Chapter 536 Chief Instructor Longwu!
The black-haired young man was none other than Tang Zhong. After returning to Huaxia, he went directly to the Dragon Group.

As for Tang Jiajun, he had asked Su Ao to come and take them away.

Today's Su Ao is no longer one of the top four generals of the Tang family army, but one of the top four bodyguards of the Prince's Association!

This time when he came to the dragon group, Tang Zhong went in directly.

In the passage, when other people saw Tang Zhong, they all greeted Tang Zhong this time.

Sure enough, when you are weak, no one wants to talk to you, but when you are strong, there are too many people who want to know you.

This is having strength.

After a while, they arrived at the door of Zhang Changgong's office.

Tang Zhong opened the door and went in. It was still a classical building.

But this time, Tang Zhong not only saw Zhang Changgong, but also saw another young man, that young man was wearing a white robe, with clean short hair, but the breath on his body gave off a different feeling.

At this moment, the young man also turned his head, and happened to see Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong saw the other party and smiled at him.

Then Zhang Changgong pointed to the young man and introduced to Tang Zhong: "This is my big apprentice, known as Taiji Wuxiang, a martial arts master, named Meng Wuxiang!"

"Hello!" Meng Wuxiang looked at Tang Zhong and stretched out his hand.

"Tang Zhong..." Tang Zhong smiled and raised his hand.

"I know you!" Who knows, Meng Wuxiang said with a smile.

Tang Zhong smiled, but did not speak.

I don't know why looking at Meng Wuxiang in front of him, Tang Zhong actually felt a pressure, which was released from the other party.

At this time, Meng Wuxiang turned his head to look at Zhang Changgong and said, "Master, if there is nothing else, I will leave now!"

"Good!" Zhang Changgong nodded.

Meng Wuxiang turned around and left, and walked out the door.

Watching Meng Wuxiang leave, Tang Zhong felt a trace of hostility from the other party.

Only Tang Zhong and Zhang Changgong were in the room.

But at this moment, seeing Tang Zhong, Zhang Changgong immediately laughed and said, "You did really well this time!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Zhang, for your compliment!" Tang Zhong said respectfully.

"However, don't be too ostentatious recently. If you ruin M Lijian's plane, they will definitely hate you, but don't worry, we will help you withstand the pressure!" Zhang Changgong laughed.

"I will, Grandpa Zhang!" Tang Zhong said respectfully.

"Do you know, I heard from the people above that the group of gangsters in Gaoli kept calling and said they wanted to make amends. The people above said that if they didn't hang him for ten and a half months, they wouldn't reply. Yes. What on earth are you doing? Let these sticks be so scared?" Zhang Changgong said.

"Cut off the Seoul Tower, and emptied all the water in the lake of Jeju Island!" Tang Zhong said.

" are too ruthless!" Zhang Changgong couldn't help laughing: "Korea is a tourist city, you have directly destroyed their pillar, but I have to say, you did a good job!"

Tang Zhong just smiled.

"And this time, no one in the dragon group is targeting you!" Zhang Changgong said.

"I have always kept Grandpa Zhang's teachings in mind!" Tang Zhong said.

"Your boy... you really are of the surname Tang. By the way, there is another happy event to tell you this time. You are now a major general of the Dragon Division. The organization has given you a chance to go to Longwu to be the chief instructor !” Zhang Changgong said.

"Thank you, Grandpa Zhang!" Tang Zhong said directly when he heard this.

Zhang Changgong was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "It seems that you can't hide anything from you. I won this opportunity to be the chief instructor for you. Originally, this opportunity was something that my apprentice dreamed of, but I recommended it to you. For you, after all, what he learned is our Tai Chi style, and he is not suitable for teaching others!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback. Although Zhang Changgong had just said about Long Yin, he knew that it was Zhang Changgong who fought for him, but he didn't expect that it would come like this. No wonder when Meng Wuxiang went out just now, he felt a little bit towards him. What about hostility?

"Well, I see, Grandpa Zhang!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, it's okay, wait to get to know it, Longyin, Longying, and Longwu are the three brigades, and they are the best warrior barracks in China. Many members of the Huaxia Dragon Group are from Longyin, Longwu, etc. Ying, you came out of Longwu, so your task is very difficult. Many of the people in Longwu are also major generals, so you must work hard. If you can be a good instructor, your future will be even brighter in the future. Unlimited!" Zhang Changgong said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong nodded again. He had to say that Grandpa Zhang was really kind to him.

"I will, Grandpa Zhang!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, go back if you have nothing to do, your family is still waiting for you!" Zhang Changgong said.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

Immediately went out and closed the door, leaving Zhang Changgong to continue meditating there.

Tang Zhong thought of Jiang Weiwei, and hurriedly prepared to go home.

"Please stay!" At this moment, a voice came from behind Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, turned around and looked, and saw Meng Wuxiang appearing behind, and immediately smiled and said: "What's wrong? Brother Meng!"

"Congratulations Brother Tang for becoming the chief instructor of Longwu!" Meng Wuxiang said with a smile.

Tang Zhong remembered what Grandpa Zhang said before, and immediately said: "I was just appointed!"

"That's at least the chief instructor!" Meng Wuxiang said.

"En!" Tang nodded.

"Okay, I'll go first!" Meng Wuxiang said.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Tang Zhong alone there!
After Meng Wuxiang walked away, suddenly, Li Linglong jumped out from the corner.

Looking at the direction Meng Wuxiang was leaving, he ran to Tang Zhong's side when he was far away, and hit Tang Zhong's chest with a fist, saying: "You boy, you did a good job. This time, Tang Tian killed this The name is really famous, let me tell you, the people above appreciate you, work hard, it seems that the generals of the dragon group will have your name in the future!"

"Why were you so afraid of Meng Wuxiang just now?" Tang Zhong asked when he saw that Li Linglong waited for the other party to walk a long way before jumping out.

"Of course I'm afraid. That's a big brother, and the No.1 of the younger generation on the Huaxia Grandmaster List. Can I not be afraid? Standing next to him, I feel pressure all over me!" Li Linglong said.

"That's it!" Tang nodded his head.

"Besides, my elder brother is very competitive, so you have to be careful!" Li Linglong continued to warn.


"By the way, if he fights you, you must not agree. Although you are very strong now, you are by no means his opponent. He is a fighting madman!" Li Linglong said.

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head.

"Of course, there is one last thing to tell you. Your daughter-in-law asked me to send you a message, hurry home, she misses you!" Li Linglong said.

"Okay, I'll go back right away, you can send me off!" Tang Zhong said.

"Why?" Li Linglong was too unwilling.

Not many people can understand the feeling of eating dog food every time you go to Tang's house!

"Come on, don't wait any longer, if my wife can't wait, it will be miserable!" Tang Zhong said.

I don't know why, but now he misses Jiang Weiwei more and more.

"I won't go... I won't go, even if killed!" Li Linglong turned his head away.

"It's okay if you don't go, lend me the car!" Tang Zhong said.

"Don't... that's even worse, the new car I just bought... I won't lend it to you!" Li Linglong said hastily.

"If you don't borrow it, then give it away!" Tang Zhong said.

"I...I...Damn, I'll eat one last time, let's go, I'll see you off!" Li Linglong gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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