Chapter 547 That Man Is Him!

Such a person is a real dragon.

Everyone who participated in the Renault Hotel this time, was completely convinced this time. With such strength at such a young age, if you give the other party another ten or twenty years, what will this young man grow into? Where is it?

Not to mention Minister Chen Hui, not to mention the chief executive, I am afraid that this person can stand shoulder to shoulder with this person.

And at this moment, night fell.

In the capital city, the neon lights are on.

Tang Zhong originally brought Jiang Weiwei to the dance party, but the dance party was turned into what it is now.

Tang Zhong felt sorry for Jiang Weiwei.

Therefore, he wants to compensate Jiang Weiwei, since Jiang Weiwei has been waiting for that thing, then tonight, it will be as she wished!
The BMW was driving on the road, the sunroof had been opened, and a gentle breeze blew in.

Blowing Jiang Weiwei's long hair.

"I'm really sorry for messing up your dance party today!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Hmph, then you must compensate me!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Compensation!" Tang Zhong smiled.

He looked up at the sky, the stars were dotted, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Jiang Weiwei didn't notice Tang Zhong's tricks, and said: "But before you pay the compensation, you must tell me why you became the chief instructor of Longwu again?"

Jiang Weiwei knew about Tang Zhong's name Tang Tiansha, but he didn't expect that Tang Zhong would become the chief instructor.

I... I need to become stronger! " Tang Zhong said with a smile.

As for why he became stronger, he didn't say it right away.

Because only he knows what it feels like to fail once, he doesn't want to try again, what he wants is, when Jiang Weiwei turns around, the whole world is right there!

"Qiang... hum!" Jiang Weiwei said angrily, "Who made you the chief instructor, I really want to trouble him!"

"Why?" Tang Zhong didn't understand.

Everyone else wants their husbands to become dragons.

"If you become the chief instructor, you will definitely be with those people from Longwu. I...then who am I with~" Jiang Weiwei pouted, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"This... of course you are with me, oh, my wife is jealous!" Tang Zhong said with a smile: "And what I eat is the jealousy of a large group of men!"

"... I don't have one!" Jiang Weiwei said, not looking at Tang Zhong, and then whispered: "Then do you have any female soldiers?"

"This...of course!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Ah... what, how could there be female soldiers?" Jiang Weiwei looked anxious.

"Oh, the smell of vinegar is overwhelming!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

", I'm not jealous!" Jiang Weiwei said.

At this time, Tang Zhong just parked the car on the side of the road.

It was already night now, and the BMW car was parked next to a bridge. Beside it, there was a very large man-made lake.

It can be said that this is a suburb.

The two got out of the car and stood by the lake.

"Then look at me!" Tang Zhong looked at Jiang Weiwei and said seriously.

"I...I don't look at you!" Jiang Weiwei blushed, she was jealous of course, but Tang Zhong said she was jealous, how could she let Tang Zhong see something!
"If you don't look at me, you're just jealous!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"I didn't!" Jiang Weiwei defended, her voice panicking.

"Then look at me!" Tang Zhong said.

"Look and see, who is afraid of whom!" Jiang Weiwei turned her head. Anyway, it was dark around, so she didn't believe that Tang Zhong could see the color on her face.

At that moment, the two looked at each other, neither of them opened their eyes.

Suddenly, the corners of Tang Zhong's mouth raised slightly.

Then he patted his head down.

At that moment, she kissed Jiang Weiwei.

Jiang Weiwei didn't expect that at the moment when Tang Zhong kissed her, her mood instantly became confused.

This... Why did this guy suddenly kiss him?
This... is impossible to guard against.

But Jiang Weiwei didn't evade, she closed her eyes and slowly enjoyed this moment.

The heartbeat gradually accelerated.

It took a long time for the kiss to end.

Tang Zhong looked at Jiang Weiwei again.

And Jiang Weiwei also looked at Tang Zhong, she liked the kiss just now, but she didn't let Tang Zhong see that she liked it, she stretched out her hand to wipe her mouth, and hummed directly: "Let me tell you, I'm not jealous... ..."

"Wei Wei, I love you!" Tang Chongjiang Wei Wei said softly.

"Ah!" Jiang Weiwei was stunned, his dark eyes widened, and his clean and beautiful face became still.

"Will you marry me? Wei Wei!" Tang Zhong suddenly got down on one knee.

This sudden scene made Jiang Weiwei's whole body flustered, she never thought of it.

