Chapter 546: Lost for Everyone!
If the title of Chief Instructor came from someone else, it wouldn't have any effect, but if it came from Lei Tianlong, it would be different.

Lei Tianlong is a member of Longwu. There can only be one chief instructor in his mouth, and that is the chief instructor of the Longwu team.

The chief instructor of the Longwu team, at this moment, the eyes of many people looking at Tang Zhong have changed, it is so unbelievable.

The Longwu team is rumored to be a team of special forces. If anyone takes it out, they are like kings of soldiers. One can fight five.

Hearing Lei Tianlong's words, Lei Nuo, who wanted to struggle at first, suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Tang Zhong, then looked at Lei Tianlong, and said: "Cousin, did you make a mistake? How could this person Is it the chief instructor? How can someone who can teach you soldiers kings be such a brat?"

But what greeted Lei Nuo was a slap from Lei Tianlong.

I saw Renault lying on the ground. .

He really wanted to strangle his cousin to death, he said it so clearly, but this guy is still so dishonest.

This time, Lei Nuo was woken up by the beating, and he suddenly realized something, because his cousin had never beaten him, so it can only be said that this person is really the chief instructor of Longwu.

This... What the hell, Renault really wanted to kill himself at that moment.

He knelt on the ground, not daring to lift his head.

Instructor Longwu is definitely not someone they can provoke.

The cousins ​​of Lei's family have surrendered now. When this scene happened, many people's eyes widened, and they all looked at Tang Zhong in disbelief. The chief instructor of Longwu is actually so young?

Can such a person teach those who are already kings of soldiers?
At this moment, many celebrities opened their mouths wide and looked at Tang Zhong, not knowing what to say for a long time. If Lei Tianlong is a Jiaolong, then what is this person?I'm afraid this person is the real flood dragon, and compared with him, Lei Tianlong, no... Lei Tianlong doesn't seem to have the ability to compare with him at all.

At this moment, Tang Zhong stared at Renault and said, "I remember, don't you want to see this hotel destroyed?"

Renault, who lowered his head, didn't even dare to speak loudly, because the other party wanted to smash his hotel, and he didn't waste any effort at all.


"Go away!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, yes!" Renault was extremely excited when he heard this.

"I don't want to see it in the capital anymore!" Tang Zhong continued.

"I... I'm going to the Western Regions right now..." Lei Nuo said hastily, for him, survival is the most important thing now.

Lei Tianlong quickly knelt on the ground, kowtowed and got up: "Then what about me..."

"You... quit Longwu and start all over again!" Tang Zhong said.

"Thank you, Chief Instructor! Lei Tianlong is as if he is about to receive an amnesty, because he heard from Tang Zhong's words that as long as he works hard, there is still a possibility of going back.

Tang Zhong didn't speak any more, but took Jiang Weiwei, who was already in a daze, on his arm, and prepared to leave here.

Normally, he would definitely do it, but he is in a good mood today.

Zhao Chuanxing knew Tang Zhong's identity, and he was actually the chief instructor of Longwu. This was something he never expected. At this moment, he didn't know what to say. This is a bad thing, but it is unavoidable. Fortunately, he is in the literary world, while the opponent is in the martial arts world. No matter how strong the opponent is, I am afraid there is no way to intervene in the literary world.

Seeing Tang Zhong approaching, Zhao Chuanxing had already made up his mind that if the other party dared to say no to him, he would directly move Minister Chen Hui out.

However, what he didn't expect was that Tang Zhong took Jiang Weiwei's hand without even looking at him, but walked directly to Secretary Qin.

Secretary Qin stepped forward with a smile and said, "Congratulations to Chief Instructor Tang!"

Tang Zhong hugged a smile and said: "You don't need to be so polite, Secretary Qin, I heard that that person will be Minister Chen Hui's secretary in the future?"

That person was talking about Zhao Chuanxing!

Standing by the side and hearing this, Zhao Chuanxing always felt something was wrong, and an ominous omen hung over his head.

