Chapter 548 Sword Dao Conference!

The next day, when I got up early in the morning, many old men and women chose to come here to exercise, wearing clothes of the same color.

I saw good petals and candles on the entire lake.

"It's so beautiful!" said an old lady.

"Yeah, if someone had confessed to me back then, I would have married that person. Unfortunately, that old man in my family didn't understand anything. I met him when we went to the countryside. Now he You never told me I love you!"

"Me too!"

More old ladies shook their heads.

And the old men also fell into reverence one by one. If they were so brave back then, they would have caught up with the goddess back then.

Last night, Tang Zhong proposed, and Jiang Weiwei agreed.

Tang Zhong announced that he would invite everyone to a banquet that night.

The whole capital city was full of singing and dancing.

As for the Lei family, they directly announced last night that they would sell the Renault Hotel and send Lei Nuo to the United States to study.

The Zhao family sold off the entire family, everything, and all the families who had a good relationship with the Zhao family wanted to know why, but the Zhao family kept silent.

And everyone can guess that the Zhao family and the Lei family probably provoked someone that their family didn't even provoke, which led to the relocation of the family, but they were really curious about who it was, but they didn't know who it was. If one person speaks out, after all, the person who wants to make the Zhao Lei family bow their heads, how can it be a simple person, and soon this matter is selectively forgotten by everyone.

And at this moment, among the Tang family.

Tang Zhong woke up drunk, in a daze, suddenly thought of Jiang Weiwei, and immediately shouted: "Wei Wei!"

He got up immediately, he remembered that Wei Wei agreed to his marriage proposal yesterday, he drank a lot of wine happily, met thousands of people, and after forcibly drinking so many people to the ground, he also collapsed.

Turning his head to look around, this is the Tang family, it seems that he has returned to his own home now.

After stretching, I saw a glass filled with warm water next to it, and a note was pressed under the glass.

"Get up and drink the hot water to relieve the alcohol!"

The inscription is Weiwei, and it's in that naughty font.

Tang Zhong laughed, drank the water in one gulp, and then turned and walked out of the room.

Hearing the mess outside, he was stunned for a moment, and saw a lot of porters moving in various sofas and electrical appliances from outside.

There are white sofas, refrigerators, and many more.

"This is?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

Then I saw Jiang Weiwei commanding among the porters: "Put this sofa in first!"

"And that one, move them all in, you have to be careful, don't touch it, it's for my wedding!"

For wedding?Tang Zhong stood in the distance, looking at the front, he didn't know what to say, what happened?

Didn't he just propose last night?

At this time, Jiang Weiwei turned around and saw Tang Zhong, and immediately jumped over: "Brother Tang, come and see, the new furniture I bought, what do you think?"

Holding Tang Zhong's hand, he pulled Tang Zhong forward: "You bought these?"

"Yeah, I'm getting married anyway. I was so excited that I couldn't fall last night. You drank so much and slept like a dead pig. I want to discuss buying these things with you, so I decided to buy them myself. , according to your own preferences!" Jiang Weiwei said with joy.

Tang Zhong could tell that the girl in front of her was really anxious, and immediately said with a smile, "Just as long as you like it!"

"No, I have to tell you these things. Let me tell you, the sofa is imported by air from the world, it is a top brand, the refrigerator is made in China, and..." Jiang Weiwei began to introduce.

And Tang Zhong was just a listener, listening to a girl's thoughts beside him. He really liked this feeling.

I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated.

After getting back Tang Dao and his grandfather's ashes, and helping his parents restore their tongue, he will take Jiang Weiwei out of here, find a mountain, and live a life that others envy.

But here, a servant of the Tang family hurried in from outside: "Mr. Tang, there is an urgent letter outside!"

"What?" Tang Zhong asked quickly.

Jiang Weiwei, who was next to her, saw this scene and stopped talking. A good woman knows how to solve problems for men.

"A person came here with an urgent letter. He said that it must be handed over to Mr. Tang, and no one else could give it to him. Moreover, according to that person's accent, he is from Hangzhou!" the servant continued.

Tang Zhong frowned suddenly: "I'll go and have a look now!"

On the Hangzhou side, Fang Susu should have brought it.

Turning around to look at Jiang Weiwei, said: "I'll come as soon as I go!"

Jiang nodded slightly.

