Chapter 570 It's hard not to kill someone!
The female policeman brought someone over and just said that, what does protection mean?
Su Mingya was about to say whether she should negotiate with the police as her boss, but she was stunned when she heard this.

When Zhang Li saw the policewoman coming directly, he thought that the police were going to arrest Tang Zhong directly, but he never thought it would be like this, protection, what the hell is that?

In fact, it's not just them, even the police are ignorant. The female policeman is named Luo Shui. She was a member of the serious crime team in the Hangzhou branch, but she was suddenly transferred from the serious crime team to protect a man named Tang Zhong. , she is unwilling, but this is an organizational order, and it is passed down from above, and she has no choice. At the same time, she got the photo of this man named Tang Zhong. As for why she knew that he was here, There are electronic eyes on every street. After getting the alarm, I saw the picture here from the electronic eyes, and then brought people over.

This means that there is no place to find after breaking through the shoes, and it is not a waste of effort to get it.

When Tang Zhong heard what the other party said, he knew who sent these people, it must be Li Linglong.

And Li Linglong sent these people definitely not to protect him. With his own strength, Li Linglong must know that those killers are definitely not his opponents, and doing so should be to protect him. More precisely, he is afraid that Tang Zhong will kill him. , if Tang Zhong made more noise this time, then he would be greeted with even more cruel methods.

But this time, Tang Zhong wanted to kill someone!
"I don't need protection, you go back!" Tang Zhong said.

"Impossible!" Luo Shui said: "Although I don't know who you are, but the above said to protect you, then we must protect you, otherwise this is our default!"

"You can do whatever you want!" Tang Zhong was too lazy to talk nonsense with these policemen.

Now that even the police have been dispatched, if nothing else happens, those killers have also started to act, then it is time for him to act.

Hearing Tang Zhong's words, Luo Shui was upset, and said angrily, "What do you mean we are free, the order above says to protect you, don't you know your situation? As far as we know... there are many people who want to Kill you!"

"Hmm!" Tang Zhong said.

"You... so many of us police say they want to protect you, it's to ensure your safety, if something happens to you, we won't be able to deal with it at all!" Luo Shui said.

"I said you can really go to rest!" Tang Zhong said.

At this time, Zhang Li stood up and said to Luo Shui: "This police officer, I am the one who called the police. I was beaten by this man. Should you arrest me?"

"Get lost!" Luo Shui shouted.

She was already very upset because she was transferred from the serious crime team to protect this person, but now someone came forward to make trouble.

" did you become a policeman? I'll tell you. If you don't give me an explanation, I'll go back to the police station and file a complaint against you." Zhang Li felt a little uncomfortable being scolded.

"Your name is Zhang Li, right? The company you went through has evaded millions in taxes. I'm going to take you back now!" Luo Shui turned around, looked at Zhang Li and said.

She is from the Serious Crime Squad. Of course, she knows a little about this kind of thing, but usually she is too lazy to argue with these people. Now she is upset, and this guy stepped forward. Isn't this courting death?

When Zhang Li heard this, his face instantly became ugly.


"Take it away!" Luo Shui said coldly.

From behind her, a policeman came out, grabbed Zhang Li, ignored Zhang Li's wailing, and took him away directly.

Seeing this scene, the people around began to doubt Tang Zhong's identity. When the police came here, they first said they wanted to protect Tang Zhong, and after Zhang Li just said a word, he was arrested.
Then they all looked at Tang Zhong, isn't this guy an ordinary person?
A bunch of clerks in the coffee shop didn't know what to say. A second ago, they felt that they couldn't afford 888's coffee, but now they didn't know what happened. This guy changed suddenly and didn't need to drink coffee anymore.

Su Mingya was also stunned at the moment. She originally thought that Xiaoqing's boyfriend was a little boy, so she didn't take it seriously at all, but now she was a little surprised by this scene. She knew Luoshui police officer, so come here directly Protect this person.

Wei Xiaoqing, on the other hand, was very indifferent to this scene.

Because Major General Tang Zhong!

At this time, Su Mingya secretly said to Wei Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing, you have been hiding it from me for a long time. Your boyfriend is not an ordinary person at all. Tell me quickly, the son of your family?"

Wei Xiaoqing didn't dare to say it, she just said that to prevent Xiaoya from offending Tang Zhong, of course she couldn't expose Tang Zhong, so she shook her head!
"Isn't that the son of that family?" Su Mingya said: "Then he's the second generation of officials. Looking at it like this, his father's status is definitely not ordinary!"

Wei Xiaoqing continued to shake her head, Tang Zhong belonged to the second generation of officials, obviously it was the first generation of soldiers!
"It's not the second generation of officials, but the second generation of riches? The wealth of the family is beyond rival!" Su Mingya said.

Wei Xiaoqing thought about the property of the family, and it seems that the Prince's Association in Beijing is Tang Zhong's property. Although the assets of the Prince's Association are considered medium in the capital, it seems that in Hangzhou, it is an existence that is incomparably rich.

Then nodded.

Su Mingya's eyes lit up: "It's the son of that family, please introduce me quickly!"

"He...he is Prince Huijiang Weiwei's elder brother!" Wei Xiaoqing could only say that, after all, she was pretending to be Tang Zhong's girlfriend now, so she couldn't pass it on.

"What? Jiang Weiwei, my idol, that woman who supported the Prince's Association by herself is really a role model for us women!" Su Mingya said excitedly.

"Yes..." Wei Xiaoqing said.

Then Su Mingya looked at Tang Zhong, her eyes began to change.

And this time.

Luo Shui was still arguing with Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong was still refusing Luoshui's protection.

"I tell you, if we don't protect you, you will die a terrible death!" Luo Shui said.

"will not!"

"To tell you the truth, the one who is going to kill you this time is the killer of the entire China...As far as I know, there are also international killers. They came for a photo, but they learned from Huaxia You are the one who killed, and now you are hiding in Hangcheng, looking for your traces, if you let them find out, you will die a miserable death!" Luo Shui said.

"You mean, they are all here?" Tang Zhong asked suddenly.

"Yes, the killers are here. According to our observations, we found several of them. They all carried knives and various weapons." Luo Shui said, she thought this would scare the other party. I will definitely be obedient.

But who knows, at this time, Tang Zhong laughed: "That's really great!"


Luo Shui felt that he had heard it wrong. What was going on this time in the organization? Why did he protect such a person? Why are the words so funny?A killer came to kill him, and he actually said it was great!
"You must come with us now!" Luo Shui said.

"No need, I can solve it by myself!" Tang Zhong said.

He knew that Li Linglong didn't want him to kill the killer. To Tang Zhong, if someone wanted to kill him, he had to kill him. If he didn't kill him, he would feel uncomfortable.

So, the massacre is really about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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