This person who looked like an elm lump before would propose marriage.

Jiang Weiwei, who has always fantasized about being proposed, now is actually facing the proposal, and becomes fidgety, her face turns redder, and Xiao Jiujiu keeps spinning in her heart.

"He proposed, he really proposed, he actually proposed!"

"What should I do, what should I do, what should I do?"

Now Jiang Weiwei is like an ant on a hot pot, she doesn't know what to do.

"Should I call and ask Wenwen, he should have been confessed to, oh, bah, confession is far from a proposal!"

"Then what should I do? Do I agree now, I..."

Jiang Weiwei was about to cry, Tang Zhong didn't even give her a chance to prepare for this, what exactly would she do if she was proposed, should she agree to you immediately?
She had been waiting for this day for too long, but when this day came suddenly, she didn't know what to do.

That time on TV, it wasn't the man who made an affectionate confession first. How could this guy say he would marry me from the very beginning?
Idiot, idiot!
Afraid of wasting words when proposing marriage?
Although Jiang Weiwei wanted to agree very much now.

But now, she had to give Tang Zhong an answer.

Usually, Tang Zhong was said to be all kinds of stupid, all kinds of stupid, but now, she was a little speechless.

"I... I... I... I don't even have a romantic starry sky, I don't even have flowers. Is this a marriage proposal?" Jiang slightly pouted.

But this wasn't Jiang Weiwei's wish at all, she couldn't say she agreed, but when she said it, she was so quick, she wanted to beat herself to death.

I've wanted to marry the whole person in front of me a long time ago, but if I agree, it's over, why are you making so many moths?

Why don't you change your mind, let's forget about flowers and stars, just get married if you marry!

Jiang Weiwei was just about to change his mind.

Tang Zhong laughed, turned around and looked at the lake next to him, clapped his hands, and clapped applause, resounding on the quiet lake.

Immediately, I saw lotus lanterns stepping on the water one after another from the lake in the distance, not only her, but also the small boats of Xinxing coming along the water, those are the flowers of Xinxing, where thousands of flowers gather together, not only that, in In the center, there are also lit candles.

"This..." Jiang Weiwei was stunned for a moment.

Slowly coming here with enthusiasm, the light brought by it lights up the whole lake, which looks extremely moving.

If you look carefully, you will find that all the hearts are arranged to form five characters.

"will you marry me?"

Jiang Weiwei's heart suddenly moved.

"Look where!" Tang Zhong said directly to the sky.

At this moment, from the sky, hot air balloons floated slowly over one after another.

There are people on the hot air balloon, holding flowers in their hands at this moment, slowly swaying, as if they are cheering for Tang Zhong.

And when flying over the heads of the two of them, the people on the hot air balloon dumped all the flower petals in their hands.

At that moment, flowers fluttered in the air, flying all over the sky like snow.

Seeing this scene at this moment, Jiang Weiwei almost burst into tears. She was moved and turned to look at Tang Zhong next to her.

Tang Zhong was also looking at Jiang Weiwei.

The petals fluttered down and landed on the heads of Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei.

"Wei Wei, will you marry me?" Tang Zhong said with a smile: "The romantic starry sky and flowers are all available, you have no reason to reject me anymore!"

Before Jiang Weiwei could answer, at this moment, the person on the hot air balloon shouted.

"Together with!"

"Marry him, marry him!"

They were all from the Prince's Society, and when Tang Zhong said he wanted to propose to Jiang Weiwei, they came to help.

A large group of men made balloons and woven hearts.

Hearing other people talking, Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei both laughed, and then they looked at each other, in the dark night, but their eyes were full of candlelight and each other.

Jiang Weiwei pouted: "Romantic starry sky, and flowers, everything is okay, so-so!"

"Ah, miss, this is so-so, do you want me to come again next time!" Tang Zhong said after hearing this.

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she immediately became anxious: "Don't, don't, I... I am willing, I am willing to marry you!"

At this moment, she no longer held back, rushed forward, hugged Tang Zhong, and kissed passionately.

How could she do it all over again after waiting for this day for so long?

No matter what kind of person is in front of him or what his marriage proposal is, as long as it is him, Jiang Weiwei will marry him without hesitation.

When you like someone, you don't care if he does not do well. When he proposes, just saying I am willing is enough.

After all, that person is him!
At this moment, the breeze is blowing, the moonlight is just right, the whole city is quiet, but this lakeside is brightly lit with candles!

(End of this chapter)

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