Only then did Tang Zhong leave with his servants. When they reached the door, they saw a strong man, it was Hushan, pacing back and forth. When they saw Tang Zhong coming, his eyes lit up, and he hurried forward and said, "Mr. Tang, finally I saw you!"

Tang Zhong saw that it was Hushan, and Hushan was Fang Susu's childhood playmate, and now that he came, something must have happened to Fang Susu.

"What happened?" Tang Zhong asked quickly.

Hu Shan was a little agitated, and knelt down on the ground with a plop: "Mr. Tang, save Young Master Susu!"

"Get up quickly and tell me what happened? What happened to Fang Susu now?" Tang Zhong said.

"The people from Hidden Sword Valley are here!" Hu Shan said.

Hidden Sword Valley, of course Tang Zhong remembered this name. He beheaded and killed a man named Elder Wu in the Fang family in Hangzhou before, and what Elder Wu did at that time made Tang Zhong feel strange , as if Hidden Sword Valley needed something from him, but unfortunately he didn't know where Hidden Sword Valley was, so he didn't have to go. Now that he heard the name again, he remembered everything.

"What did they do?" Tang Zhong asked.

"After the people from Hidden Sword Valley came, they broke into our house directly and questioned Sister Susu about who pulled out the sword of Hidden Sword Valley. Hidden Sword Valley's attack must be aimed at Brother Tang. Of course Sister Susu refused to say anything, but she was later captured by Hidden Sword Valley, and before Sister Susu was captured, she secretly gave me your address and asked me to come to you. Knowing that you are here, Brother Tang, hurry up and help us!" Hu Shan said urgently.

"Don't worry, I will definitely!" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes and said.

"Thank you, Brother Tang..." Hu Shan knelt down again, knowing that the person in front of him was a martial arts master, whom he especially admired, and he believed that as long as the person in front of him took action, he would definitely be able to save Sister Susu.

"Do you now know where Hidden Sword Valley is hiding?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I know, Hidden Sword Valley has widely distributed hero posts and participated in the Sword Dao Conference, and the address of Hidden Sword Valley has been exposed!" Hu Shan said.

"That's good, wait for me, I will follow you to the Hidden Sword Valley." Tang Zhong said.

"It's Mr. Tang!" Hu Shan said.

Then Tang Zhong turned around and walked towards the house.

The strange behavior of Elder Wu who died before made Tang Zhong completely suspicious of Hidden Sword Valley, and he wanted to kill Hidden Sword Valley for a long time, but now, Hidden Sword Valley captured Fang Susu, and he was also asking him about Tang Zhong's trace , This is to let Tang Zhong go to Hidden Sword Valley to see why Tang Zhong is so needed in Hidden Sword Valley, and also, if Fang Susu was taken away to blackmail him, he wants to avenge this revenge, but he wants to see, Hidden Sword Gu He De He Neng, can arrest people at will.

As for the usual Tang Zhong, he has already taken it away, but now, he already has a fiancée.

When Tang Zhong walked into the room, he saw Jiang Weiwei.

At this moment, Jiang Weiwei is standing next to a bunch of furniture, touching left and right, looking like she likes it very much.

"Wei Wei!" Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Weiwei turned around and said, "What's wrong?"

"I... I guess I have to go out again!" Tang Zhong said.

At first, I thought Jiang Weiwei would be very angry, after all, after coming back late last time, the smell of jealousy was overwhelming.

But Jiang Weiwei said indifferently: "Go, go back early, I'll wait for you at home!"

Her man is an upright person, and the decision he made must be right.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong nodded with a smile.

Then she stepped forward and hugged Jiang Weiwei.

"You are so kind, Wei Wei!"

"If you know me well, treat me well!"

"Don't worry, I will treat you well for the rest of my life and treat you like a treasure!"

"Oh, Tang Zhong, you are so glib now!"

After a long time, the two separated.

Tang Zhong smiled and waved his hands: "Wait for me!"


Tang Zhong left quickly, looking at Tang Zhong's back, Jiang Wei smiled, suddenly, the top of her head became dizzy, and she quickly reached out to help her surroundings, and then she stood still, and the dizzy feeling on the top of her head disappeared quickly gone.

"I... what's wrong with me? Maybe I'm dizzy from happiness."

(Seeing that someone said that I wrote Jiang Weiwei stupidly, don’t you know that women in love have zero IQ?)
(End of this chapter)

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