Chapter 571 The Killing Begins! (Supplement 27)

Tang Zhong didn't plan to say anything more, looked at Luo Shui and said, "If there is nothing else, I'll leave first!"

" have to obey our orders!" Luo Shui said, he had never seen such an arrogant person in the past few years as a police officer.

"Do you know your current situation, many killers are going to kill you, those on the list of killers have come, and following the news reports from Soviet Russia, the number one hitman on the list of killers is also here!" Luo waterway.

She decided to say something to scare the other party, otherwise, the other party would not be so scared.

"Deadshot is good at manipulating any gun, and he hits every shot with a hundred shots. If you really want to compete with him, you may be killed by him without anyone seeing it!" Luo Shui said.

"I also guarantee that if he can't even see my people, I can kill him!" Tang Zhong said.

"You...too arrogant!" Luo Shui trembled angrily.

Why is the task of protecting people this time so difficult!

What is dead shot? The number one killer on the killer list is so arrogant.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

"Go!" Luo Shui ordered.

"You will regret this!"

Then Luoshui led a large group of policemen, turned around and left.

Tang Zhong just smiled and didn't speak.

Luo Shui's move was based on retreat. He thought that Tang Zhong would stop her just as she was about to leave, but that guy didn't. When he reached the door, the policeman next to him said, "Sister Luo, we really don't care about that guy." Yet?"

"How can it be ignored? He's just an arrogant guy. Send someone to watch him. If someone wants to kill him, let that person kill him first, but don't let the killer actually kill him. Just give him a blow!" Luo Shui I still don't believe it, I can't cure a single person today.


A large group of policemen left.

Now Su Mingya's attitude towards Tang Zhong has changed.

Especially knowing that the other party is Jiang Weiwei's brother, Su Mingya admires him even more, he is actually the brother of a strong woman, but if she knows that the person in front of him is Jiang Weiwei's family, she will not know what Su Mingya's expression is up.

"Where is Leifeng Pagoda?" Tang Zhong asked directly.

He completely ignored Su Mingya's question.

"In the southeast direction, where are you going?" Su Mingya asked.

"Kill!" Tang Zhong said.

Then turned around and left.

Su Mingya was stunned for a moment, looked at Tang Zhong far away, and then looked at Wei Xiaoqing next to him: "What nonsense is your boyfriend talking about, how can you kill someone?"

"This... that's how he is!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"If it wasn't because he was Jiang Weiwei's elder brother, I wouldn't be so polite to him. I really thought that he would be great if he had a great sister!" Su Mingya still felt unhappy.

Wei Xiaoqing doesn't even know what to do?

"By the way, Xiaoqing, let's not talk about other things. This time is really unlucky. I originally wanted to bring you to my coffee shop. I didn't expect that such a situation would happen. All plans were disrupted. How about this?" , I will take you to West Lake at night, the West Lake is very beautiful at night!" Su Mingya said.

"Okay!" Wei Xiaoqing of course agreed.

Night will come soon.

The whole city of Hangzhou began to look better.

This was originally a night city, and the neon lights of the city can be seen very bright.

But at this moment, on the ** Pagoda, there is a figure standing, it is Tang Zhong, and he looks forward.

The whole Hangcheng is reflected in his pupils.

Luoshui has told him everything today, and those killers have now reached Hangzhou.

If there is any number one in the killer list, then now is the time for him to make a move.

These killers are here to kill him, so they must not let them go.

Time to start the slaughter.

Immediately, he looked at the top of the ** tower and reached out to grab it.

Forcibly took off the thin part on the top of the gun tower, like a sword, and immediately swept away, and began to feel the murderous aura around it.

Kill all killers.

Then Tang Zhong was like a ghost, shuttling through the city, feeling the murderous aura coming out, as long as he was a killer, he would have a murderous aura on his body.

It's easy to tell.

And this time the targets to be killed are very clear, as long as they are killers, they will all be killed again.

Immediately looking at the city in the distance, the whole person jumped into the air, as if doing it lightly.

In a residential area, a child was playing at home, and when he saw Tang Zhong flashing past the window, he screamed, "Mom, Spider-Man, I saw Spider-Man!"

In the other room, the lights have been turned off, and from time to time, uh... uh, the sound of rapid breathing can be heard, and a pair of men can be seen working hard on the bed. At this time, the man changed his posture, but Just looking at the window, he saw Tang Zhong who was flashing past him. The moment he was frightened, his younger brother turned into a little younger brother, and he shot him straight away.

"Wife...wife... let me's Superman!"

"Fuck, you're making excuses for your premature ejaculation again, trash!"

It was Tang Zhong passing by.

Now he is holding the spire of Leifeng Tower in his hand, and his eyes are fixed on a hotel, which has the murderous look of a killer.

Directly volleying towards the glass on the fifteenth floor, a sword pierced through it.

The glass curtain wall was directly pierced through, and the sound of crackling glass sounded.

At this moment, on the big bed in the hotel, a man was holding a black gun in his arms. Hearing the sound, the killer's vigilance made him immediately open his eyes.

But I only saw a black shadow flashing in front of my eyes, and then a sharp pain came.

A sharp object was stabbed into his chest, he looked down and was completely shocked, how could he not recognize that this was the top of Leifeng Pagoda.

" is this possible?"

Pfft, the spire was pulled out, and a big hole appeared in his heart, and then the whole person fell directly to the ground, dying with regret.

Tang Zhong killed someone and jumped out from the broken entrance.


This is the first killer he has killed, and the second is coming soon.

At this moment, in a hospital, a doctor in a white robe is on duty in the office. When he gets to the computer, if he looks at the computer screen, he will find that it is the content of the killer forum, that is to say, this doctor is the killer.

But suddenly, behind him, a spire fell from the sky, and the doctor was directly beaten into a pile of meat.

the second!
Die in the bathroom.

And as a fitness trainer.

They died one by one.

Killers are impossible for ordinary people to discover. They have been hiding their aura and hiding in the city as ordinary people.

This time, they came to kill Tang Zhong, but they underestimated Tang Zhong.

In the entire city of Hangzhou, tonight is destined to be a killer's nightmare day!

They came to kill, but now, they fell to the scene where they were killed instead.

But Tang Zhong will not be satisfied, because there is no one on the killer list yet!

(No more. Get up tomorrow morning)

(End of this chapter)

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