghost? I am that inner ghost!"

"How could you be an inner ghost?" Can Dao didn't believe it!

"Why can't I be, I exposed your whereabouts, haha, in order to kill you all." Huo Ya continued to smile.

Can Dao couldn't believe it was true. At this moment, Park Chongshan's blood burst out directly in his hands, and the power directly destroyed Can Dao's body. Can Dao howled in pain, and a force destroyed his body. The whole person just fainted from the pain.

As Pu Chongshan let go, Can Dao's entire body fell directly to the ground.

The bodyguards in other cars tied Wang Han and Candao together. The two of them were not killed, but were restrained.

At this moment, Huoya, Park Chongshan and Xin Dongbin stood beside the two who fell to the ground.

"Huo Ya pays respects to General Pu!" Huo Ya said.

"Are these all the people who came to investigate this matter this time?" Park Chongshan asked.

"There is another person, but that person doesn't need to be considered at all, he is a rich second generation, and this time he is here to be gilded!" Fire Crow said.

"Okay!" Park Chongshan nodded: "As long as the two people are under control, you can tell the mission that everything is safe and let them not worry. In this way, the successful installation of the monitoring system can be ensured without any interference from one party." interference."

"Yes, General Park!" Fire Crow said.

"As for these two people, take them back first and lock them up!" Pu Chongshan said.

The bodyguards started to move, carrying Wang Han and Can Dao into a car.

Immediately, other people got into the car together and left here quickly.

And this scene was all seen by Tang Zhong in the distance. Seeing Can Dao and Wang Han being attacked, he did not take action. There may be a bigger conspiracy behind the Kuaitian Group. It seems that this time, it is Calculated by Goryeo.

He can naturally see the mystery of this.

Huoya has been hiding in the dragon group, and their goal of coming to Korea this time is to investigate whether they have cooperated with the Kuaitian Group and the mysterious organization to install a monitoring system. If the team is in the way and makes the team mess up, now they are throwing themselves into the net with a broken knife. In this way, everyone except him will be under control, and the fire crow can send back the details of the mission, let him relax his vigilance, and make Gao Li more Quickly install the monitoring system.

I have to say that the Koreans really made a good move.

However, the Koreans have made countless calculations, but they have left him out. With him Tang Zhong, the conspiracy of the Koreans will never succeed, and then they will do it directly. It is still the original plan, starting with Xin Dongbin first. Now basically It can be said that everything the Kuaitian Group does has something to do with the Goryeo government. The person who just attacked the Candao is definitely a master, but it is absolutely impossible for the Goryeo people to be so courageous and fight against him. There must be more behind him With such a powerful force, Tang Zhong's body immediately turned into an afterimage, following Xin Dongbin's car.

(Can you understand this strategy? There is one more update, and it will be on the 15th. Hey, I will try my best)
(End of this chapter)

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