Chapter 532 The Battle of the Trapped Beasts!

There was a burst of shouting, and everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Mr. Tang?
Who is Mr. Tang in the Middle East?

Pu Chongshan was just stunned for a moment, who dared to say such a thing in front of their Korean army before coming with such a big tone.

He wants to see, who is so crazy?
The other Goryeo soldiers also turned their heads to look around with their guns in hand, wondering what the hell was going on?
At this time, in the dark night in the distance, the fire suddenly shone.

Far away on the winding mountain road, you can see the flames moving.

They are all people holding torches, and at this moment, they are approaching forward.

This base was built against a cliff. At this moment, you can actually see that from the other side of the cliff, several ziplines with hooks are flying up from below. Immediately, you can see several big men coming up with guns in their hands. , holding a cannon in the other hand.

There are black people, yellow people, people of all skin colors.

As he came forward, he shouted: "Mr. Tang, we are here to save you!"

Densely packed, the number is very large.

"Who are these people?" Pu Chongshan frowned.

Looking at the people who came from a distance, he could tell that these people who came were an army. According to the tone, they should be Mr. Tang, and these troops belonged to him!

Could it be among these Chinese people?Park Chongshan couldn't help being frightened, but soon, this idea was laughed out loud, and he could see it from a distance. These people who came here were either black or white, and they were all like soldiers. How could it be possible? Will listen to a Chinese dispatch!
Could it be the old M?Thinking of today, old M will send the monitoring equipment, it seems that these people are old M's people, so Mr. Tang should be the general of old M's side!
The surrounding Koryo officers and soldiers saw the people around them and quickly asked Park Chongshan: "General Park, what should we do?"

"Don't be afraid, it's our own!" Pu Chongshan said.

"Hmm!" The other officers and soldiers relaxed.

Then Pu Chongshan turned his head and shouted at Tang Zhong: "Haha, this time, how do you escape?"

Tang Zhong still smiled indifferently, and turned to look at the approaching flames all over the mountains and plains.

Seeing this, Pu Chongshan couldn't help mocking in his heart: "Pretend to be calm, and kill yourself!"

At this moment, the people around were getting closer and closer.

The sound is also getting closer.

"I'm fine, you guys come up!" Tang Zhong was a little moved.

It was Tang Jiajun who came here, who he brought back from the Middle East. There were 20 warships with [-] soldiers on them, and they stayed at sea all the time.

Knowing that something happened to him, he directly sailed over.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's voice spread to the surroundings. The voice was released with blood power. When it was transmitted, the voice could be heard for a mile around.

The words spread to other people's ears.

Park Chongshan was the first to laugh, looked at Tang Zhong, and said, "Mr. Tang, who is called M Lijian, has nothing to do with you!"

The officers and soldiers behind him also laughed.

But Can Dao didn't care to look at other places. He only knew that this time it was absolutely over. There were so many Koryo officers and soldiers, and they couldn't escape. He didn't expect that there were so many people below. This is not to drive them to a dead end. ?This time, I'm afraid it's really dead.

Candao is not afraid of death, what he is afraid of is the things here, Huaxia will not know, it will be a very big threat to Huaxia, once the monitoring equipment is installed, most of Huaxia will be under the surveillance of the equipment.

"Hey!" Wang Han also sighed.

At this moment, someone has already entered from the broken entrance of the base in the distance. A strong man with a height of two meters walked in slowly. His whole body was muscular. When he saw Tang Zhong, his pupils lit up. Get up and walk forward.

But at this moment, when Park Chongshan saw the visitor, he immediately came with a smile on his face, and walked forward, ready to shake hands with the visitor.

"Hello, I'm General Pu Chongshan Park of Korea, I don't know who you are!"

However, the strong man didn't pay attention to Pu Chongshan at all, and Pu Chongshan's hand was hanging in the air.

Just passed by.

Everyone thought that the strong man came to shake hands with Pu Chongshan, and seeing this scene, everyone's pupils widened.


Even Pu Chongshan didn't expect that, with his hand stretched out in the air, he turned his head and saw the strong man walking past him, and actually walked towards another person. Immediately, Pu Chongshan frowned.