When Secretary Qin heard Tang Zhong's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Minister Chen Hui has this plan!"

"You tell Minister Chen Hui that this person is not suitable!" Tang Zhong said.

Secretary Qin immediately said: "Yes, I will definitely report to Minister Chen Hui!"

Zhao Chuanxing next to him heard Tang Zhong's words, his whole face changed, he rushed up and said, "Uncle Qin, did you make a mistake? Didn't you say before that I could be Minister Chen Hui's secretary? Say I can't do it?"

"You just can't do it!" Secretary Qin said.

He didn't want to explain anything anymore.

"And I will soon propose to Minister Chen Hui to kick you out of Zhongguanhai!" Secretary Qin continued.

"I don't want to see the Zhao family appear in the capital again. Next time I see you, kill me!"

But Tang Zhong didn't say anything more, and took Jiang Weiwei out of here under the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, Zhao Chuanxing's face turned ashes, and he was expelled from Zhongguanhai. If this is the case, it means that all his efforts over the years have been in vain.

"You can't do this, you can't do this!" Zhao Chuanxing begged for mercy: "Uncle Qin, you can't do this. You are from the literary world, how can you listen to the nonsense of a martial arts man!"

"What are you talking about in the martial arts world? What are you talking about? We are all Chinese. When will we be assigned?" Secretary Qin became a little annoyed by what he said. The guy in front of him was really stupid.

"If you want to blame, blame you for provoking someone you shouldn't. You Zhao family should relocate, or I will protect you. I can only tell you that Instructor Tang was personally affirmed by Minister Chen Hui." Secretary Qin Throwing down the last sentence, he also turned and left the place.

Zhao Chuanxing's pupils darkened in an instant. Minister Chen Hui personally affirmed the person who shouldn't be provoked?
Could it be... He turned his head and saw Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei leaving in the distance.

Is it them?

At this moment, Zhao Chuanxing's face became even more ugly.

One is the chief instructor of Longwu, and the other is the personal affirmation of Minister Chen Hui.

He understood that he had really kicked on the iron plate. That guy was something that the Zhao family couldn't afford to mess with. He originally regarded this place as a stepping stone for himself to become the secretary of Minister Chenhui in the future, but he never thought that this stone was too big. When it gets bigger, it is like the existence of Mount Everest.

That feeling is really hopeless.

At this time, Zhao Chuanxiong got up from the corner, and he fainted from the severe pain before. As soon as he woke up, he immediately ran over, looked at Zhao Chuanxing, and said, "Brother, where is the person who bullied me? Can you help me?" Have I cleaned up? You must use your power to let him die without a place to bury him!"

At this moment, when Zhao Chuanxing heard this, he turned around and looked at Zhao Chuanxiong, clenched his fists tightly together: " fucking!"

Immediately, he slapped him fiercely.

Zhao Chuanxiong was knocked down to the ground again, covered his face with his hands, and looked at his brother in disbelief.

"Brother, why did you hit me? Why did you hit me?"

"Go away, after I go home, I will ask my father to drive you out of the Zhao family!" Zhao Chuanxing said.

"What? Don't, brother, don't!" Zhao Chuanxiong roared.

"It's fine if I don't kill you!" Zhao Chuanxing gritted his teeth.

Because of this guy in front of him, how can the Zhao family not be angry if they want to give up their family business in the capital and leave here from now on.

And this scene was watched by all the ladies present, and none of them knew what to say.

They seem to have missed something. From the very beginning, they must have misjudged the person.

That seemingly ordinary boy is the real dragon.

What Zhao Chuanxing, what Lei Tianlong, they don't even have the qualifications to compare with each other, but when they are still complacent about their rising to a certain status, they don't know that some people, at their age, are already at the same age as their parents. sit up.

Just one Longwu Chief Instructor alone can overwhelm many people who can't even speak, let alone others?
In a word, the Lei and Zhao families bowed their heads.

This kind of person is the real dragon. Compared with this person, other people are really inferior to everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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