Chapter 554 I Came Today To Kill You!

And at this moment, in Hidden Sword Valley.

The Kendo Conference was held as scheduled.

Hidden Sword Valley is a hidden sect of swordsmanship. Although it is not as good as Longhu Mountain, Kunlun, Tianshan and other hidden sects, it is still very famous.

Although it is a modern society now, the rituals that have been passed down from a long time ago can be seen in this Hidden Sword Valley.

The Kendo Conference can also be called an auction.

During the past year, Hidden Sword Valley has refined many swords, and invited people in martial arts to come here to choose them, and then sell them for the price, which can be used for the daily needs of Hidden Sword Valley.

At this moment, the auction is going on intensely.

You can see people in Hidden Sword Valley selling the forged swords.

And there are bidders everywhere.

"I will offer one hundred thousand for this sword!"

"No, I will offer 20!"

"Ha ha!"

The annual kendo conference is also a good thing for ordinary warriors. If you can get a sword forged in Hidden Sword Valley, it will definitely be quite good.

The nervous cries continued.

And at this moment, there was a loud bang from the gate of Hidden Sword Valley, and everyone couldn't help but look back at the place where the sound came from.

I saw a big hole directly opened at the gate of Hidden Sword Valley, followed by smoke and dust billowing.

Everyone couldn't help but frowned.

"what happened?"

"Why did the walls of Hidden Sword Valley collapse? Could it be that someone attacked Hidden Sword Valley?"

"Just kidding, how could someone dare to do this? Hidden Sword Valley is guarded by people from the list of masters. Ordinary people would not dare!"

While everyone was discussing, there was a loud shout from a distance.

It was Tang Zhong's voice.

"I, Tang Zhong, came to visit Hidden Sword Valley... Where is Master Hidden Sword?"

The sound has a long history.

It spread to everyone's ears, and in an instant, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that they really came to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to be so violent and come to Hidden Sword Valley to make trouble.

Then, I saw a figure approaching slowly in front of the broken gate of Zizangjian Valley, it was Tang Zhong.

Walked out from the smoke and dust, but was spotless.

At this moment, all the people fell on Tang Zhong, and they were a little stunned: "Who is this person?"

"I haven't seen it!"

"Still so young!"

"Did you dare to come to Hidden Sword Valley to play wild at such a young age, did you eat the guts of an ambitious leopard?"

In the arena, there were many disciples of Hidden Sword Valley, and when they saw someone humiliating their sect, they were all indignant, and they were ready to take the sword directly.

But no one dared to go forward, because they all heard each other's name.

His name is Tang Zhong.

The name Tang Zhong is now very popular in the martial arts world.

The young master killed Fang Jingde.

In the list of Chinese grandmasters, I'm afraid it's in the top ten.

For such a person, ordinary Hidden Sword Valley disciples dare not go forward.

The people around didn't know who Tang Zhong was, they had already heard what the people around him said, and after listening to it completely, they looked at Tang Zhong again, it was a deep fear.

Junior Grandmaster!

Speaking of this, I have to think of the number one master on the list, Meng Wuxiang, that legendary figure.

These young masters are all legends against the heavens.

Except for Meng Wuxiang, it is already very enviable, and now there is Tang Zhong, how can a group of old warriors survive?

But today, why did Tang Zhong come to Hidden Sword Valley for no reason?
Haven't everyone heard of the enmity between Hidden Sword Valley and this Tang Zhong?
This Tang Zhong came so aggressively, is he planning to kill someone?

This is too crazy!

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at the person in front of him, he was completely uninterested in talking, and now he needed to find Fang Susu.

And with Tang Zhong's explosive shout, the entire Hidden Sword Valley was completely alarmed.

From the depths of Hidden Sword Valley, several old men came out in full force, and came from the sky.

Everyone turned their heads and saw several old men appearing, they couldn't help screaming, it was the elders of Hidden Sword Valley.

In Hidden Sword Valley, besides Hidden Sword Master, there are five elders.

These five elders usually don't care about Hidden Sword Valley's affairs at all, but now they appear.

It shocked everyone.

As soon as the disciples of Hidden Sword Valley saw the person coming, they directly chose to bow down: "Welcome Elder!"

The five elders just waved their hands and looked directly at Tang Zhong in front of them.

It is not easy for Tang Zhong to get the five elders of Hidden Sword Valley to attack together.

At this time, the five elders stroked their beards with their hands, looked at Tang Zhong in front of him, and one of them said: "Your Excellency, you came to my Hidden Sword Valley so violently, and destroyed our Hidden Sword Valley like this, do you need to give me an explanation? "

Facing the five elders, Tang Zhong immediately shouted: "Where is Fang Susu, hand it over to me!"

Fang Susu?
The people around were stunned when they heard the name. Could it be that Tang Zhong came here for Fang Susu, but who is this Fang Susu?

One of the tall and thin elders was the Fifth Elder of Hidden Sword Valley. Hearing Tang Zhong's words, he said coldly, "Your Excellency, what I'm asking you now is that we should give an explanation for destroying our Hidden Sword Valley like this." Woolen cloth?"

"But what I'm asking now is, where is Fang Susu!" Tang Zhong was not at a disadvantage.

"You..." The Great Elder's eyes turned ferocious: "You come to my Hidden Sword Valley and fight directly, do you still have our Hidden Sword Valley in your eyes?"

"Oh, no!" Tang Zhong replied directly
As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhong stomped his feet again, and the surging blood power exploded in an instant.

Step on the ground with one foot.

With a bang, cracks appeared on the ground made of marble, like a spider's web.

Then Tang Zhong said coldly: "If you have to confess, this is the confession, are you satisfied?"

"You..." The elder's face flushed red with anger.

The other elders couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately shouted: "You are courting death!"

The people around were completely stunned, this Tang Zhong is too crazy, this is Hidden Sword Valley, doing this, is not paying attention to Hidden Sword Valley at all.

But at this moment, facing the questioning of the elders, Tang Zhong smiled coldly again: "It seems that you are not satisfied!"

Lifting his foot again, he stepped down suddenly, with a surge of force, and it came in an instant, and the cracks on the entire ground became more severe.

This place is like an earthquake.

The weak people around couldn't bear the force of the vibration from the ground, and they shook repeatedly, and some of them fell to the ground directly.

"Now, you are satisfied!" Tang Zhongbing sneered.

"Tang Zhong, you are a great master, do you really want to be my enemy in Hidden Sword Valley? I advise you to think clearly and don't misunderstand yourself. If you apologize now, we in Hidden Sword Valley will not embarrass you !” The Great Elder shouted.

If someone else did this, the Great Elder would have gone up to kill him long ago, but the opponent was Tang Zhong, a grand master, and the five elders didn't have the confidence to kill each other, so they didn't dare to act in a daze. , they only have the condition of peace.

"No... I didn't regard you as enemies. I always regarded you as dead people. I came here today to slaughter you!" Tang Zhong said with a smile in front of the elder's words.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was completely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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