Chapter 566 The Massacre Begins!
The person who came was not his own, Tang Zhong could feel it immediately, the person who came had a murderous aura, only people with a lot of blood on their hands could have such an aura, that is to say, there were killers around here, and they were already famous long killer.

"Be careful!" Tang Zhong hurried to pull Fang Susu.

Sure enough, at this moment, a bow and arrow shot in from the outside, and with a swish, it directly penetrated the room.

Facing Fang Susu.

Fang Susu looked at the bow and arrow in front of her, her pretty face turned ugly for a moment, and at this moment, Tang Zhong grabbed her hand, then suddenly rushed in front of her, faced the bow and arrow, and punched out.

I saw that the bow and arrow were shattered by Tang Zhong's punch.

The blade was smashed into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Fang Susu was still in shock.

"Are you OK!"

"I...I'm fine!" Fang Susu said.

"Be careful here, I'll go outside to have a look!" Tang Zhong said.

Fang Susu nodded quickly.

Then Tang Zhong looked at the dark night and rushed out.

At this moment, in the middle of the night, a few men in black clothes were hiding on top of the big tree. When they saw that the bows and arrows shot out did not kill each other, their expressions became ugly.

"How is it possible? I have never missed my silent bow and arrow. How could I be discovered by that person today? It's impossible!" one of the men in black said.

"Rewind, we seem to have been discovered!" Another man in black said.

They are all killers, killers hiding in the dark.

As soon as Tang Zhong appeared, he saw several men in black at a glance.

Several men in black fled in a hurry.

The killer was found, and that was a very shameful thing.

The two were about to flee.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong came from the sky.

"Not good!" The faces of the people in black suddenly turned ugly, especially when they saw the opponent's attack, an ominous omen shrouded their hearts.

I want to hide in front of them with the help of a big tree, and then escape as soon as possible.

But at this time, Tang Zhong's eyes were sharp, and he came over, ignoring everything around him, looking at the two men in black, and swept out with a bloody sword.

The bloody light flickered over, and the thick tree was chopped off in half, and fell down with a rumble.

Seeing this scene, the two hidden killers became terrified.

" is this possible?"

They couldn't believe this scene.

Looking back at Tang Zhong holding the blood sword, his face became even more ugly: "Go, this person is not someone we can kill, this time he was tricked!"

But as soon as the two turned around, at this moment, a blood sword was blocking them, and the person in front of them appeared in front of them at some point.

The two killers were terrified when they saw the scene of Tang Zhong cutting off the big tree with a sword just now. At this moment, they don't know what to say!

With a plop, he knelt directly on the ground.

"Let... let us go!"

Although the two killers covered their faces with black cloths, they could feel the panic in their eyes through their pupils.

At this moment, Tang Zhong stood up with his sword and said, "Who are you?"

These killers definitely did not come here for no reason.

Knowing Tang Zhong's strength, the two killers dare not tell any lies.

"I... We were sent to kill people!"


The two killers said in fear.

"Kill who?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"A man named Tang Zhong took away his belongings." The killer said in horror.

"I am Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

When the two killers heard this, their faces became even more ugly, and they almost fell to the ground.

"Who sent you here?" Tang Zhong wanted to figure this out.

"We are just killers. I only have to take orders, and I don't even know who the employer is?" the killer said.

"Where are you killers?"

"We belong to the Assassin Society, brother, let us go!" said the Assassin.

"Then where did you get the order?" Tang Zhong asked.

Killers kill people, they have to accept orders.

"I... we received from the killer forum that Tang Zhong is wanted in China to 100 million!" the killer said.

"It's only 100 million!" Tang Zhong showed a cold smile on his face: "This is too much to look down on me, Tang Zhong!"

Then he looked at the two killers who were almost frightened into stupidity: "You dare to take this kind of task!"

The two killers were already trembling with fright, and they trembled when they heard Tang Zhong's words: "We were wrong, we were wrong!"

"Since it's wrong, it's time to die!" Tang Zhong swept out with a blood sword.

The two killers were instantly burned to ashes.

Then Tang Zhong ignored the two people at all, but walked to Fang Susu's side and said, "Is there a computer here? I want to see something!"

Fang Susu never thought that there was a killer in Fang's family. Hearing Tang Zhong's words, Fang Susu nodded quickly: "Yes...Of course there is a computer, come with me!"

Soon the two of them arrived in a room, which was the security room of Fang's family, and there was a computer in it.

The security guard is dozing inside.

"Get up!" Fang Susu shouted.

The security guard was frightened. He was about to shout someone when he saw Fang Susu, and his expression turned ugly.


I thought in my heart that this time it was miserable.

"Go out and stand guard at the door, don't let anyone in!" Fang Susu said.

"Yes!" The security guard went out immediately.

Then Fang Susu looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Mr. Tang, the computer is here!"

Although she has a heart of admiration for Tang Zhong, she is still Tang Zhong's secretary now.

Tang Zhong walked to the computer, opened the webpage, and typed a URL on it.

That is intranet.

I saw the webpage jumping, and after a while, a screen appeared, which was a loading screen, and above the screen, it was a blade. The so-called loading means that the blade directly turned red.

Until the loading is complete, a forum appears.

This is the killer forum, Tang Zhong knows this forum, he used to be the leader of Zhanlong, so he knows all about these things.

Then at a glance, I saw the eye-catching red title on the top of the forum.

Tang Zhong is wanted, and the reward is 100 million!

Then Tang focused on opening the post.

I saw that among the posts, there were so many followers, all asking where this person is?
And they are all familiar IDs.

They are all well-known killers in China.

Most of the content of those posts are killers who want to take on the task.

Then Tang Zhong entered another URL in the task bar.

Just entered an English website.

That's the International Hitman Forum.

It's still a catchy English title, but it's not a wanted person.

After Tang focused on it, he saw a photo, which was the photo of Hidden Sword Mountain, and the vision appeared.

In the follow-up posts, the international killers also choose to be directly dispatched, including those who have been famous for a long time.

Someone who once killed the president of a small country and even a chaebol.

It is well-known internationally.

What's more, the money wanted internationally is actually 1000 million, which is more than domestic.

Tang Zhong frowned slightly. Now he knew why people in the country chased him down. It turned out that he knew what happened on Hidden Sword Mountain. It seemed that this time, the situation he had to face was not so simple.

However, in the face of many killers, Tang Zhong was not afraid at all. He closed the killer forum and said to Fang Susu next to him: "From now on, let the people of the Fang family be careful!"

"Uh, what are you going to do, Mr. Tang?" Fang Susu said.

"I...they came to kill me, how can I let them go?" Tang Zhong smiled coldly.

This will be the beginning of a massacre!
(The author of the dog, the update is so slow, I will help the big guy beat him who is shameless!)

(End of this chapter)

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