Chapter 567 Are you sure you want the police to come!
More and more killers gradually poured into Hangcheng.

After all, no one can resist the scene that happened in Hidden Sword Valley.

For a while, the flow of people in Seoul increased.

Tang Zhong was slow.

These days, he was not in a hurry. As long as Li Linglong existed in the capital, nothing would happen.

He was relieved of Li Linglong. After all, Li Linglong was backed by the Dragon Group. Those killers were dealing with him, Tang Zhong. How far was it to deal with the entire Dragon Group?
This afternoon, Tang Zhong found a coffee shop to drink coffee. For Tang Zhong, cultivating his breath is the right thing to do.

But because the clothes Tang Zhong was wearing were too ordinary, he was blocked outside the door before he entered.

The beautiful waiter in uniform rejected Tang Zhong: "Sir, the minimum consumption here is 888, please do what you can!"

It means that Tang Zhong can't afford such coffee.

Although Hangzhou is not as international as Beijing, it can be considered a second-tier city.

Consumption places are indeed high.

Tang Zhong came here by mistake, but he didn't expect to be blocked outside the door.

At Tang Zhong's stage, he was really too lazy to quarrel with these ordinary people for money. To Tang Zhong, how much money is, now he has no concept. go.

If you can't drink here, go to another place to drink there.

As soon as he turned around, he heard the waitress behind him muttering: "Wearing in such rags, who gave him the courage to come here for coffee!"

"Yeah, the minimum consumption is 888, which frightened him. It seems that he can't even be counted as a white-collar worker!"

But when Tang Zhong turned around, he was bumped head-on.

It was a fat white-collar man holding a woman's hand. The two were talking and laughing without looking at the road ahead.

The man happened to bump into Tang Zhong, even though he looked fat.

But just when he hit Tang Zhong, he coaxed him to the ground.


Seeing this, the woman next to him quickly reached out to help, but the fallen person was really too heavy to help him up.

"Mr. Zhang... are you okay!"

Tang Zhong didn't look at the other party, turned around and left.

Seeing this, the fat man shouted directly: "Boy, stop for me."

The woman next to him also yelled at Tang Zhong: "You bumped into Mr. Zhang and still want to leave, stop!"

Tang Zhong didn't pay attention at all.

And at this time, from the coffee shop, the previous waitress rushed out, and when she saw the appearance of the fat man, she immediately screamed: "Mr. Zhang, you... what's wrong with you?"

Most of the waiters here know this fat man, he is very famous here, he is a VIP member of their coffee shop, and he is a good friend with the boss, so they dare not neglect him.

The fat man named Mr. Zhang, whose full name is Zhang Li, never imagined that he would be hit by someone. He was a man of two hundred pounds, but he was knocked down by such a thin person. To him, It's just humiliating.

You know, being so fat and being hit by someone, doesn't that imply that you are very imaginary?

A man must never say no, and a man must never be false. He was about to accept the new female secretary as a mistress, but it was really bad luck to encounter such a thing.

"I was attacked next to your coffee shop, now your coffee shop must protect my safety!" Zhang Li said to the waitress.

"Okay, don't worry!" Although the waitress is not a female manager, she also knows how to do this.

Mr. Zhang is a distinguished customer of their coffee shop, and he opened a 18888 member, and the other person can't even afford 888, of course she knows how to do it!

Shout out, "Security!"

Just from the coffee shop, several security guards came out.

"Go catch this troublemaker, come to the door of our coffee shop, intentionally hurt Mr. Zhang, you take it to the police station!" the waitress said.

"Okay!" The security guard nodded and walked towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong's eyes were narrowed at this moment, he already knew roughly what happened, and said calmly: "He hit me, and then he didn't hit me well, he hit himself~"

Tang Zhong came here to wait for the killer, not to make trouble here, otherwise, if he bumped into the fat man, he would make the fat man look good.

"Fart, you were the one who bumped into me, you hurt people on purpose, all of you don't touch your hands, you all do it to me, if you don't do it, I will cancel your membership here." The fat man said.

At this time, the manager of the cafe came. It was a man with glasses. Hearing Fatty Zhang said that he was going to withdraw his membership, his face turned pale. I am afraid that the performance of the cafe would not improve. He quickly said with a playful smile: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, don't worry, we will definitely help you solve this matter!"

"Then I was hit by someone..." Zhang Li cursed.

"Don't worry, our cafe will compensate you immediately!" said the male manager.

Then he turned around and said directly to a large group of security guards: "What are you waiting for now, hurry up, this kid bumped into someone and still hasn't apologized, he should be thrown to the police station!"


I saw a large group of security guards walking towards Tang Zhong, ready to arrest Tang Zhong.

"Have you really thought it through? I usually don't do anything. Once I do, it will be very hard!" Tang Zhong said.

He told the truth, his weakest punch now is ten times as powerful as a normal man's punch.

A large group of security guards were stunned by what Tang Zhong said, and immediately said fiercely: "Fart, it's up to you, a person who doesn't even have 888!"

Then rushed towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes, and immediately swept away with a kick.

Leaping in the air, he kicked the surrounding security guards in the face.

Clap clap clap clap!
They all kicked the security guards in the face. Immediately, almost all of them flew out, and their faces became uglier than the other, and they covered their faces in pain and wailed on the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts so much!"

This scene was something no one else expected to kick so many people out.

The male manager is stupid.

Tension is also silly.

Looking at Tang Zhong again, they were all frightened.

"How can this guy be so good at fighting? Could it be that he is a lay disciple who came down from Shaolin Temple?"

Seeing that Tang Zhong was fine, Zhang Li became even more angry, and yelled at the male manager: "I want you to give an explanation now!"

The male manager was also at a loss. The guy in front of him should be a Lianjiazi. They couldn't beat him at all. He suddenly thought of a way to pick up the phone and call the police.

"Comrade police, someone is beating someone at our Niko Cafe, please come quickly, I am the manager of this store!"

Then after hanging up the phone, the male manager looked at Tang Zhong and said viciously, "You are really abominable. You actually came to beat someone at the door of our coffee shop. It's really not a thing. Just wait, I will immediately Just let the police come, and you will definitely see me!"

Zhang Li's fat man became satisfied when he heard the police came. At this time, he got up from the ground and hugged the female secretary beside him in his arms: "Xiao Lin, let's hang out with Brother Zhang!"

The little secretary next to him had just graduated from university. He was inexperienced and didn't understand anything. Seeing that Zhang Li could let such a big coffee shop help him, it showed how powerful he was, so he nodded slightly immediately: "Brother Zhang!"

Tang Zhong heard the male manager's words, but asked the male manager: "Are you sure you want the police to come?"

(Three shifts yesterday, I'm really sorry, something happened yesterday, starting today, there will basically be two shifts in the morning, three shifts in the afternoon and evening!)

(End of this chapter)

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