The brawny man walked up to Tang Zhong, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully said: "Mr. Tang, we are late to save you, please don't blame us!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Can Dao thought that the strong man had killed people in the past, but seeing this scene, he was completely stunned, and actually knelt down.

This guy... who the hell?The two of them didn't know what to say anymore. Is this the second generation of the so-called Gilded Soldier they said?This is really a real dragon. This time, they really got it wrong.

Park Chongshan widened his eyes, unbelievable that this scene was real, the strong man actually knelt on the ground, he must have made a mistake, and immediately shouted: "Did you make a mistake, you are not old M Tang Sir? The person you are kneeling now is a Chinese!"

But the strong man ignored him and still knelt on the ground.

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at the strong man kneeling on the ground, and said calmly: "It's okay, I'm okay! Get up!"

"Yes, Mr. Tang!" Hearing the order, the strong man stood up slowly.

Can make a strong man so obedient, at this moment, everyone's eyes on Tang Zhong changed.

Pu Chongshan couldn't believe it, it's impossible for Mr. Tang to be the person in front of him, even if he is a grand master, it's impossible for him to have such an army or team!
Then, Park Chongshan turned around abruptly, looked at Huo Ya, who was already looking silly beside him: "What's the name of that person you said before?"

Huo Ya was already stunned. Hearing Pu Chongshan's shout, he realized it and said, "Tang Zhong..."

"Tang Zhong... Mr. Tang!" At this moment, Pu Chongshan's pupils were ashamed.

But in an instant, his eyes became firm, his face was cold, he looked at Tang Zhong, and said: "This time, I really underestimated you, you are always beyond my expectations, but with such a small number of people, you can Can you leave here? Dreaming, you know, we have 15 soldiers here, and one bullet per person can drive you all to death!"

Tang Zhong ignored it, but looked at the strong man next to him, and said, "Everyone is here?"

"Yes, Mr. Tang, brothers are ready to take their positions!" said the brawny man.

"Then... just kill it!" Tang Zhong ordered directly.

"Yes, Mr. Tang!"

I saw the strong man directly took out his pistol, pointed it into the air, and shot out the bullets.

This is the order to start fighting.

In an instant.

A rumbling sound rang out.

The sound of explosions was released in the audience, and the trucks of the Koreans on the winding mountain road coming to this base in the distance, boom boom boom, exploded continuously, and hundreds of trucks flew straight into the sky.

The flames raged, igniting the entire mountain.

"What... what's going on?" Park Chongshan went crazy when he saw the truck explode.

The faces of the Goryeo soldiers were all ugly.

And at the same time, the helicopter in the sky flew out of nowhere from a shell. The wing of the helicopter that was originally good was destroyed, and fell from the sky and landed on the ground, directly blasting the ground out of a big hole.

"This... Damn it!" Seeing his own things, constantly exploding, Park Chongshan's neck turned red: "Damn it, go to hell, everyone shoot me, shoot this guy dead, Don't leave him alive!"

Now Pu Chongshan was really scared, he wanted Tang Zhong to die now, death was better than anything else.

"Unfortunately, you have no chance!" Tang Zhong sneered when he saw Park Chong Shanyin.

"Do you think you have a chance? The battle of trapped beasts!" Pu Chongshan said.

But Tang Zhong ignored Pu Chongshan, but directly shouted: "Where are the 20 soldiers of the Tang Army?"

"Mr. Tang, we are here, at the disposal of Mr. Tang at any time!"

In an instant, outside the encirclement circle of the entire base, turbulent torches ignited, and the 20 Tang family troops had completely surrounded the soldiers of the entire country of Goryeo.

"How is it possible? How is this possible?" Park Chongshan became terrified, looking around, there were flames all around, and they were obviously all human beings.

"Well, you said, the battle of trapped beasts, let's fight!" Then, Tang Zhong looked at Pu Chongshan and said with a smile.

(The plot here will be completed today, don't worry, I just update the time unstable, not because I update slowly!)

(End of this chapter)

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