Chapter 535 Even if you are far away, you will be punished!

At this moment, the blood sword in Tang Zhong's hand appeared, and the whole person, with a burst of red blooming all over his body, moved forward, and slashed out with a sword.

When the sword was swung out again, blood energy swept around, facing the plane in the air.

With a click and a flash, he chopped up abruptly.

And the people in the plane screamed when they saw the sword of blood slashing towards them.

However, the sword still slashed up, cutting out from the nose of the plane in an impeccable and smooth manner, and directly reaching the tail of the plane.

When the sword passed, the plane hadn't exploded yet.

At this moment, everyone who saw Tang Zhong wielding his sword on the ground thought that the plane would explode directly with this sword. You must know that the plane is moving at high speed, and as long as it is subjected to a little fluctuation, the whole plane will explode.

But now, the plane is intact.

Pu Chongshan burst out laughing instantly: "Tang Zhong, is this your sword to destroy it? It really opened my eyes!"

Candao and the others also thought that the plane would explode, but now that the plane was fine, their faces darkened. This time, is it really impossible to prevent this from happening?
Even the people from country M who were inside the plane thought they were going to die, but now that the plane was fine, they couldn't help laughing.

Everyone thought that Tang Zhong's sword would cut the plane in half, but now it's such a big oolong, it's really funny.

The wild words in the mouth can be destroyed with a single sword, and now this situation is really ridiculous.

And when everyone was laughing, at this moment, the plane that looked like something happened suddenly exploded with a bang.

In the dark night sky.

The plane exploded, and the flames soared into the sky, just like setting off fireworks.

Park Chongshan was laughing at first, but when he saw this scene suddenly, the expression on his face changed instantly: "How is that possible?"

Can Dao was still sad at first, but when he saw this scene, he danced with his arms and legs.

The morale of the entire Goryeo soldiers was hit again.

As for the members of the Tang family's army, their morale was high at this moment, and they shouted loudly: "Mr. Tang, long live!"

You can see the plane explode in the air, and those scrap irons fall from the sky, burning with flames. Not only that, but also the monitoring equipment explodes and falls from the sky.

dong dong dong.

Before the nose of the plane exploded, it fell from the sky at this moment, and with a bang, it plunged directly into it.

In an instant, the flames surged, and now the entire base is like a sea of ​​flames, and none of the people on the plane is alive.

" is this possible?" Park Chongshan said in horror.

You know, the people who come here are from the strongest country in the world.

But now it was destroyed by a sword.

Then he suddenly turned around and looked at Tang Zhong. At this moment, Pu Chongshan's face was extremely ugly. Looking at Tang Zhong at this moment was like looking at a demon king.

At this time, Tang Zhong looked at Park Chongshan, raised the blood sword again, and rushed forward with his whole body.

Step forward with a sword.

"You...what are you going to do?" Park Chongshan became frightened and shouted at Tang Zhong.

"Kill you!" Tang Zhong raised his sword and swept across.

The thunderbolt sword light, like a flood, rushed forward.

Goryeo should be destroyed, and there is no longer any value for existence.

From the moment the Koreans agreed to install monitoring equipment, they were China's enemies.

To deal with the enemy, you can only use tough moves, that is to kill them all.

Pu Chongshan quickly turned around and fled, but Jian Guang had already attacked, destroying everywhere he went.

Not only killing people, but even rolling up the ground abruptly.

And the sword light fell on the Goryeo soldiers, forcibly tearing a living person into blood.

The screams continued.

And Pu Chongshan is still at large.

But at this time, Tang Zhong had already followed with his sword: "This is the price I give you!"

Then he slashed at Pu Chongshan with his sword in the air.

No matter how fast Pu Chongshan was, he couldn't be as fast as a sword. At this moment, he looked at Tang Zhong with horror in his eyes: "You...what are you going to do? I advise your assistant. I am the general of Korea. If you kill me, you will kill me. Against Goryeo!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong sneered: "Actually, I'm more like overturning the Korean Peninsula than killing you!"

" are rebellious!" Hearing this, Park Chongshan was completely terrified: "You are not qualified to fight against me alone!"

But as soon as the words fell, Pu Chongshan was stunned. Is he really not qualified?
A person is a martial arts master, and there are 20 soldiers behind him, and there are not many martial arts masters in the entire Goryeo. All the soldiers add up to 15.

It seemed that the person in front of him directly surpassed the entire Goryeo with the strength of a single person.

At this moment, Park Chongshan didn't even have the idea of ​​continuing to escape. With the means of the person in front of him, it seemed that the result would be the same wherever he went.

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground, a feeling of disappointment that he had never felt surged in his body.

The person he faced was not a person, but a god.

He was convinced, completely convinced, and now Pu Chongshan only had one thought in his mind, and he only hoped that Goryeo would stop saying anything out of line.

Then he looked at Tang Zhong: "Can you let us go, Goryeo? Even if we did something wrong!"

"Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

The sword swept out again, facing Pu Chongshan.

A sword cut through.

Facing Pu Chongshan's body, there was a click, and the blood on the sword had not yet been cut, and Pu Chongshan was unable to move because the blood on the sword had been crushed.

Under the huge pressure, only screams were heard.


Park Chongshan was crushed into blood mist abruptly.

Park Chongshan, the first master of Goryeo, died by the sword.

When this scene appeared, those Goryeo soldiers who were about to flee stopped one by one. The coach was dead, and their Goryeo was defeated.

He immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

But Tang Zhong ignored their begging for mercy at all, but directly ordered, and said coldly: "Kill them all!"

If you don't teach the Korean people a lesson today, I'm afraid the Korean people will never forget that there is a Huaxia among their friends and neighbors.

Tang Jiajun heard the order, picked up the machine gun in his hand, and began to sweep.

The Goryeo soldiers had no one to escape, and they were shot and fell directly to the ground.

Once this kind of machine gun bullet hits a person, the person will die.

15 soldiers, all under the bullets, fell to the ground.

The base where Koryo was originally used to install surveillance equipment is now the base where all Koryo soldiers are buried.

No one was spared.

Even Huo Ya was directly shot to death under random gunfire, and the moment he fell down, his face was ashen.

If she knew that such a situation would happen, she would never betray Huaxia.

But now everything is irreparable.

The entire Koryo, 15 soldiers, are now all killed.

General Pak Chong-san also died.

If the entire high-level government in Korea knew about this, they would definitely be terrified.

"Report to Mr. Tang, everyone has been killed!"

Hearing what the strong man said, Tang Zhong glanced across the mountain of corpses in front of him, and said, "Blow up this base for me!"


The strong man didn't doubt Tang Zhong's words at all, and directly ordered: "Blow up here now!"

I saw the soldiers take out the grenades on their bodies and throw them directly towards the base.

Hundreds of grenades were thrown together.

The entire base, the ground trembled, and the sea of ​​flames was raging even more. A huge pit appeared in the center of the entire base.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong ordered: "All of you go back to the boat now and wait for the order!"

"Yes, but what about you, Mr. Tang?" the brawny man asked.

I saw Tang Zhong looking at the Koryo Peninsula in the distance: "Teach the Koreans a lesson!"

He wants the entire Korean people to know what is meant by Chinese people and what is called, and those who insult China will be punished no matter how far away they are!

(Bought a new keyboard! Feels great!)
(End of this chapter)

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