Chapter 531 Who dares to touch me, Mr. Tang in the Middle East!
"Why is it him?" Can Dao and Wang Han suddenly exclaimed.

They can naturally recognize that the person not far away is the person they think is the ghost.

And they also knew that General Park of Korea was hiding behind them. They were so afraid, could it be that they were afraid of the man above?


Can Dao's face was slightly ugly, could this guy be a powerful person.

But at this moment, when Park Chongshan saw Tang Zhong approaching, as if he saw a god of killing, he immediately grabbed Candao tightly in fright, then grabbed Candao's neck, then looked at Tang Zhong, and said ferociously: "Boy, how dare you Take a step forward, or I'll kill this guy!"

Huo Ya did the same thing, grabbing Wang Han's neck and not letting go, but this woman's heart was like a poisonous scorpion, and it could be seen that her nails had pierced Wang Han's neck.

When Tang Zhong saw this, his eyes narrowed together. It had nothing to do with him whether he was dead or not. He was afraid that something would happen to Wang Han. This big man is a good person, very suitable for making friends. Something happened to him, so he immediately stopped.

When Park Chongshan saw Tang Zhong stop, it seemed that using these two people to threaten that guy had worked, and he became even more violent immediately, and shouted at Tang Zhong: "Stand back, or I will kill them!"

Immediately, the neck gripping the Candao became tighter.

"Let them go!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Back away first, let us come out of the cellar!" Pu Chongshan said.

Just now the cellar was shaken by Tang Zhong's kick, and it was about to collapse. If it collapsed and crushed them to death, it would be too much for the loss, and it's better to go out.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong stepped back.

Keeping Wang Han and Can Dao alive is the most important thing to do.

But at this time, Can Dao yelled at Tang Zhong: "Brother, I was really sorry for treating you as the ghost before. I am here to apologize to you. Let me tell you the plan of these Koreans. Here is the installation plan." Where the monitoring system is, get out of here quickly, bring the news back, and let Hua and Xia resolve the matter here, as for the two of us, we will die if we die, we are willing to sacrifice our lives for the country!"

He didn't know Tang Zhong's true strength.

Hearing these words made Tang Chong feel very comfortable. He changed his mind about this crippled sword, and immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, you won't die, and this place will be destroyed too!"

Can Dao doesn't know what to say, this is the military base of Goryeo, this guy's tone is too loud!

When Pu Chongshan heard this, he wanted to leave the cellar that was about to collapse, and he didn't want to hear the nonsense of these two people, so he immediately shouted: "Shut up!"

Immediately, Pu Chongshan took the broken knife and prepared to go up the stairs from the cellar. Although it had been severely damaged, he could still leave. When Pu Chongshan went up, Huo Ya immediately followed with Wang Han.

Everyone went up.

When Can Dao and Wang Han saw the ruins around them, they were both dumbfounded. What the hell happened here?They remembered that when they were captured here, this base was called a bustling place, but now, it has become like this, could it be the guy in front of him?
The gazes of the two, at this moment, fell on Tang Zhong at the same time. They were so shocked that they didn't know what to say. The destructive power of one person almost surpassed that of a group. Is this still a human?
However, the two can tell that this Tang Zhong is a true lover, and the Koreans are extremely cunning. I'm afraid they have already called for reinforcements. If there is no accident, they will come soon. When the reinforcements come, the three of them will die. , then everything will be bad.

Can Dao moved his eyes, he had to create an opportunity for Tang Zhong to get rid of Huo Ya and Pu Chong Shan.

Suddenly, trying to break free from Pu Chongshan's hand with all his strength, he said to Tang Zhong at the same time: "Quick...take a gun and shoot him!"

"I don't have a gun!" Tang wondered.

"Ah!" At this moment, Can Dao's expression turned ugly: "There is no gun, so why are the two of them afraid of you?"

He always thought that Tang Zhong had a gun in his hand, and it was Pu Chongshan and Huo Ya who were afraid of Tang Zhong.

"I'm dead, I'm dead!" Can Dao murmured.

"Stop struggling, our reinforcements will be here soon, you three, just wait to die!" Park Chongshan smiled ferociously.

