Chapter 549 Go Kill!
Except for the Tang family.

Tang Zhong followed Hushan and prepared to set off for Hidden Sword Valley.

Originally, it was impossible for Tang Zhong to know where Hidden Sword Valley was, but if Hidden Sword Valley wanted to hold a kendo conference, the traces of Hidden Sword Valley would definitely be exposed.

After taking the bus, he arrived in Hangzhou in half a day. Tang Zhong finally saw the so-called hero post. The address on it about Hidden Sword Valley was called Hidden Sword Mountain. It was a hundred miles away from Hangzhou, not too far away.

It is ready to go to Hidden Sword Valley.

This time Tang Zhong couldn't help but want to rescue Fang Susu and investigate the truth about Hidden Sword Valley, why Elder Wu had to take him to Hidden Sword Valley.

Hushan is now the Fang family's chief steward, in charge of the Fang family's money. Although Fang Dezheng died before, the money is at least still there.

I heard that I was going to Cangjian Valley, and soon I got the support of a second-hand jeep. It is not a brand, and it looks very simple. There are more mountain roads when I start from Cangjian Valley. It is impossible to get up in a normal car. .

And if you want to get to Cangjian Mountain, you have to go to DY City. After walking a hundred miles, the gas in the car is almost used up.

Hu Shan drove directly to the gas station.

But I found that there were more than a dozen cars photographed outside the gas station, all of which came here to refuel, and the car plates were different. The cars they own are all luxury cars, not Maserati, Audi, and a few limited edition cars that cannot be named.

"Mr. Tang, there are too many cars ahead!" Hu Shan said.

"Wait!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes!" Hu Shan replied, and then stopped the car.

DY City is a small city, but now there are such luxury cars, most of them are for the kendo competition!
Tang Zhong began to close his eyes and rest in the car.

But at this moment, behind them, there was a fierce car horn.

The people behind were honking their horns.

Drop drop!
Behind Tang Zhong and his car, there was a black car with a young man honking its horn.

In the car, there was an old man and a woman who had died.

The old man was wearing a Tang suit and looked over 50 years old, while the woman next to him was only about 16 years old, dressed like a fairy, wearing white short sleeves on top, overalls on the lower body, fair skin, young but breasts As expected, there was an aura exuding from all over her body, an aura that surpassed all others. If you looked carefully, you would find that there was an aura of a warrior exuding from this woman's whole body.

"Why are there so many people today?" The young man driving looked at the cars in front of him.

"Hidden Sword Mountain will hold a kendo conference, of course it will attract a lot of people!" said the old man in Tang suit behind him.

"Grandpa, is this Hidden Sword Mountain really powerful? Little sister, is it really okay for such a martial arts genius to be handed over to Hidden Sword Mountain?" The young man continued to ask.

"Zhong Tao, you're going to Hidden Sword Mountain now, so I won't allow you to say anything that doubts Hidden Sword Mountain, do you understand!" the old man said seriously.

When the young man heard this, his face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Yes, grandpa taught you right!"

"Do you know that if you speak in Hidden Sword Mountain, if people will hear it, our Zhong family will be over. Although we are rich and powerful in the south, we are nothing in front of Hidden Sword Mountain!" Tang suit The old man said.

"Maybe in the eyes of ordinary rich people, I, Zhong Tianyue, am a powerful person, but do you know? In the eyes of many people, I am nothing at all. You should know that Shen Sanwan who often climbed up to the capital from the south, right? Didn't I ask me why he can go to the capital, but our Zhong family can't, it's because Shen Sanwan has a lot of warriors under him!" said the old man in Tang suit.

"No wonder!" Zhong Tao said.

"And the door sweepers in Cangjian Mountain are all stronger than the warriors under Shen Sanwan, what right do you have to doubt Cangjian Mountain, and if your sister Zhong Ya is accepted as an apprentice by Master Cangjian, after that day, In the whole south, who else would dare to challenge our Zhong family?" Zhong Tianyue, an old man in Tang suit, said with a smile.

The young Zhong Tao's eyes were round, as if he saw the hope of the Zhong family's rise.

And the woman who has not spoken is called Zhong Ya, who has been sitting there without saying a word.

