Chapter 553 Where is the Hidden Sword Master?

As soon as Tang Zhong's words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked. No one thought that Tang Zhong would say such words suddenly.

Wu Hai was stunned. After all, he has been in Hidden Sword Valley for so many years, and he has never seen anyone say such a thing. Is this a blatant confrontation with Master Hidden Sword?
The others were also stunned. Those warriors who were about to enter the Hidden Sword Valley with the hero post couldn't help but stop and look back at what happened around them.

There are also those who want to worship in Hidden Sword Valley to practice, all of them are stupid.

Zhong Tianyue was also stunned.

Zhong Ya just knelt down, and when she heard this, her body froze.

You know, in everyone's ears, this is the first time someone has heard someone say that about Master Hidden Sword.

After a short period of silence in the whole scene, there was bursts of laughter in an instant.

Na Wu Hai laughed first: "This may be the funniest joke I've heard today!"

The other warriors also laughed: "Yes!"

"It's so funny, it's been a long time since someone killed Master Hidden Sword!"


Zhong Tianyue shook his head, looked at Tang Zhong, and finally said: "Stupid, Hidden Sword Valley is a hidden sect, a stupid boy dares to come here to talk, what is the difference between this and courting death!"

Zhong Ya also laughed. Just such a fool wants to teach her?I really don't know where the courage to say this came from.

Finally, Wu Hai walked forward with ferocious eyes, and said, "Boy, you will die a miserable death!"

"Come to our Hidden Sword Valley to say such big words, but to tell you the truth, many people have come here and said such words, but in the end all of them died!"

"There used to be a master who came to challenge Master Hidden Sword. He used Master Hidden Sword as a stepping stone and established his reputation on the master list with the help of Master Hidden Sword. However, he was killed by Master Hidden Sword. Master Hidden Sword can kill Grandmaster with one sword. Do you think you Is it the master?"

"I think you are a waste, go to hell!"

At this moment, Wu Hai started to attack Tang Zhong with a palm.

A light blue light flooded the palm of his hand.

The light illuminated Wu Hai's face so ferociously.


When those ordinary people saw Wu Hai making a move, their eyes were full of envy. If they could get this kind of power, wouldn't they be doing it sideways in the business world?

Zhong Tianyue shook his head. He knew the details of Tang Zhong. He was unknown and had no sect. If Wu Hai slapped him, the other party would definitely die in a very ugly way. Sure enough, sending his granddaughter here was a very correct choice. Hidden Sword Valley is as good as the legend as powerful as any of them.

And just when everyone thought that Tang Zhong must die.

At this moment, Tang Zhong made a move, slapped Wu Hai lightly, and slapped Wu Hai.

Above the palm, there is no fluctuation.

Wu Hai laughed ferociously: "Stupid, before you die, remember my name, my name is Wu Hai, and I am the elder of Hidden Sword Valley."

At that moment, Wu Hai's undulating palm met Tang Zhong.

With a bang, the sound of the explosion came loudly.

Just when everyone thought that Tang Zhong would be directly knocked into the air, at this moment, everyone saw Wu Hai flying out. That seemingly powerful palm was vulnerable to the opponent's backhand slap.

With a bang, Wu Hai flew out at an extremely fast speed. At the moment when he met his palms, his arm was forcibly removed, and blood gushed out.

The whole person's body was rigidly mounted on the small stone sword in front of Hidden Sword Valley.

With a click, the little stone sword broke directly.

Wu Hai fell to the ground in embarrassment, looking at the severed arm he had encountered, he was terrified.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? I am a martial arts master, how can you be my opponent!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong slowly stood up straight, and said calmly: "Remember my name, my name is Tang Zhong!"

"Tang are Tang Zhong, you are the young master who killed Fang Jingde." Wu Hai's eyes became more frightened, and then filled with despair.

For the name Tang Zhong, people in martial arts are really familiar with it. What happened in the Fang family in Hangzhou a few days ago can be said to be full of excitement. Fang Jingde, the master of the Fang family, was chopped into pieces by a sword. The person who beheaded Fang Jingde was a young master named Tang Zhong.