"Also, tonight, the monitoring equipment will be airlifted over. Even though the base is destroyed, speed up and it will still be repaired in three days. The ignorant Chinese people, relying on you, want to destroy our change. A strong plan is still far behind!"

At this moment, Park Chongshan was unscrupulous and laughed wildly.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong glanced at his mobile phone and the content displayed on it, immediately raised the corner of his mouth, put the mobile phone in his pocket again, and then looked at Park Chongshan: "You Koreans are really tired of working!"

"What did you say?" Park Chongshan's expression turned ugly. He is a patriotic person and he doesn't want to hear others say bad things about Goryeo: "You will pay the price for what you said!"

"You Koreans will pay the price for what you did today!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Park Chongshan suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly: "What price... just the three of you, what price can you give us to Korea? Kill me? I really want to see it!"

"I will slaughter you Goryeo!" Tang Zhong grinned ferociously.

Seeing Tang Zhong's eyes, Pu Chongshan trembled in fright. Tang Zhong in front of him was like a demon king, so terrifying.

And at this moment, suddenly from a distance, the glare of a car slowly shone in.

Just outside the base, one after another camouflage trucks were brought, all of which were for military use. There were about [-] of them, circling on the mountain road, and the front one had already arrived.

Not only that, the sound of flapping wings could be heard in the air.

Hundreds of helicopters were suspended in mid-air, and a rope could be seen lowered from above, and soldiers in camouflage immediately descended from the sky.

And the light from the plane illuminated the place where Tang Zhong and the others were, and the whole base was like daytime.

It looks like a very important military operation.

"General Park, rescue is here!" Fire Crow said excitedly.

When Park Chongshan saw the people, he burst out laughing. If their people came, they would be able to survive. It looked like all the officers and soldiers of Korea had come, and 15 officers and soldiers were here. He wanted to Let's see how these Chinese people still win.

"Come on, this time, I want to see how you make me pay the price!"

Tang Zhong smiled lightly.

Candao panicked and murmured: "Oops, it's utterly terrible, so many people, this time, they must be dead!"

Wang Han was not as exaggerated as Candao, but seeing so many soldiers, his heart still beat faster.

I saw a few officers and soldiers coming down from the truck or the helicopter, wearing steel helmets, wearing green camouflage uniforms, with pistols hanging from their waists, daggers hanging by their thighs, and machine guns in their hands. With a full set of equipment, he arrived next to Park Chongshan and said: "General Park, we are late, are you okay!"

Those who came were all major generals and the like, and they were all Pu Chongshan's subordinates.

I saw Pu Chongshan laughing and said: "It's okay, it's not too late, it's just right!"

Then as other soldiers came down, the entire base was full of Korean soldiers, standing densely, all with the same equipment.

Can Dao felt that he was doomed this time.

Although Wang Han is a man, but at this moment, his heart is extremely gloomy.

None of them thought that this mission would end their lives.

Now that there are so many people surrounding them, there is no possibility for them to escape.

At this time, Park Chongshan laughed wildly, turned to look at Tang Zhong, and shouted: "Even if you are a grandmaster, so what, there are 15 people behind me, do you think you can block these 15 people, one person and one person?" Bullets? I want to see more now, what price you want me to pay, I will wait and see!"

"I'll let you die!" Tang Zhong remained calm, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Damn it!" Park Chongshan didn't expect that the guy in front of him, at this point, could be so stubborn: "I want to see, after a while, your mouth is still hard!"

Immediately ordered: "Do it!"

I saw soldiers all over the mountains and plains raising their guns and pointing at Tang Zhong.

Park Chongshan laughed loudly: "Be afraid, be afraid, stupid people from China, I said, this is Korea, and I am Park Chongshan, the overlord of Korea, if you come here to play wild, you will die!"

"I'll show you how to behave wildly now!" Tang Zhong sneered.

"Really?" Park Chongshan was cold, and was about to order to shoot.

At this moment, a shout came from a hundred meters away.

"Whoever dares to hurt me, Mr. Tang, my Tang family army is here, and I will destroy his whole family!"

(Crush him, orgasm is coming!)

(End of this chapter)

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