As for Hidden Sword Mountain, she didn't know what it would be like. She only knew that she had a future in martial arts. Grandpa always said that she would definitely revitalize the entire Zhong family in the future.

But at this moment, the car refueling at the gas station is really too slow.

Zhong Tao couldn't wait any longer, and suddenly he saw the dilapidated jeep in front of him, and immediately squinted, this person probably didn't go to participate in the Kendo Conference, he was a warrior, he wasn't rich and powerful, but at least he wouldn't be particularly miserable, driving like this The person driving the car should be an ordinary person in DY City.

Immediately Zhong Tao turned around and said to Zhong Tianyue who was behind: "Grandpa, I'll get out of the car. The person in front should not be going to Cangjian Mountain. I'll let him line up behind us!"

"Go, the sooner we get to Cangjian Mountain, the better!" Zhong Tianyue said.

"Okay!" Zhong Tao got out of the car directly, went to Tang Zhong's jeep, and began to knock on the door.

Tang Zhong was in the car and didn't move at all, while Hu Shan saw Zhong Tao and shook off the lathe: "What's the matter?"

Zhong Tao saw Hushan in the car, dressed as a mountain farmer, and Tang Zhong behind him, he was a child at all, he must be from a small county, so he immediately took out his own Business card: "I'm Zhong Tao from the male Fang Zhong's Group. I want to discuss something with you. We have something urgent to go to Cangjian Mountain, so let's draw a location. After all, you are just ordinary cheering, what? The timing is the same!"

But when Hushan heard this, he turned his head and glanced at Tang Zhong behind him, only to see that Tang Zhong still had his eyes closed.

Hu Shan knew what to do. Looking at Zhong Tao, he said, "Sorry, we won't change it!"

Zhong Tao frowned, listening to his grandfather Zhong Tianyue, the sooner he arrived at Cangjian Mountain, the better, and he couldn't delay too much, but soon he knew how to do it, most likely it could be solved with money, and immediately took out a thick red bag Qian Lai: "I'm using this money to buy your location. I didn't count how much, but to buy your parking space, take the money and drive behind us. I didn't count the money. It's about 10,000+. Definitely buy it." Your car is gone!"

He believes that as long as the money arrives, the other party will definitely compromise.

"We can't take your money!" Hu Shan said, "Because we are also going to Tibetan Sword Mountain!"

"What are you doing at Cangjian Mountain? Sightseeing? Let's forget it, okay, I didn't talk to you, I was talking to the people behind!" Zhong Tao gave Hushan, then picked up the money, and walked directly behind Tang Zhong in the row threw it over: "Hey, take the money, don't play tricks, let's go!"

Hu Shan was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Tang!"

Tang Zhong still didn't move.

Zhong Tao couldn't bear it anymore, took out the check and signed it directly: "This is 100 million, you can drive to Zhong's in the south to get it!"

He didn't believe it, these two people would still stay here.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong opened his eyes and came, looking at Zhong Tao next to him.

The moment Zhong Tao was stared at by Tang Zhong, he felt as if he was being watched by a wild beast, and felt uncomfortable all over.

"You...why are you looking at me like that?" Zhong Tao said.

"Take your money and get out!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"You... what nonsense are you talking about, I'm from the Zhong family!" Zhong Tao said with an ugly face.

"I'll count to three seconds!" Tang Zhong said coldly.


Zhong Tao's face suddenly turned ugly. The breath released by the other party should be a warrior. Unexpectedly, this person is actually a warrior.

But this age is only a young warrior, but he is an ordinary person, and he dare not fight against the warrior.

Immediately said: "You... What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Two..." Tang Zhong said.

"Let me tell you, my younger sister is about to enter Hidden Sword Valley and become the disciple of Master Hidden Sword. This time we go to Hidden Sword Valley to be apprentices!" Zhong Tao said this to intimidate Tang Zhong, triumphantly Wake up, the disciple of Master Hidden Sword must scare this guy to death.

"One... If you go to apprentice, you can go back the same way!" Tang Zhong continued.

"Why? And why are you going to Hidden Sword Valley?" Zhong Tao was surprised. He believed that with his talent, the little girl would definitely be taken by Master Hidden Sword and accepted as his disciple.

"Go and kill people!" Tang Zhong smiled lightly.

"What?" Zhong Tao's eyes frightened when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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