Chapter 556 How can I forgive you lightly! (Supplement 25)

At this moment, Tang Zhong stood among the ruins with a smile on his face.

But everyone who watched was flustered.

At first, everyone thought that if the five elders attacked together, they would definitely be able to kill each other, but now, that person was still unharmed in the ruins.

Looking at the five elders again, at this moment, their bodies were covered with fragments of weapons, blood poured out, and they were severely wounded, lying on the ground, panting.

This is amazing.

Everyone was suffocating, and the trend was clearly one-sided, but in an instant, it was reversed.

Looking at Tang Zhong again, everyone's eyes were gloomy and uncertain.

"How is this possible?" Everyone in the martial arts stared wide-eyed, terrified.

He obviously didn't see anything, and it was obvious that the five elders took the top spot, but in an instant, the five elders flew out.

Zhong Tianyue was at a loss for words.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong who was in the ruins slowly came out, looked at the five elders who had fallen to the ground, and still had a calm smile on his face.

In the eyes of the five elders, especially the indifferent smile on Tang Zhong's face, this scene was the devil's smile.

Seeing Tang Zhong approaching, the Great Elder said in horror: "You...what are you going to do?"

The other four elders also panicked.

"Now, tell me, where is Fang Susu?" Tang Zhong asked.

When the Great Elder heard this, the panic on his face was much less, and he said, "Why should I tell you!"

But as soon as the words fell, at this moment, the Great Elder screamed.

Tang Zhong stepped forward and stepped on his leg, and the joint that was originally intact was directly crushed to pieces.

"I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The Great Elder's whole face was ugly. Since he became the elder of Hidden Sword Valley, he has never suffered such humiliation. He has his own dignity.

"I won't say..." The Great Elder turned to one side, quite proudly.

But what greeted him was the other leg, which became flattened directly. The bones in the whole leg were shattered into slag, and the flesh and blood began to blur.

The screams came out.

"What are you talking about now?" Tang Zhong said coldly, then pointed at the Great Elder's heart, and said, "Next time, it will be there!"

The Great Elder couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, he looked at Tang Zhong more like a demon.

The other elders didn't dare to speak any more. Seeing Tang Zhong's methods, they all felt terrible. There are such terrible people in the world.

The people around were martial artists, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and they all backed away in fright. The farther away from Tang Zhong, the better. At first they thought that Tang Zhong came to trouble Hidden Sword Valley for no reason, but now it seems It seems that Hidden Sword Valley did something to offend Tang Zhong.

"Say!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The Great Elder stared at Tang Zhong with wide eyes, his pupils were trembling.

When Tang Zhong stood up and stretched out his feet, the Great Elder was frightened, he was really frightened, and the line of defense in his heart was instantly defeated: "I said, I said everything, the little one caught by the Fang family Girl, we locked you in the dungeon!"

"Where is the dungeon?" Tang Zhong asked.

If Fang Susu was caught in the dungeon, he must have suffered difficulties, and now he must end up in a very miserable situation. He must save Fang Susu.

"In the back mountain!" the Great Elder said.

But at this moment, a voice came from the air.

"Jian are actually scared like this by a young man, you are the one who threw me in Hidden Sword Valley!"

This voice came out.

The pupils of the Great Elder instantly enlarged, how could he not be familiar with this voice.

"Master Hidden Sword, you are here!"

The other elders also paid respect.

Those other disciples of Hidden Sword Valley, when they heard the voice, immediately knelt down on the ground and shouted: "Welcome Master Hidden Sword!"

People from Hidden Sword Valley are familiar with this voice, it is clearly the voice of Master Hidden Sword.

Other martial arts practitioners also heard the voice, but looking at the reactions around them, they knew that the hidden sword master was about to appear, and many people's eyes flickered instantly.

How many people come to the Hidden Sword Valley to attend the Sword Dao Conference, just to meet the legendary Hidden Sword Master.

At this moment, they all looked up.

The pupils of Zhong Tianyue and others who came to apprentice to their masters lit up at this moment.

At this moment, I saw an old man coming from the sky, stepping on a sword, like a fairy.

The sword follows the heart.

Soon it landed on the high platform, and the sword that was stepping on it also shot up into the sky with a swish, and then floated beside the old man.

Those who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's a real master of hidden swords!"

"Yeah, really like a sword fairy in the world!"

"This kind of strength... I am afraid that one day, I will be able to break through the realm of the master. I heard that Master Hidden Sword has reached a bottleneck in his sword practice. As long as he breaks through that bottleneck, he will be able to break through the master and become the pinnacle of the sword. The strongest man!"

"Haha, I'm really looking forward to it!"

No matter how defeated Hidden Sword Valley was under Tang Zhong's hands before, the moment Hidden Sword Master came out, he brought a lot of hope.

At this moment, the Great Elder saw Master Hidden Sword coming, and immediately shouted: "Master, come and save us!"

"Shut up, Hidden Sword Valley has lost all face!" Master Hidden Sword shouted.

When the great elder heard this, he didn't dare to say a word, Hidden Sword Valley, Master Hidden Sword is the sky.

Then Master Hidden Sword looked straight at Tang Zhong: "Are you Tang Zhong?"

"It's me!" Tang Zhong said.

"You should know what this place is!" Master Tibetan said.

"Hidden Sword Valley!" Tang Zhong said.

"Since you know that this is the Hidden Sword Valley, do you know that the mistakes you made today are not easy for you to practice. Now you kneel down and admit your mistakes, and I will spare your life. I will pretend that what you did today didn't happen, how about it?" The sword master said.

"Then what if I don't want to?" Tang Zhong also laughed.

Master Hidden Sword was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said: "If you are willing, then you will have to pay the price for what you did today!"


When the people around heard Master Hidden Sword's words, they all felt a sense of majesty without knowing it.

Sure enough, he was on the list of masters.

As soon as it appeared, it shocked everyone.

They believed that Tang Zhong would bow his head in fright soon.

But at this time, Tang Zhong said: "Then what if I don't?"

In an instant, Master Hidden Sword frowned: "Then you can only die. If you destroy the territory of my Hidden Sword Valley and hurt the people in my Hidden Sword Valley, there will be no way out. I will never let you go lightly when I hide the sword."

"So what if you people from Hidden Sword Valley hurt me? How can I bypass your Hidden Sword Valley if you catch me!" Tang Zhong said directly.

The hearts of the people around were beating when they heard the words you and I said.

This Tang Zhong is too arrogant, is he going to fight against Master Hidden Sword?
"Then what exactly do you want?" Master Hidden Sword's voice became cold.

"Kill them!" Tang Zhong said coldly, and his body was full of the breath of a master of hidden swords!

(Although I can't finish it today, I will still complete the 100 updates)

(End of this chapter)

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