Chapter 562 Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers!
Was the sword waiting for him?
At this moment, Tang Zhong opened his eyes wide and looked at the fire dragon, and the fire dragon seemed to be sizing him up.

And when the stone in Tang Zhong's arms was staring at it with the fire dragon, it jumped even more violently, and Tang Zhong almost couldn't suppress it anymore.

"You... are the Chosen One?"

Suddenly, a heavy voice came from Tang Zhong's ear.

"Who?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"it's me!"

Tang Zhong heard the voice again, and immediately followed the voice to look, and saw the fire dragon in front of him.

Could it be that the fire dragon was talking to him?

"Don't look, I'm just talking to you!"

Really dragon.

Tang Zhong was startled, he didn't see any movement of the fire dragon to open its mouth.


From Master Hidden Sword, I learned that this fire dragon is a weapon, but how does this fire dragon know that he is the chosen one?
Before, Master Zhang Changgong said that Tang Zhong was the Chosen Son of Heaven, Tang Zhong didn't care about this at all, but now it came out from the mouth of the fire dragon, and now Tang Zhong is a bit messy.

"You are too weak. I didn't expect that the people I waited for would be so weak. The weak are not worthy of me, but if I don't show up, you will die here!" Fire Dragon said.

"You...why are you waiting for me!" Tang Zhong said in shock.

"You are too weak now, and you don't deserve to know. I showed up this time to save you. As long as you know, you will be alive immediately!" Huolong said.

"Live!" Tang Zhong murmured, "Why did you save me?"

Immediately there was an angry curse: "You really talk too much!"

At this moment, the fire dragon roared and flew towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong had no chance to guard against it, this fire dragon was really too fast.

The surrounding people, Master Hidden Sword, were still about to yell and scold, when they suddenly saw the fire dragon flying towards Tang Zhong. An ominous omen appeared in his mind. He had studied this weapon for so long, but he had never seen it before. This dragon looks like this, is this weapon going to recognize Tang Zhong as its master?

"Damn it, it's impossible, you belong to me, no one deserves you!" Master Hidden Sword roared, waved his hand, and in an instant, the iron dragon appeared again, biting the fire dragon in front of him.

The huge iron dragon, with a more magnificent aura than before, shuttled past.

Seeing that it was about to bite on the fire dragon, the flame breath on its body swelled even more, the fire dragon swung its tail directly, and the fire tail swept out, forcefully knocking the opponent away.

The iron dragon looks very fragile now. It was originally formed by the condensation of countless swords. This time, after being directly knocked into the air, it scattered and fell directly to the ground.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Master Hidden Sword gritted his teeth.

The surrounding martial arts people were even more speechless, watching the changes in front of them helplessly. The appearance of this scene was really amazing. They already knew that the fire dragon was a weapon, and Master Hidden Sword spent many years to recover it. weapons, but there was no result, but now, the fire dragon seems to be attracted by that guy named Tang Zhong.

At this time, the fire dragon devoured towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong had no chance to resist at all.

a whistle.

The fire dragon directly devoured Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong could only feel a flash of light in the pupils in front of him, and the pupils were closed directly, and the heavy voice just now came from his ear again.

"Boy... Although you are the chosen one, you are too weak now. Although you have inherited the will of the dragon, you have not played a little role at all, but I have not met you like this for many years. I don't want to wait any longer. This time, I will use my strength to save your life. I will protect you for a while. If you are a short-sighted person in the future, I will kill you with my own hands. The person who inherits the will of the dragon , there can be no waste!"

Will of the Dragon!

Tang Zhong heard this word for the first time, but felt unusually familiar.

He knew that this might have something to do with his own dragon jade.

"You...what the hell are you?"

"This old man's name is Shi Dao Yan Long Bing!"

Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers!
Tang Zhong was stunned when he heard this name.

And at this moment, the fire dragon swallowed it down.

It directly enveloped Tang Zhong.


"My Shidaoyan Dragon Soldier will not recognize the Lord easily. This is to borrow a little bit of your strength. Since I am the chosen one, it would be a shame if I was killed by trash. The current heat is only a little bit. If even this If you can't bear anything, why not let me kill you!"

"I can!" Tang Zhong gritted his teeth.

"It's almost there!"

At this moment, the fire dragon poured blood into his body from the top of his head, and his whole body became bulging, not only that, but his blood vessels swelled, making him extremely ferocious.

The pupils of the whole person also turned red.

At this moment Tang Zhong clings to his fist tightly, forcibly resisting the pain.

Powerful power surged, his hair stood on end, and the clothes on his upper body were also ignited into pieces. His muscles were extremely strong, and behind him, the tattooed dragon head became more and more ferocious.

Today, no matter what pain it is, Tang Zhong can bear it, because he wants to become stronger, which is an opportunity for him.

Not to mention being burned by thousands of fires, even if he is in hell today, he will survive, and then forcibly overturn the entire hell.

The people around were shocked and speechless when they saw this scene.

Master Hidden Sword's eyes were full of disbelief: "How is this possible, how is this possible?"

"I spent 50 years trying to get you back, why did you choose someone else!"


He could tell that this was the weapon that wanted to surrender, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

But at this moment, at the foot of Hidden Sword Mountain, everyone was running away because of the fluctuations before, but at this time the fluctuations stopped and they all came back. They looked up and continued to look at the top of Hidden Sword Mountain in the distance, and were shocked again.

Because at the top of the mountain, it was glowing red at the moment, and the entire sky seemed to be burning with flames.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

"It's terrible, this is a miracle, I must take a picture and upload it on the Internet!"

"Me too!"

And at this moment, on the top of the mountain.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Tang Zhong stood there straight, with a strong light blooming from his body, and all the flames were burning.

Today's fire dragon has disappeared and turned into a flame covering Tang Zhong's body.

The whole person is like bathing in flames.

But in Tang Zhong's mind, a heavy voice still echoed.

"Boy, if you can withstand the first test, it means that you are not hopeless. I will live in your body for the time being, but if you want to recover me, tell me after you show your real strength." !"

The voice just fell.

The sharp pain covering his body began to dissipate, and then the blood in his whole body was about to boil. He felt a surging force flowing in his palm, and it was about to rush out in the next second.

He saw in his hand, a weapon shrouded in flames, slowly flashing out.

And the light on it began to fade away.

In the center of the palm, there appeared a sword-like long weapon that looked like a stick, surrounded by a fire dragon weapon, burning with flames all over, it was the ten dragon soldiers!
(Can you think of a weapon?)
(End of this chapter)

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