Chapter 555 Death's Smile!
Tang Zhong's words spread out at this moment. Everyone around heard Tang Zhong's words and were shocked in their hearts, but they felt that what this person said was too arrogant.

Hidden Sword Valley is a hidden sect after all!
To be able to survive for hundreds of years must have some strength. Even a grand master would not dare to say such big words. In the eyes of everyone, Tang Zhong is looking for death.

When the five elders of Hidden Sword Valley heard Tang Zhong's words, their old faces were extremely ugly.

"Student, you just became a grandmaster, and you dare to say such big words. If you really think that you are a grandmaster, no one can do anything to you?"

Of course the five elders knew Tang Zhong was powerful and killed Fang Jingde, but he was not the master of Hidden Sword Valley, even if Meng Wuxiang came today, he would not dare to say such big words in their Hidden Sword Valley .

The surrounding martial arts people also chose to stand on the side of Hidden Sword Valley at this moment, speaking for Hidden Sword Valley.

In their opinion, what Tang Zhong said was really arrogant.

"Zizi, you are too crazy!"

"Hidden Sword Valley's century-old heritage, can't you alone be able to resist it!"

"court death!"

All the people who came to see this kendo conference all stood by the side of Hidden Sword Valley.

In their view, challenging Hidden Sword Valley is a joke.

Even if Meng Wuxiang came today, if he had to obediently be by his side, he would be number one on the list of grandmasters, so what is he, Tang Zhong?

Seeing this, the five elders all laughed.

Now as long as everyone stands by their Hidden Sword Valley, what else do they have to be afraid of?
At this moment, Tang Zhong still had a calm smile on his face, and said: "I don't want to ask you so many nonsense now, I just want to know, where is Fang Susu?"

Find Fang Susu, and then find out about Zangjian Valley.

The Great Elder said: "You should worry about yourself first. A few days ago, you killed an elder of our Hidden Sword Valley in Fang's house. I think you are the master. We originally didn't want to haggle with you in Hidden Sword Valley, but You are such a person who doesn't take our Hidden Sword Valley seriously, and dare to make a scene, if you don't give us an explanation, don't blame me for being rude!"

"I'm asking where Fang Susu is. Did I ask you this?" Tang Zhong shouted loudly, "If you don't say anything, I will kill you!"

From here, he was not prepared to be polite to Hidden Sword Valley.

"Since we can't reach an agreement, then there's no need to talk about it, Li Zi, go to hell!" At this moment, the Great Elder suddenly made a move.

The power of the master burst out in an instant.

The other four elders followed closely behind.

At the same time, a sword appeared in the hands of the five people, and the styles of the swords were different.

And the power of the master erupted.

The five masters worked together.

The eyes of the people around who looked at it almost burst into light.

Seeing the momentum erupting from the five people, they were so overwhelmed that they couldn't speak. They all knew that Tang Zhong was absolutely doomed this time. Even if he killed Fang Jingde, how could he resist the siege of the five grandmasters.

A gust of wind blew.

The Great Elder held a long sword and came towards Tang Zhong. He slashed out with a sword, and in an instant, the sword light flashed out, as bright as a star.

The other four elders followed closely behind, also holding long swords in their hands.

Everyone in Hidden Sword Valley has one, and the swords have different shapes, some are like stars, and some are like burning flames.

"It's the Nebula Sword!"

"That's Huolijian!"

"It is rumored that the swords of the five great elders were all forged by the hidden sword master. Although they are not as good as the ten famous swords, they are still extraordinary!"

"Then Tang Zhong is definitely dead this time!"

Seeing the five great elders making moves, those around couldn't help discussing fiercely.

At this moment, the five elders were holding long swords in five directions, and they came to kill Tang Zhong together.

The light of the sword in his hand soared in an instant, and he could see the blade tearing through the space, sweeping Tang Zhong over.

In the air, five sword blades expanded directly, came from the air, and faced Tang Zhong.

And Tang Zhong stood in the center of the beheading, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"My problem is not this!"

