Chapter 569 Police Protection!

"Do you want to give us an explanation for the coffee shop?"

Su Mingya said to Tang Zhong.

Since the other party is not particularly familiar with his best friend, then it is not taken into consideration.

Seeing this, Zhang Li laughed, looked at Tang Zhong, and said in his heart: "Dare to bump into me, I will let you die!"

When Wei Xiaoqing heard what her best friend Su Mingya said, her whole heart jumped into her throat. She knew exactly who Tang Zhong was. If her best friend dared to speak like that, wouldn't that anger Tang Zhong? ?
He quickly looked at Su Mingya and said, "That Xiaoya, you can't talk to Mr. Tang like that!"

Su Mingya was taken aback when she heard this address: "Good girlfriend, who is Mr. Tang?"

"It's him!" Wei Xiaoqing pointed at Tang Zhong and said.

She didn't know how to explain Tang Zhong's identity to Su Mingya. You must know that Tang Zhong was a martial arts master and a major general.

As for the Martial Dao Grandmaster, even if Wei Xiaoqing said it, Su Mingya probably wouldn't understand it, and it was even more impossible to say that Tang Zhong was a major general. She remembered that Tang Zhong's identity as a major general had to be kept secret.

But depriving Tang Zhong of these two identities, I really don't know how to explain it.

"What's wrong? What ability does he have to let you call him Mr. Tang, Xiao Qing, if you don't have a good relationship with this person, just ignore it. He hit a VIP customer in our coffee shop. I have to let him He will give an explanation." Su Mingya said.

Wei Xiaoqing was in a hurry, she was said to have hit a VIP customer, even if Tang Zhong smashed the entire cafe today, no one would dare to take care of it, the grand master is allowed to kill people.

"No... I suggest that this matter should be forgotten!" Wei Xiaoqing said to Su Mingya.

"I said Xiaoqing, why did I realize that you seem to have changed into a different person? If you usually encounter this kind of thing, you don't want that person to feel uncomfortable, and you won't let it go. I didn't expect that after only a few years of seeing each other, you will be like a different person." It's like being alone!" Su Mingya said.

"I..." Wei Xiaoqing didn't know what to say.

In short, she can't let her girlfriends make mistakes, the master cannot be insulted, and if she insults the master, there is only one dead end.

Suddenly, she had an idea and said to Su Mingya: "Actually, Xia Ya, there is one thing I have been keeping from you!"

"What's the matter?" Su Mingya said.

"I have a boyfriend!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"Where is it?" Speaking of this topic, Su Mingya's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, as long as she is a woman, she especially likes gossip.

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"Ah?" Su Mingya was shocked, and immediately turned her eyes to see Tang Zhong.

"It's him?" Su Mingya pointed at Tang Chong.

"Yes!" Wei Xiaoqing nodded.

She chose to offend Tang Zhong in order to prevent her best friend from making mistakes, but for some reason, when she said that Tang Zhong was his boyfriend, she was very excited, as if she really hoped that Tang Zhong could be her boyfriend.

The two were whispering.

If the person in front of her is Xiaoqing's boyfriend, then Su Mingya's whole attitude has changed, she looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Sorry, I didn't know you were Xiaoqing's boyfriend, sorry!"

Immediately stretched out his hand.

He heard everything Wei Xiaoqing said to Su Mingya before, but he didn't take it seriously at all. He didn't want to argue with those ordinary people, unless someone was really cheap.

Facing Su Mingya's outstretched hand, Tang Zhong directly chose to ignore it.

Su Mingya felt a little embarrassed.

Wei Xiaoqing knew that Tang Zhong didn't shake hands, it must be because she was angry just now, but now Tang Zhong didn't go berserk, this is a good thing, she quickly said to her best friend: "He is like this, you don't have to worry about him!"

Seeing this, Su Mingya saw Tang Zhong and said: "Since you are Xiaoqing's boyfriend, we will forget what you did to our coffee shop today!"

As soon as this remark came out, the security guards in those coffee shops could only say that it was okay, the boss said that it was okay, what can they do.

But Zhang Li, the whole person is not well, he was knocked down all over, if he just let it go, it would be too embarrassing, he immediately shouted: "Boss Su, is this how you treat your VIP users?"

Su Mingya didn't care about Zhang Li. From the perspective of a best friend, even if Zhang Li was hit by someone today, she would not care about it. However, due to the reputation of the cafe, she said: "Boss Zhang, I can give you the money." You get ten free coffees to compensate for your loss!"

"I don't need it!" Zhang Li said directly.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for him to dismiss him with coffee.

"How did that boss want to get something?" Su Mingya didn't care, she was not afraid of offending Zhang Li, who she knew and was not a big shot in Hangzhou.

"I want him to kneel down!" Zhang Li pointed to Tang Zhong and said.

If Tang Zhong didn't kneel down, he wasn't going to let it go today!
"Boss Zhang..." At this moment, Su Mingya gritted her teeth, expressing that it was too much.

"What's the matter, Boss Su, I was bullied at the door of your coffee shop, but if I can't be treated peacefully, I will inform the whole Hangzhou people to resist your coffee!"

"You..." Su Mingya gritted her teeth.

Anyway, that man is his best friend's boyfriend. It's hard for her best friend to come to Hangzhou once, how could something happen?
Although that's the case with that man, even if it's a pile of mud, as long as it has something to do with her best friend Xiao Qing, then she will definitely not let anything happen.

And at this moment, there was a buzzing sound outside.

It was the sound of a police car.

When Zhang Li heard it, he laughed immediately: "Boss Su, you don't care about the coffee shop, well, I'll let the police take care of it!"

Su Mingya's face became ugly. If this incident happened in their coffee shop, it would be very easy to solve, but now it is not good for the police to find out.

"Who called the police?"

The previous waitress stood up obediently: "It's me, boss!"

"Not enough successes, more than failures!" Su Mingya said.

Then she turned around and walked towards Wei Xiaoqing and Tang Zhong: "You two go first, I will leave this place to me, that person is Zhang Li, who is not very powerful in Hangzhou, I can handle it by myself, but it is a bit troublesome !"

"No need!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"What's the point? I know your Wei family is powerful, but this is Hangzhou, not your capital!" Su Mingya said.

"If I say no, then I really don't need it, Xiaoya, with my boyfriend here, nothing will happen to us!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"Blind self-confidence, he can't even afford 888's coffee, what can he do when the police come?" Su Mingya still doesn't understand why Wei Xiaoqing wants to fall in love with such a man.

Wei Xiaoqing knew that talking too much was useless, so she was naturally not afraid. If Tang Zhong was really caught by the police, it would definitely be the biggest joke in China. A major general was taken away by the police.

At this time, at the door, more than a dozen policemen rushed out.

Everyone was dumbfounded, how could a small police report attract so many people.

Seeing this, Zhang Li laughed secretly. With so many policemen, he wanted to see how that guy escaped.

Su Mingya also secretly thought it was too bad.

At this time, more than a dozen policemen walked towards Tang Zhong together. The leader was a female policeman who looked 27 or [-] years old. She was wearing a police uniform. When she came to Tang Zhong's side, she said, "You are Tang Zhong!"

"It's me!" Tang nodded his head.

"Now, you are under our protection!" the policewoman continued.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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