After listening to Wu Hai's words, the surrounding martial arts practitioners all froze, and opened their faces in disbelief and looked ahead.

The legendary young master actually stood in front of him, that is a legendary figure!
Then everyone remembered what the other party said, came to kill Master Hidden Sword, if it was really him, then what he said was true, this young master came to kill Master Hidden Sword.

Zhong Tianyue and the others saw this scene, especially when they saw the ugly faces of the martial arts practitioners around them, they felt that something was wrong, and then looked at Tang Zhong, did they see it wrong this time?That guy clearly said he was nameless?
But Zhong Tianyue's face suddenly changed in the next second. Although he is an ordinary person, he yearns for martial arts. He is very clear about the level of martial arts. Thinking of what Wu Hai called that person, he was called a young master. Is that person a martial arts master?Such a young martial arts master is a peerless genius!
Unknowingly, Zhong Tianyue was covered in cold sweat. Before Tang Zhong said that he wanted to teach his granddaughter, he directly rejected it. It never occurred to him that the one he rejected was a grandmaster.

"Hmph, even if it's a grandmaster, so what, can it compare to a martial arts master like Master Hidden Sword? Surely it can't be compared!" Zhong Tianyue comforted himself, but looking at Tang Zhong, he was still terrified. Now he finally understood, Why does the other party say that he has no name and no sect, because he himself is a sect.

Zhong Ya even forgot to kowtow, looking at Tang Zhong, she was dumbfounded.

And in the eyes of everyone so terrified.

Tang Zhong looked at Wu Hai with a smile, and said, "Yes, it's me!"

Immediately walked forward.

After confirming that the other party was the young master, Wu Hai became terrified, and even more frightened when he saw the other party walking towards him.

"You...what are you going to do?"

"The grandmaster should not be humiliated!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

" can't kill me. This is the Hidden Sword Valley. If you do this, you are blatantly fighting against Master Hidden Sword!" Wu Hai said in fear. He never thought that he would feel such despair in Hidden Sword Valley.

"I'm here this time to kill all of you!" Tang Zhong said coldly, since he took away Fang Susu from Hidden Sword Valley, he has murderous intentions.

At this time, Tang Zhong had already walked in front of Wu Hai, and immediately slapped it out, facing Wu Hai's head.

"No!" Wu Hai shouted in horror.

But it was a cry of despair.

Just when Tang Zhong's head fell on Wu Hai's head, there was a bang, and Wu Hai's whole body was directly slapped on the top of his head, and blood gushed out continuously.

"Don't..." There is only death-like despair in the pupils of the whole person.

Tang Zhong didn't show any mercy at all, and with a sudden force, he crushed Wu Hai into the ground abruptly.

The people watching around were even more frightened, and their bodies trembled in fright. A martial arts master was actually unable to fight back in the opponent's hands. This is definitely a grand master.

Zhong Ya stopped being a teacher, and hurried to Zhong Tianyue's side.

Just looking at the back in front of me, my heart was full of mixed feelings, and I didn't know what to say.

But soon, they saw a scene they would never forget.

At this moment, Tang Zhong stood up straight, looked at the Hidden Sword Valley in front of him, and slowly raised one foot, and the blood on the foot began to condense.

Tang Zhongna slowly fell down in mid-air, and in an instant, a vast power burst out instantly, and from the moment his feet landed, a world-destructive power burst out, moving forward, destroying the past.

I saw that the gate of the hidden sword valley with hundreds of years of accumulation was directly crushed and destroyed by this force, and the rumbling sound came out, as if it had encountered an earthquake, and the rubble began to collapse. For the ruins, billowing smoke and dust.

At the same time, Hei Mou looked ahead and shouted loudly: "I, Tang Zhong, came to visit Hidden Sword Valley... Where is Master Hidden Sword?"

The sound was loud, like thunder, which showed that the opponent was so powerful that it almost enveloped the entire mountain range.

(End of this chapter)

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