"I don't care what your problem is, if you come to our Hidden Sword Valley to play wild, you will die!" The elder said fiercely.

The five of them drew their swords at the same time, and it was absolutely easy to kill a grandmaster.

The five swords fell, and all the sword lights were released.

The light was so intense that it almost swallowed Tang Zhong in the center.

In the distance, Hu Shan saw this scene and couldn't help but panic: "Mr. Tang..."

And Zhong Tianyue and others also came in, saw this scene, laughed, although surprised by Tang Zhong's strength, but this kind of person is too arrogant, no matter where it is, this kind of thorn should be pulled out directly.

And even more yearning for Hidden Sword Valley, as expected Hidden Sword Valley is powerful, if Xiaoya learns this kind of supernatural power, then it will be absolutely easy for the Zhong family to go to the capital from now on.

In an instant, five sword lights fell down in an instant.

It completely devoured Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong could no longer be seen.

The light exploded and shot up into the sky, and when the five sword lights all fell, the place where Tang Zhong was standing exploded directly, and a loud rumbling sound came out.

A smile appeared on the face of the Great Elder, no one could live if their five swords fell, this is the end of fighting against them in Hidden Sword Valley, a dead end.

"You still want to kill Master Hidden Sword, you trash!"

As the voice of the great elder fell, the laughter around him became even more surging.

"Trash, at this level, under Master Hidden Sword, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive even one move!"

"Hidden Sword Valley is really as powerful as the legend says!"

"Young master, this temper is too bad after all. If this person is given time, he may not be another master of hidden swords in the future. What a pity!"

Some people think that Tang Zhong deserves it, while others think that Tang Zhong is not worth it.

The Great Elder was smiling, but suddenly, his face became ugly.

Not only him, but also the other four elders.

At the same time, something wrong with the problem was found.

A huge suction pulled the swords in their hands.

"what happened?"

"Is that guy still alive?"

The people around were just about to praise Hidden Sword Valley, when they suddenly saw that something was wrong with the elders, and immediately widened their eyes.

At this moment, I saw the place where the five elders had beheaded.

A rumbling sound rang out.

Then a voice came from the center: "I have no problem now, I just want to kill you all now!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were ugly, and they all recognized Tang Zhong's voice.

"That guy isn't dead yet?"

"How is it possible, I clearly saw the blades in the hands of the five elders fall on them!"

The faces of the five elders also became terrified. They couldn't believe the scene in front of them. They felt that something was wrong. They tried to stretch out the sword blade in their hands, but they didn't move at all.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Cold sweat poured out on the Great Elder's forehead.

"I don't know!" The third elder was also terrified.

But at this moment, they saw that there were many cracks on the sword in their hands.

For many people, the sword in their hands is their life.

"You...what did you do?" the Great Elder asked in horror.

"Of course I killed you!" Tang Zhong's voice came out slowly.

The swords in the hands of the five elders shattered one after another, no matter how the five elders tried to break free, it would be of no avail.

The people around have all looked dumbfounded. In their eyes, the five elders are figures who reach the sky, but now they seem to be restrained by others. How is this possible?


At this moment, a loud voice came out.

The cracks on the swords in the hands of the five elders became more and more obvious. At this moment, there was a bang, and it flew straight away, turning into fragments and bouncing off.

The five elders never expected that the blade flew back, and the fragments of the Xingyun sword in the hands of the great elder pierced through the center of the elder's eyebrows.

Puff puff.

Fragments of the sword blade cut iron like mud.

The five elders screamed miserably, and were chopped apart abruptly by the sword blade. Their bodies were stained red with blood, and they fell to the ground fiercely.

In this scene, everyone holding their breath, couldn't believe it was true. It was obvious that the five swords had slashed up, and then looked at the direction of the previous slash. Now it has become ruins, and in the ruins, a young man is standing upright There, showing white teeth.

Everyone who saw it was shocked, because this was the smile of the god of death.

(It's still 75 changes away, it can't be finished!)
(End of this chapter)

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