Chapter 550 Rejection!

Zhong Tao's complexion changed when he heard Tang Zhong's words. He is just an ordinary person and will not mess with warriors. If the other party can say this, he must be a warrior!
He doesn't know martial arts, but he has been hearing from his grandfather Zhong Tianyue how powerful Hidden Sword Valley is, especially the hidden sword master, he is not an ordinary person, but a martial arts master, and he also knows that the master is very powerful.

But now this person actually said that he was going to kill people in Hidden Sword Valley, where did this courage come from?

"Nonsense!" Zhong Tao could no longer communicate with the person in front of him.

He would not offend any martial artist, turned around and left, returning to his car.

Seeing Zhong Tao leave, Tang Zhong continued to close his eyes and meditate. He has no interest in ordinary people now.

Hu Shan didn't speak. The cars in front of him had already filled up their gas and were ready to leave. He hurriedly drove behind.

And Zhong Tao returned to his car.

Zhong Tianyue looked forward and asked: "How is it, do you agree to change?"

"That's a psychopath!" Zhong Tao said.

"What's going on?" Zhong Tianyue was stunned for a moment.

"Grandpa, didn't you just tell me not to say anything bad about Hidden Sword Valley? Who knew that guy opened his mouth and said he was going to kill people, and said that if we were apprentices, we should turn around now. Didn't you say that Hidden Sword Valley is very powerful, why? That person is so young, he opened his mouth to say that he killed the people from Hidden Sword Valley!" Zhong Tao said.

Unexpectedly, when Zhong Tianyue heard this, he laughed: "That person should be a warrior, young man, he has his own anger, and may not understand the truth of misfortune coming out of his mouth, I believe that soon, that young man will understand Yes, since the opponent is a martial artist, there is no need to fight him, just wait!"

"Yes, Grandpa!" Zhong Tao nodded, but at this moment, thinking of what Tang Zhong said before, he couldn't help trembling, as if he was really being targeted by a wild beast.

Soon, Tang Zhong and the others refueled, and immediately drove in the direction of Tibetan Sword Mountain.

Half a day later, they arrived at the territory of Hidden Sword Mountain.

From a far distance, you can see Hidden Sword Mountain, which is a mountain that goes straight into the sky, but the shape of this mountain is almost the same as that of a sword, and there is a Hidden Sword Valley on the mountain, so it is called Hidden Sword Mountain .

At the foot of Tibetan Sword Mountain, there are many inns.

Most of the inns are built by the villagers. They eat mountains with mountains and drink water with water.

There is a village at the foot of Cangjian Mountain. Later, knowing that there is a Cangjian Valley next to it, the whole village was renamed. After all, Cangjian Mountain is a very famous place in martial arts, so the village renamed all the inns as inns. Just like in martial arts movies, it is also to attract more people.

Moreover, Tibetan Sword Mountain has gradually become a tourist attraction in Dongyang City.

You can see that many people bring their children to play here.

From a distance, you can see a white stone giant sword at the foot of the mountain, and you can see a lot of people waiting to take pictures.

Tang Zhong and Hu Shan parked the car.

"Mr. Tang, this should be the Hidden Sword Valley!" Hu Shan said.

"It should be right!" Tang Zhong said.

"Mr. Tang, are you hungry? There is an inn over there, let's go have a meal!" Hu Shan said.

"it is good!"

Although for Tang Zhong now, food is not very important, but Hushan will definitely not be able to hold on.

The two found an inn.

The owner is a villager, very simple.

One bowl of noodles per person.

At this time, Zhong Tao from before also got out of the car with Zhong Tianyue and came to this inn.

Three people are seated.

"Boss, what can I eat?" Zhong Tao called out to the boss.

"Only noodles!" The boss came out and said.

Then come three bowls! "Zhong Tao saw that he had no choice but to do so.

But when he turned his head and looked slightly tilted, he saw Tang Zhong, immediately frowned, and said to Zhong Tianyue next to you: "Grandpa, that's the man, he was the one who said he wanted to kill someone just now!"

Zhong Tianyue heard the words, turned to look at Tang Zhong, and immediately showed a smile on his face: "He is a little ignorant, but he looks very young, maybe he has some cards behind him, so he made him say that, let's go!" We need to get to know more warriors after making friends in the past!"

"Yes, Grandpa!" Zhong Tao nodded.

Zhong Tianyue stood up, walked to Tang Zhong's side, and said with a smile: "I, Zhong Tianyue, belong to the male Fang Zhong's family. Today I see you with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. He is not an ordinary person. Can I be friends with you?"

Tang Zhong had already started eating, and suddenly he saw Zhong Ya who was behind Zhong Tianyue, and immediately frowned: "Warrior..."

When Zhong Tianyue saw Tang Zhong, he could tell Zhong Ya was a martial artist at a glance, and he became acquainted with Zhong Ya, and immediately introduced Zhong Ya, "Your Excellency really has sharp eyesight, this is my granddaughter, named Zhong Ya! "

Zhong Ya is a quiet person and a clean person, she smiled slightly at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong just glanced at it, and had to say that this woman is a good seedling, and to become a warrior, she must awaken her blood power, but the blood in this girl's body was born in an awakened state, that is to say, this girl was born to be a warrior , as long as you practice more, it is absolutely possible to become a female martial arts master in the future.

"Not bad!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Of course, my little sister is a unique genius!" Zhong Tao said proudly, patting his chest.

Although he is an ordinary person, he is happy for his little sister.

Tang Zhong just smiled, this girl can only be said to be of the highest level, if it is said to be unique, it is really far behind.

"How about handing over this girl to Yu, and I will teach it myself!" Tang Zhong said.

He really had his eyes on the girl's talent, and if he brought this girl to Longwu, he would definitely be a fierce general in the future.

Zhong Tianyue's eyes lit up, and he said, "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true!" Tang nodded his head.

"I don't know what school your Excellency came from?" Zhong Tianyue said.

"No name, no faction, follow me, I will teach you myself!" Tang Zhong said.

Hearing Tang Zhong's words, Zhong Tianyue's expression changed instantly: "Forget it, I have already agreed with Master Hidden Sword to hand over my granddaughter to him, so I'm afraid I can't hand it over to Your Excellency!"

If the other party was from a family of martial arts, Zhong Tianyue would really hand over his granddaughter, but the other party has no name and no sect, what can he teach, a mere 20-year-old boy, can he compare with the hidden sword master?
So he lied. In fact, he had never even met Master Hidden Sword, saying that he knew him only to reject Tang Zhong.

Zhong Tao also laughed, does the toad want to eat swan meat?What kind of character is her sister, how can she be handed over to such a person,
Even Zhong Ya became nervous just now, she is very talented in martial arts, no matter what she needs to be taught by a master, how can it be done if such a young man confesses, wouldn't it be a waste of her talent, when she heard her grandfather refuse, she just Reassured, she looked Tang Zhong up and down, she really couldn't figure it out, where did such a young man have the courage to say that he wanted to teach her a martial arts genius?
Just when they were lucky to reject the person in front of them, what they didn't know was that this time, what a chance they were rejecting, and they would know soon.

Tang Zhong didn't say any more, he was just on a whim, since others refused, it's fine, eat noodles with peace of mind, there are many talented people, not everyone can receive guidance.

With the end of this topic, the two parties have nothing to say, and it seems awkward to talk.

After eating the noodles, we started to go to Cangjian Mountain.

If you want to go up the mountain, you have to go through the mountain road.

Tang Zhong looked ahead, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Hidden Sword Valley, here I come!"

(Updated today, I don’t know how many updates until two o’clock!)
(End of this chapter)

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