Chapter 561: The Sword Is Waiting For Someone!

The flame dragon roared, mixed with a strong flame breath, soaring into the sky.

Everyone who watched was terrified. At this moment, as if seeing the most terrifying scene, they fell to the ground in horror and screamed miserably.

"That...that's a dragon!"

"It is said that when Xuanyuan Huangdi recovered the Xuanyuan Sword, what he met was a golden dragon!"

"Could it be that this fire dragon is also a weapon like the Xuanyuan Sword?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

Xuanyuan Sword has a history of thousands of years, but it can help Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor unify the original China, which shows its power.

Moreover, the owner of this kind of psychic sword is not ordinary, and it will definitely be a dragon and a phoenix among people in the future.

But whose weapon is this fire dragon?

At this time, someone saw the smile on Master Hidden Sword's face and exclaimed, "It's Master Hidden Sword!"

"From then on, the status of Hidden Sword Valley will be higher than that of martial arts, and it will be able to check and balance with Kunlun, Tianshan and others!"

"It's terrible. I was lucky enough to see this scene today. It is simply a great blessing in my life!"

But at this moment, the fire dragon appeared, hovering in the air, with an extremely long body, entrenched on the roof of the entire Hidden Sword Mountain, and then stared at everyone present with its pupils like lanterns, and then roared crazily, the sound was shocking and deafening.

Where the roar went, it was directly turned into ruins, which shows how powerful it is.

Master Hidden Sword saw this, and the fire in his eyes became more and more obvious: "Haha, if I get this sword, who will dare to compete with me in the future!"

Then he looked at the fire dragon in the air, and roared: "Beast, the blood power on my body can't suppress you, but if you add this person, you can't escape the palm of your hand!"

Tang Zhong also looked at the fire dragon in front of him. He actually saw that the fire dragon seemed to be looking at him, and his eyes met. Suddenly, the small stone in Tang Zhong's arms jumped violently, as if he felt the fire dragon.

Tang Zhong quickly suppressed the stone. Could it be that the stone from the Yellow River has a great relationship with the fire dragon in front of him.

And hearing Master Hidden Sword say that this is a sword, is this fire dragon really a sword?

Tang Zhong's eyes became tense, if Master Hidden Sword really got this sword, it would be a nightmare for martial arts.

"Damn it!" Tang Zhong yelled. ,
But this is, Master Hidden Sword looked at Tang Zhong, stretched out his hand and grabbed it: "Boy, give me the blood!"

Tang Zhong quickly avoided.

But the iron dragon condensed by Wan Jian stopped in an instant. The sword was moved by Master Hidden Sword's thoughts, and it spread out quickly. Countless sword tips were facing Tang Zhong.

There is no chance of defense at all.

And even if he was on guard, the sharpness of these ancient swords far surpassed his physical body.

The swords flew by.

I saw a sword piercing through Tang Zhong's chest. In an instant, blood spit out from Tang Zhong's mouth, and he fell to the ground.

"Trash... Just like that, you want to kill me, Hidden Sword Mountain, with your ability, haha!" Master Hidden Sword said with a ferocious smile.

Then he looked at the blood spurted out by Tang Zhong and sucked it with his palm. The blood was actually absorbed into the palm of the master of hidden sword, and then disappeared. It was completely absorbed by the master of hidden sword.

"Hahaha, with this blood, it is absolutely easy for me to conquer that beast weapon. Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong, you are very lucky to see this scene. You are a master, I will let you Die with dignity!" Master Hidden Sword said wildly.

Then, looking at the fire dragon hovering in the air, the blood force was activated on the palm of the hand, and the whole hand began to glow red.

To recover a sword is to fight with the sword.

I saw Master Hidden Sword rushing to the sky, competing with the fire dragon.

Immediately with a thought, the swords locked together by the chains also moved, turning into an iron dragon and biting towards the fire dragon.

At the same time, the blood force from Master Hidden Sword shot out, and in an instant, the iron dragon seemed to be burnt red, with ferocious blood aura blooming from it, like a fire dragon. .

I saw the iron dragon and the fire dragon colliding together, and at that moment, the waves from the collision scattered towards the surroundings.

It turned into a hurricane and swept around.

Boom, the ground began to crack, and the ground was forcibly lifted up. Those houses couldn't bear the impact of the pressure, and kept flying towards the surroundings.

Those with low strength were also sent flying out of the force, looking as embarrassed as they wanted.

"This... what the hell is going on here?"

"It's terrible. Sure enough, this weapon seems to be a weapon bestowed by God!"

"This time, Master Hidden Sword wants to really defy the sky, then Tang Zhong will be dead!"

"Nonsense, of course I'm dead!"

At this time, Master Hidden Sword was still controlling the iron dragon to fight the fire dragon, and a huge aura swept forward.

I can see that the iron dragon and the fire dragon are constantly colliding, but they just can't suppress the fire dragon.

"I don't believe it!" Master Hidden Sword roared, obviously his blood power was enough, and he suppressed the fire dragon with their foundation of Hiding Sword Valley for so many years, which is completely his strongest power, but he still couldn't conquer the fire dragon.

"The glory of my Hidden Sword Valley since Limen has been brought by you for so many years. Over the years, you have made our Hidden Sword Valley so powerful. However, there are so many talented people in my Hidden Sword Valley. After all, you will not Surrender to me, and I, Master Hidden Sword, has been the most talented person in Hidden Sword Valley for so many years, why don't you follow me and recover? Who is worthy of you!" Master Hidden Sword roared.

When Huolong heard this, he seemed to understand, and devoured Master Hidden Sword at an extremely fast speed.

Master Hidden Sword hurriedly mobilized his blood. Since he dared to release the fire dragon in front of him today, he had the determination to regain it, so he would not let the fire dragon escape again.

"You must be mine, and you can only be mine. You are waiting for someone. Who are you waiting for? In this world, no one is more worthy of me than you!"

With a roar, the iron dragon passed towards the fire dragon.

With a bang, in an instant, it exploded again.

The fire dragon's aura was even stronger, knocking the iron dragon away at once. .

Rumbling to the ground.

"How is this possible? Why can't I recover you!" The hidden sword master roared: "A sword like yours should be used by a strong man like me. Tell me, who are you waiting for and what kind of talent is worthy of it?" on you!"

The sword is waiting!

Nothing more than waiting for the real master.

The fire dragon in front of him is the background of Hidden Sword Valley. It can be said that Hidden Sword Valley has developed so vigorously for so many years because of this sword.

Master Hidden Sword has known this since he was a child. He is a genius, and he really wants to recover this sword, but what he hears most is the words of his ancestors: "This sword is waiting for its true master!"

Master Hidden Sword is very unconvinced. In this world, no one is more suitable for this sword than him. So for so many years, he has devoted himself to research, but every time he failed. The sword never looked at him directly, but in his opinion , this sword is his, under the rage, he has already gone mad, what he wants is the sword.

"Tell me, who can match you!"

At this moment, the fire dragon lowered its head, and following its gaze, it was Tang Zhong's direction.

At this moment, Tang Zhong sat cross-legged, staring at the fire dragon whose pupils were like lanterns, and was stunned. Is this sword waiting for him?
(For a little understanding, there will be more updates! Sorry readers!)

(End of this chapter)

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